Title: Amour Amour
Authors: Krista & Becca Ritchie
Standalone New Adult Romance
Pub Date: December 12th, 2014
Love is a circus
"Every day,” he says lowly, “I hold a person’s life in my hands. The circus is based one-hundred percent off trust. I give it all to someone, and they give it all to me.”
The best aerial technique won’t land 21-year-old Thora James her dream role in Amour—a sexy new acrobatic show on the Vegas strip. Thora knows she’s out of her element the second she meets Amour’s leading performer. Confident, charming and devilishly captivating, 26-year-old Nikolai Kotova lives up to his nickname as the “God of Russia.”
When Thora unknowingly walks into the crosshairs of Nikolai’s after-show, her audition process begins way too soon. Unprofessional. That’s what Nik calls their “non-existent” relationship. It’s not like Thora can avoid him. For one, they may be partners in the future--acrobatic partners, that is. But getting closer to Nik means diving deeper into sin city and into his dizzying world.
Thora wants to perform with him, but when someone like Nikolai attracts the spotlight wherever he goes—Thora fears that she’s destined to be just background to his spellbinding show.
This sexy and exhilarating New Adult Romance can best be described as Cirque du Soleil meets the steamy, athletic romance of Center Stage.
*standalone & no love triangles—recommended for readers 18+ for mature content*
"Every day,” he says lowly, “I hold a person’s life in my hands. The circus is based one-hundred percent off trust. I give it all to someone, and they give it all to me.”
The best aerial technique won’t land 21-year-old Thora James her dream role in Amour—a sexy new acrobatic show on the Vegas strip. Thora knows she’s out of her element the second she meets Amour’s leading performer. Confident, charming and devilishly captivating, 26-year-old Nikolai Kotova lives up to his nickname as the “God of Russia.”
When Thora unknowingly walks into the crosshairs of Nikolai’s after-show, her audition process begins way too soon. Unprofessional. That’s what Nik calls their “non-existent” relationship. It’s not like Thora can avoid him. For one, they may be partners in the future--acrobatic partners, that is. But getting closer to Nik means diving deeper into sin city and into his dizzying world.
Thora wants to perform with him, but when someone like Nikolai attracts the spotlight wherever he goes—Thora fears that she’s destined to be just background to his spellbinding show.
This sexy and exhilarating New Adult Romance can best be described as Cirque du Soleil meets the steamy, athletic romance of Center Stage.
*standalone & no love triangles—recommended for readers 18+ for mature content*
“But I’ve found
the truest form of love,” he tells me. “It’s two loves that can live in
harmony.” He looks down at me.
I stare up at him.
My heart on an ascent.
“The circus and
you,” he whispers, “amour amour.”
Two loves. Two
passions. At perfect balance.
I finally feel it
I LOVE LOVE THORALAI!! They are my new OTP.
Oh God! These twins are really something else!! It's been over a week since I read this book and I still have a book hangover! The burning desire to read is gone grrrrrrr! As in nada .. :( I can't pick up another book to read. So I read it again last night, and damn! Methinks this hangover is here to stay and not going away anytime soon (waaaaaa!)
Amour Amour is a new book released by Krista and Becca. It's very different from their Addicted Series. It doesn't have the angst like that of LiLo's books. It's fun to read and very light-hearted with a very unique setting. The backdrop of this romance novel is the circus! Yep, think of Cirque du Soleil. Amazing right?
Meet Nikolai Kotova, a six-five foot Russian-American athlete. From that description alone, it can be said that he's impressive. Well, he is!! Not only in physique but in character as well. He's an alpha male and his over-protectiveness comes from his deep love for his family and of those he consider as such. He's extremely talented, and confident but does not have that cocky attitude of a smug bastard which is really refreshing if I may say so. He's very truthful with his words, passionate with what he does, has a fun side when he's not working. And best of all, the best brother and boyfriend anyone can have!
As a hero, he is easy to love and I may have swooned so many times over his sexiness. The first time he and Thora met, OMG! That was insane LOL. And that dressing room scene, OH MY LAWD! The things he will sacrifice for the one he loves .... MAJOR SWOOONNNN! He definitely made it to my list of fictional book boyfriends!
“I’d help you every day so that you
could see a better tomorrow. I will never give you less than that.”
“Am I a mistake—”
“No, myshka. You’re just the
unexpected, beautiful thing in my life.”
Meet Thora James, a five feet two gymnast and a college student. Her dream is to land a role in one of the prestigious circus company which has an on-going performances in one of the hotels in Vegas. Gawdddd, I AM SO IN LOVE WITH THORA! She's not perfect, oh no! She actually refers to herself as average. Not that she's not confident on who she is and what she does. It's just that, well she is really just an average girl. She's not even the best in her field. She's not the gorgeous girl-next-door that will turn heads. Some of the descriptions of her are "she's cute and that's something you tell to an unsexy friend" and "not hot enough to land a waitressing job in Vegas".
