Storm, Sophia Davis, is working on Tequila 10 special operative team for the government. The team has special abilities. The notorious half century old prophesy hasn’t been fulfilled. Storm is waiting for her Chosen to show up to bond her soul and heart. Phantom is oblivious of his true nature or his destiny. He lives life staying in the dark, silently observing the world turn. He feels that he’s never truly fit or felt at home anywhere. He feels his life is a phantom of what life should be. Storm and Phantom are on a mission to gather intel. They’re destined to cross paths and are immediately thrown into a tornado of love, truths, and passions. Are they destined to merge as one?
Storm walks into the building looking for the apartment number. Ok I’m taking the stairs because I’m too anxious to wait for the elevator. I need to get inside the apartment, she thinks. Storm races up the stairs in no time. She strides down the hallway to the end and stops at number 310. She inserts the key and walks in. Storm turns to close the door and locks it. She inhales deeply; she instantly smells the steaks as she walks inside the apartment. I wonder if Phantom is here. Ok, it smells delicious in here.
My entire body is on fire, omg. This heat is getting worse. She pulls up her hair, fanning herself with her hand. I wonder if I’m going to be able to work. Hmm, it smells like steak and something very, very delicious, she thinks. Storm looks around the living room and walks further in. She turns to look at the furniture. She throws her bag on the sofa, nodding. Hell yes, it’s nice for being small. I think that Phantom is here and cooking. Damn, what a wonderful boyfriend I have, she thinks, grinning. She pulls up her hair, fanning herself. Oh gawd, I’m dying. She opens up her shirt a little more. “Babe, I’m home,” yells Storm.
She walks to the kitchen, smiling. Huh, Babe? Yeah, she’s insane, he thinks. He shakes his head and turns off the water. He turns to greet her. Hell! She’s beautiful and insanely sexy. Oh wow, she totally turns me on, he thinks. He blinks with surprise. Damn, I don’t usually react instantly and with this intensity to women. He shifts to relieve his aching cock. He leans against the counter. His button up shirt, last two buttons are unbuttoned, the shirt flaps open as he crosses his arms.
Storm stops dead in her tracks. Her smile turns to surprise and pleasure. Omg, omg the scent is him. My Chosen! Oh yeah, it’s him! I love his scent and I’m so ready for him, she thinks. She closes her eyes and inhales deeply, with pleasure. Yep, he’s my mate and he’s simply scrumptious. I’ve never smelled anything like his scent. Yep, he’s made for me, only me. He’s totally mine. I’m thrilled that finally I found him. I thought he wasn’t here on earth, she thinks. Storm is mystified and she reads him. Omg, he doesn’t have a clue about being a were-wolf, being the Chosen, and about me. Damn, Fierce did this. He’s known all along. No wonder he winked this morning. He’s never winked at me before, she thinks, irritated.
Phantom runs his eyes down her beautiful toned body and then back up to her exquisite face. Oh wow, she’s pissed? She was happy a few minutes ago. What’s up, he thinks.
Phantom blinks, he observes her facial expressions. Damn it, what am I going to do? Oh yeah, I see that Phantom’s body will revive. His scrumptious body has started to revive to its true form. Oh damn, but he doesn’t know he’s a were-wolf. Damn it, she thinks. She looks at Phantom's gorgeous face and runs her eyes down his huge body. Damn, I love his beautiful blue eyes. He’s wearing a nice trimmed goatee. She reads him. Oh, he’s trying to hide his dimple. I can’t wait to see it. Oh yeah, he’s gorgeous everywhere. Hmmm, he looks like he’s ready for me and I’m not going to be able to keep off him for long, she thinks. Storm bites her lower lip, moaning with need. She rests her hands on her hips. She squeezes her hips, trying to keep her hands under control. “Hello Storm, I’ve made us an early lunch,” says Phantom.
He narrows his eyes to look at her. Her thin silk shirt clings to every curve. She has full firm breasts and a small waist with nice hips. Damn I can see her breasts swell. