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Sunday, March 29, 2015

Blog Tour: FUEL the FIRE by Krista and Becca Ritchie + Character Interview + GIVEAWAY

I am so hyper right now!!! Why you ask?? Because it's now my turn to post the character interview I requested for the Fuel the Fire blog tour!! It's been what? 5 months since Addicted After All was released and I am so ready for another Addicted book!! I'm having withdrawals and I need my fix!!! The character interview is the next big thing in seeing the Addicted gang again and seeing them talk, banter, and bicker with one another does things to my heart!!

But before we go into that, do you know that today is a special day?? YES YES YES!! This is a very special day most esp. to Fizzle Force because......... drum roll pls!!! 

Happy Happy Birthday Krista and Becca!! 
*throws confetti and lights the fireworks

Wish you more books to write and more stories to tell!! Never stop dreaming and living the dream. Please don't stop the passion to write. We'll be here beside you to cheer you on! Love love the two of you!! *tackle and bear hugs

Now head over to the Fizzle Force Group or their FB Page and greet them. Then come back here to read the Character Interview which is really fantastic since Timo and John from their standalone novel Amour Amour did the interviewing!!! 

Warning though. The interview has lots of spoilers so if you haven't read Addicted After All, stop right there and turn your back!


Title: Fuel the Fire
Authors: Krista & Becca Ritchie
Series: Calloway Sisters #3
Pub Date: April 3rd, 2015

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Protect your family. At all costs.

It’d take the impossible to hurt Connor Cobalt, even for a moment.

Protect your family. At all costs. 

At twenty-six, his narcissistic tendencies have made room for the people he loves.

Protect your family. At all costs.

And he loves Rose. But when his love is threatened, when his greatest dreams with her are compromised — what is the cost then?

Protect your family. At all costs.

Love will guide his choices.

For the first time in his life.



Loren, Lily, Connor, Rose, Ryke and Daisy from the Addicted Series

Interviewers: John and Timo from the romance book Amour Amour

Timo, an 18-year-old Vegas aerialist from the cirque show Amour, and John, a 25-year-old Vegas blackjack dealer. As fans of the Calloways, they’ve been asked to interview them inside a Hale Co. conference room.

Timo: Is it bright in this room to anyone? *tries to take off his sunglasses and squints*
John: *shuffles through interview questions* It’s called a hangover—which is your body’s way of saying fuck you, don’t do this to me again. And yet, you’ll stupidly repeat this tomorrow.
Timo: Nah, old man. My body loves me. *puts his sunglasses back on and leans back in his chair*
John: *rolls his eyes* I’m not apologizing for anything he does during this interview.
Timo: You do you. I do me.

*The Addicted gang (Loren, Lily, Ryke, Daisy, Connor and Rose) walk in the conference room and take a seat across from Timo & John*

Timo: So Loren & Lily, how’s married life?
John: Horrible, I suspect.
Loren: *glares* I’m married to my best friend. Why would that be horrible? *turns to Lily* These are fans, right?
Lily: *nods repeatly* Yeah, that’s what our publicist said…
John: I just meant in general. Most marriages fail. The statistics are absurdly high.
Loren: Huh. *looks him over*
Timo: Disregarding the stats, is there any difference now that you two are married and when you’re not? Or is it all still the same as before?
Lily: *looks to Lo* It’s about the same, right? Except the rings, I guess…and the taxes.
Loren: Yeah, we’ve been living with each other for so long that this feels the same as before. 

Timo: John isn’t really into babies, but I want to know if the kid has done something cool yet? Like a somersault or a cartwheel.
Lily: Uh…he’s not even a year old yet. *whispers to Lo* he’s not supposed to be doing somersaults this young, right?
Loren: *smiles* no, love.
Timo: Damn. Nothing?
John: Lower your expectations, Timo.
Ryke: *lets out an irritated sound* Did someone piss in this guy’s fucking Cheerios this morning?
Timo: Me. Every morning.

John: I have one. Loren, now that you’re in corporate America, what’s your plan to run your other comic book business? That sounds stressful.
Loren: I can manage.
John: That’s it? No plan?
Loren: You know, most people are starstruck when they meet us.
Timo: He thinks that the celebrities have a way of disappointing you once you meet them.
Ryke: So that’s why he’s being a fucking ass?
John: No, I’m sadly just an ass.

John:  So I saw that YouTube clip of you two kissing *gestures to Connor & Loren* was that your first guy-on-guy kiss?
Timo: I thought it was pretty cute.
Loren: *opens his mouth to answer*


Timo: Bunch of stiffs, Jesus. Okay, I have one. *straightens in chair* Superheroes & Scones sounds pretty cool, but there aren’t any in Vegas. Any plans to expand the comic book store?
Lily: Not yet. We’re more focused on Halway Comics than expanding Superheroes & Scones…as of right now though.

John: You two going to break up? *gestures to Ryke and Daisy* I’m just curious.
Timo: I’ve heard talks of it somewhere…maybe Celebrity Crush or something. 
Ryke: And a fucking tabloid already said I died yesterday.
Loren: *laughs* Look at that, bro. You’re either alive or your bushy-eyebrowed ghost is haunting us.
Ryke: Fuck off.
Daisy: *mock gasps* Ryke has eyebrows? When did this happen?
*everyone laughs*

Timo: This isn’t my question. It’s my little sister’s. She really loves all of you, so if you flake on any of the others, I don’t care, just try on this one. *lifts his sunglasses up and reads off a paper* She wants you to describe your current relationship right now in 5 words.
Loren: Best thing I ever had.
Lily: *smiles* Magical, every day with Lo.
Ryke: *nudges Daisy* What do you say, Calloway?
Daisy: *nudges Ryke with a growing smile* What do you say, babe?
Rose: That was cheating.
Loren: That’s your relationship, Queen Rose? That was cheating*whistles* sounds fucking weird to me.
Rose: *glares* No, Loren. I was talking about Ryke and Daisy. This is for Timo’s little sister. We should at least try. And “that was cheating” is only 3 words, not 5.
Loren: *looks to Connor* I have 5 words if I was in your relationship. “Jesus Christ, kill me now.
Connor: It’d be more efficient to direct that to me, and no I’m not ever killing you.
Rose: *looks to Connor* Are you killing me?
Lily: *raises hand* Why is there murder at this table all of a sudden?
Loren: ‘cause Rose is part demon.
Connor: *grins at Rose* 5 words: I would never harm you.
Rose: *raises her chin and looks at his lips* stop grinning like that, Richard. *swats his arm with the back of her hand.*
Connor: *laughs* those 5 words are perfect, darling.
Rose: …that was five?

John: This is directed to Connor and Rose…have you seen your own sex tapes?
Timo: *whispers* John.
John: What? I thought they were well-done—though the quality could’ve been better, no offense. *raises hands in defense*
Rose: *looks to Connor*
Connor: *looks to Rose*
Loren: Next question *snaps his fingers* come on.

Timo: Let’s say you all did another truth or dare—would there ever be a scenario where Ryke kisses Connor?


Timo: *puts his sunglasses back on* your publicist is a stiff.
Lily: *reddens*
Loren: Not that kind of stiff, love. *smiles wide*
Lily: *whispers* I know. I just…that word reminds me of boners.
Daisy: *overhears* Me too, Lily.
Timo: So Rose Calloway and Loren Hale are working together—how’s that going for you two? You always seemed to be fighting in Princesses of Philly, so I keep picturing like Project Runway cat fights and glitter bombs.
John: *shakes his head over and over*
Rose: It’s not ideal.
Loren: It’s like hell.
Rose: Loren knows a lot about hell. He grew up there.
Loren: Says the girl who likes to light shit on fire.
Rose: *hair flip*
Loren: She just hair-flipped me, didn’t she?

John: I can name a thousand things the population should do-over and make better. For one, whoever invented an umbrella needs to go back to the drawing board. They either snap backwards in point-two-fucking seconds or drizzle on the person next to you.
Timo: Seems like you’ve been unfairly Umbrella-drizzled, John. This sounds personal. 
John: *glares* How’s that hangover?
Connor: What’s the question?
John: If given a chance for a do-over, what would you change in your lives?
Loren: *grimaces* I don’t like this one.
Lily: *softly* me either.
Connor: I wouldn’t change anything.
Rose: Same.
Daisy: I would change not eating that donut in the Hale Co. break room out there. That looked pretty good.
Ryke: Which one?
Daisy: The chocolate one with sprinkles.
Ryke: *nods to John* I’d probably change waiting to meet my brother. It took me too fucking long.

*Ryke is gone*
Timo: Okay last one. Would you all rather have trust funds but all your significant others are with other people…or would you rather be poor but you know, in the same relationships.
Connor: I’d be poor, in the same relationship, and then work my way up the corporate ladder again.
Rose: You can’t amend the “would you rather”—that is cheating.
Connor: I won’t ever amend yours, Rose. How about that?
Rose: I believe you, and I’d choose the same with or without your amendment.  
Lily: I don’t need to be rich, but I need Lo.
Loren: That was really poetic, love. *kisses her cheek* I feel the same.
*Ryke returns and has a donut wrapped in a napkin, hands it to Daisy*
Ryke: *whispers to Daisy* What’s the question?
Daisy: *looks through the donut* Who has the best eyehole?
Ryke: Cute, Calloway *pushes the donut at her face and chocolate icing gets on her nose*
Daisy: We don’t need any money, do we? *smiles as she licks her fingers*
Ryke: *stares at her longingly and then licks the icing off her nose before kissing her lips*
Timo: Hot damn.
John: *sighs exhaustedly* Are we done with this tragedy yet?

OMG! That was so much fun!! After reading this interview, I feel like I need more. I so miss these guys!!! *wails.. I wish I can unread all those books including Amour Amour so I can read them all over again *sniff... Fortunately, Fuel the Fire is releasing this Friday. Yes F-R-I-D-A-Y!! Can you believe that?? Not so long now. Yeyyyyy!! *happy dance and squealing like a banshee

Don't forget to join the rafflecopter below for a chance to win $100 Amazon GC and paperbacks of FTF. And check out all those newly released audiobooks. Links are posted below!

