Hello everyone! It's been a long time!
This is the Dragon Fairy and I am back with a list!
This is the Dragon Fairy and I am back with a list!
One of the things that I always look up in a blog site or Goodreads is the section for list of books for whatever category, whether it’s the top 10 (or 100) best books out there or anticipated books of the year or best alpha hero or best ^&$*%* …. (everything has to be the best, eh?)
Anyways, why?
Let me list down MY reasons!
2. It condenses a genre or topic into a short list. Yup, I am guilty of just checking out the first 10 books listed.
3. The header is catchy that I just have to read the list! For example: 10 hottest sex scenes in Historical Romance book. <-- Wouldn't you want to read this?
We all know that creating a list is subjective. One person’s list of best may not be another person’s best, however, we continue to read (or skim) them in the hopes that we can find another new good, great book(s) even, to read.
I mean, if it’s on someone’s list, it might be good, right?
Here in the fairy court, we endeavor to bring you some of our lists as well. We hope that when you check them out, you’ll find something new that will you make fall more in love with reading.
Oldies but Goodies List
These books maybe old (well, 2010 and prior) but their impact to me (dragonfairy) created my craving for more books from the same author, to the extent that I devoured their past - unread - books without regards for my health. Sleep is for the weak, yo!

Linda Howard’s Duncan’s Bride
Prior to reading this book, I have read some of LH romantic-suspense books and found them…okay. They are what I call readable (easy to read, brain-candy, etc.) but don’t really bring anything new to the table. However, everything changed when I read this book.
In Sherlock – Bernard Cumberbatch’s voice - Madelyn is THE WOMAN.
Published in 1990, (a mail-order bride in 21st century? I don’t think so!), the plot is something you will only find in a romance novel. Regardless, the lead protagonist, Madelyn, is someone I want to emulate in real life. Calm, compassionate, caring, strong, stubborn, logical, good with trivia…. the list goes on.
I didn't really like how the book ended (I want more groveling from Reese!) but all in all I rate this book 5 fairy wings just for Madelyn alone.
Lisa Kleypas - Love in the Afternoon
By the time this book was released, I have already read almost all of LK’s HR books. This book was published when LK was already writing contemporary romances ... and succeeding. Some authors do not fare well when they change genres (*cough* JulieGarwood *cough*), so I was not expecting a great book. Much to my delight, this book proved to be my best LK’s HR book.
An eccentric heroine, a tortured hero, a love born from their souls reaching out to each other. PERFECT!! 5 fairy wings!!!
Lisa Kleypas - Smooth Talking Stranger
I know I am cheating, listing 2 books from the same author. In my defense, these 2 books belong to different genres. Also, I'm thinking... maybe you don’t like to read HR, so I’m giving you a chance to read an LK book in another genre.
Needless to say, the author is that AWESOME. Okay, enough defending.
Why do you have to read this book? JACK TRAVIS.
What is this book about? JACK TRAVIS (I think there was a plot as well…but…).
What can you say about the book? JACK TRAVIS (wipes drool).

Sandra Brown – Envy
I started reading Sandra Brown when I was still in the university. I mostly love her contemporary romance (read: Harlequin) books and kind of read her romantic suspense books just because I know she can deliver good if not great books.
In Envy, I discovered a different Sandra Brown. This book just grabbed my attention from the get go.
Greed. Revenge. Truth.
Envy is such a compelling read that I compare other romantic-suspense books (including LH’s books) to this book and found them lacking.
5 fairy wings again!
What I am happy about, like Kleypas, Brown continues to write great books up to now.

Karen Robards – One Summer
This book was my first introduction to several things:
• A teacher-student relationship (though the relationship happened when said student was already an adult).
• An older woman-younger man relationship
• An ex-convict and a pillar of community pairing
Yes, I admit, I pretty much read straight forward love story before this, those not touching taboo subjects. So I guess dipping on undiscovered territory, this book definitely made an impact to me.
I continue to read (and re-read) books written by the above authors. My taste and rating of those books might have changed as time goes by, but the above books continue to hold a special place in my heart.
Dragon Fairy – a little bit neurotic and probably have multiple personalities. Talking to herself is part of her life (goodness I’m talking about myself in the 3rd person!) so don’t be surprised if most of her review contains unnecessary ramblings and contradictory sentences. It’s just her other personalities voicing their own opinion/s.
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