Take Them By Storm (Angel Island #3)
by Marie Landry
Release Date: 01/06/15
Summary from Goodreads:
book is a standalone companion novel to Waiting for the Storm and After
the Storm. The books do not need to be read together or in order, but
please note that this synopsis contains mild spoilers for After the
Sadie Fitzgerald has always been different, and not just because she makes her
own clothes and would rather stay home watching Doctor Who than party with kids
her age. When it’s time to leave Angel Island for college, Sadie is eager to
put her old life behind her. Small-minded people and rumors have plagued her
for years, but with the love of her adoptive family, the O’Dells, Sadie has
learned to embrace who she is. Now she’s not afraid to admit the rumors about
her are true: she’s gay.
For the first time in her life, Sadie feels free to be herself. She dives into
college life and begins volunteering at the local LGBT center, where she
discovers her small-town upbringing left holes in her education about life
outside Angel Island.
The world is a bigger and more accepting place than Sadie ever imagined. She’s
finally found where she belongs, but with the reappearance of someone from her
past, an unexpected new friendship, and a chance at love, Sadie soon realizes
she still has a lot to learn about life, friendship, and love.

About the Author
Marie Landry is the author of BLUE SKY DAYS (contemporary YA—January 2012), THE GAME CHANGER (women's fiction—November 2012), WAITING FOR THE STORM (contemporary YA—April 2013), and THE MOST WONDERFUL TIME OF THE YEAR (a new adult holiday novella-November 2013). Marie has always been a daydreamer; since early childhood, she's had a passion for words and a desire to create imaginary worlds, so it only seemed natural for her to become a writer. She resides in Ontario, Canada, and most days you can find her writing, reading, blogging about writing and reading, listening to U2, wandering around with a camera in her hand, watching copious amounts of TV on DVD, or having grand adventures with her nephews and niece.
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