Addicted Series Recommended Reading Order 

Addicted to You (Addicted #1) Lily’s POV
Goodreads │ Amazon │ B&N │ Kobo │ iBooks │ Audiobook

Ricochet (Addicted #1.5) Full length companion story

Goodreads │ Amazon │ B&N │ Kobo │ iBooks │ Audiobook

Addicted for Now (Addicted #2) Lily & Lo’s POV

Goodreads │ Amazon │ B&N │ Kobo │ iBooks │ Audiobook

Kiss the Sky (Spin-Off) (Calloway Sisters #1) (Addicted #2.1) Rose & Connor’s POV

My Review │ Goodreads │ Amazon │ B&N │ Kobo │ iBooks │ Audiobook

Hothouse Flower (Spin-Off) (Calloway Sisters #2) (Addicted #2.2) Daisy & Ryke’s POV

 My Review │ Goodreads │ Amazon │ B&N │ Kobo │ iBooks │ Audiobook

Thrive (Addicted #2.5) Lily & Lo’s POV

My Review │Goodreads │ Amazon │ B&N │ Kobo │ iBooks │ Audiobook

Addicted after All (Addicted #3) Lily & Lo’s POV

My Review │ Goodreads │ Amazon │ B&N │ Kobo │ iBook │ Audiobook

Fuel the Fire (Spin-Off) (Calloway Sisters #3) (Addicted #3.1) 
Rose & Connor’s POV
My Review │ Goodreads │ Amazon │ B&N │ Kobo │ iBooks │ Audiobook

Long Way Down (Spin-Off) (Calloway Sisters #4) (Addicted #3.2) coming 2015

My Review │ Goodreads  Amazon │ B&N │ Kobo │ iBooks │ Audiobook

** Other Book by KBRitchie **

Amour Amour (Standalone)
My Review │ Goodreads │ Amazon │ B&N

of the Addicted Series

Krista & Becca Ritchie are identical twins—one a science nerd, the other a comic book geek—but with their shared passion for writing, they combined their mental powers as kids and have never stopped telling stories. Now in their early twenties, they write about other twenty-somethings navigating through life, college, and romance. They love superheroes, flawed characters, and soul mate love.

They are the New Adult authors of the Addicted series and Calloway Sisters spin-off series, and you can find them on almost every social media, frolicking around like wannabe unicorns.


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$100 Amazon Gift Card
3 Signed Paperbacks of FUEL THE FIRE


  1. First, happy 24th birthday to Krista and Becca!! All the best for both of you and more books to come. Now, the interview was a fascinating read and so much fun! Holding huge giveaways like these are a bonus to us, readers who love KB's books by a mile. Good luck to everyone who's joining and my fingers are crossed. Thank you for the chance.


  3. OMG, his is the best post of the tour yet!!
    It was so much fun hahah.. LOVED IT.
    John is the best "Are we done with this tragedy yet?" LOL

    Beatrix @ Way Too Hot Books

  4. Epic character interview! Absolutely love that we got some more Timo and John too <3

  5. This was so much fun! I loved seeing John and Lo together. Can't wait for FTF!

  6. Eeeeep!!!!!! That last paragraph of answers was hella cute :') how I've missed the Amour Amour gang in addition to the constant heartache of missing my fav Calloways and their significant others. Thanks so much for sharing, Lanie!

  7. Great interview, can't wait for this book :D

  8. Darn you Corbin Nery from stopping all those answers xD I LOVED THIS POST LANIE. I laughed so hard while reading John and Timo's questions. Thanks for sharing <3 <3

  9. Great interview!! It's great to have the characters interact!

  10. lol - I love John! I love them all, but I really love John.

  11. Oh I miss John and Timo, this was perfect!!

  12. Amazing interview. I love character interviews they're so much fun. Love these ladies too!

  13. Love! Love! Love!

  14. New authors to me and i love the look of this book, Thank you for the chance.

  15. What an astounding giveaway! It couldn't get any better than this. The character interview was hilarious, they're so adorable. I hope Krista and Becca had an awesome birthday! Kudos to this massive giveaway and all of you who made this happen.

  16. That was awesome! I miss Timo and John. Lily and Lo were as adorable as ever.
    She wants you to describe your current relationship right now in 5 words.
    Loren: Best thing I ever had.

  17. Fantastic giveaway! This series is on my tbr list!

  18. Can't wait to read this!! Thank you very much for sharing today!!

  19. I am so excited for this book! I am really hoping that after the Addicted series is finished, Krista and Becca will do series for the Amour Amour characters.

  20. I love the character interview! Thank you for the chance!

  21. Dying to read this book!!!

  22. Love love LOVE this series and I really enjoyed the character interview!!! :D ♥

  23. "Best thing I ever had"
    the power of LiLo <3

  24. Thanks for the great giveaway. I LOVE Connor and Rose. <3

  25. Maria Theresa SantosApril 13, 2015 at 10:49 PM

    i love the book

  26. omg you guys are hilarious! Thanks for the post! =D

  27. all men look great in suits!, great excerpt too!

  28. Happy belated birthday! Great post! Thanks.

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