What is very endearing and lovable about her is her determination to reach her goals and succeed on what she wants to do. Her passion is so admirable. At an early age, she already knows what she desires. So when an opportunity came up, she dropped all things and hightailed to where her dreams could become a reality. Even though she failed, she did not give up. She's so focused on her objective and she's willing to do anything to achieve her ambition. She is one brave girl and I LOVE HER. I want to become BFFs with her!
“Whatever passion you’ve ever
encountered in your life, you use it now, Thora,”
Another thing that made me love her is her inner monologues. Gosh, she's so funny and hilarious I may have cracked up every time she's speaking internally. Her character is so realistic that I know many would be able to identify with her. Her mantra when faced with something she's not sure of, though lame and cliche, is very encouraging. I have to admit I also do that sometimes when faced with a challenging situation. Her willingness to work hard to attain her aspirations is captivating.
These two main characters are so pleasant and delicious to read. Yes, I said delicious because their chemistry had surpassed the scale! Ugh, the sexual tension OH MY GOODNESS.....I may have screamed "Please have sex already!" at one point. I did this internally of course LOL. Have you ever heard of AERIAL SEX? Only KB would be able to come up with that term!
If you've read the Addicted Series, you already know that KB's books not only deal with the major characters but also with the minor ones. Amour Amour is no different. Here, we not only see glimpses of them but a possible story has been opened for possible spin offs. I WOULD LOVE A SPIN OFF!! Need I say that the Kotovas is an interesting bunch? The relatives and friends of both Nik and Thora are treated with absolute care that I can't imagine this book without them. You will not only enjoy how they were portrayed but it is possible to fall in love and root for some pairings.
And the references.... no I can't even %%*^*(&)(*^&*^ See, I'm not coherent!! My fangirl self has been somersaulting back and forth and my pompoms have been in the air frequently because ..... just because!!! LMAO. You will see what I mean when you read this awesomazing novel. Well, that is, if you're a fan of KB of course. There is a major collision of fictional realm here!!!!!
The research for this book is astounding! The acrobatic moves and acts, the apparatuses mentioned in the book, the over-all circus feel is so unmistakable. Hats off to KB for a job well done!
You can do this, Thora James. Climb
this fucking pole.
A passing couple
gives me the stink-eye for commandeering a table all to myself. Sorry. I’m
waiting for someone. I doubt that I channel the apology through my face.
Scowling. I’ve been scowling this whole time.
Resting Bitch Face fail.
I train my eyes on
his face, not on his dick. But he briefly looks to me like he knows that I’m
thinking about it. Of course I am. I’m sure if the carpet had eyes, it’d be
fixated on his cock too.
These two main characters are so pleasant and delicious to read. Yes, I said delicious because their chemistry had surpassed the scale! Ugh, the sexual tension OH MY GOODNESS.....I may have screamed "Please have sex already!" at one point. I did this internally of course LOL. Have you ever heard of AERIAL SEX? Only KB would be able to come up with that term!
If you've read the Addicted Series, you already know that KB's books not only deal with the major characters but also with the minor ones. Amour Amour is no different. Here, we not only see glimpses of them but a possible story has been opened for possible spin offs. I WOULD LOVE A SPIN OFF!! Need I say that the Kotovas is an interesting bunch? The relatives and friends of both Nik and Thora are treated with absolute care that I can't imagine this book without them. You will not only enjoy how they were portrayed but it is possible to fall in love and root for some pairings.
And the references.... no I can't even %%*^*(&)(*^&*^ See, I'm not coherent!! My fangirl self has been somersaulting back and forth and my pompoms have been in the air frequently because ..... just because!!! LMAO. You will see what I mean when you read this awesomazing novel. Well, that is, if you're a fan of KB of course. There is a major collision of fictional realm here!!!!!
The research for this book is astounding! The acrobatic moves and acts, the apparatuses mentioned in the book, the over-all circus feel is so unmistakable. Hats off to KB for a job well done!
It is no secret that I am partial with these two authors. Hell, I may be biased but I only speak the truth. I have read hundreds of books and it seems so many plots have been explored already. If you want a distinctive, pleasurable and geez-can-this-be-a-series-pls-pls-i-love-it-so-much-i-want-to-read-more book, eherm *cough *cough, Amour Amour is THAT BOOK!! So go ahead and one-click this baby!!
5 Fairy Wings
If I can only pluck the wings of the other fairies so I can add them here in my rating I would. But since there's only 5 fairy wings, this would have to suffice.

When KB announced this new book and they described it as "The sexy and exhilarating New Adult Romance can best be described as Cirque du Soleil meets the steamy, athletic romance of Center Stage", I researched for videos of Cirque du Soleil. And man, I got obsessed!! I may have watched several shows over and over again. And that's how I came up with this book trailer.
Krista & Becca Ritchie are identical twins—one a science nerd, the other a comic book geek—but with their shared passion for writing, they combined their mental powers as kids and have never stopped telling stories. Now in their early twenties, they write about other twenty-somethings navigating through life, college, and romance. They love superheroes, flawed characters, and soul mate love.
They are the New Adult authors of the Addicted series and Calloway Sisters spin-off series, and you can find them on almost every social media, frolicking around like wannabe unicorns.
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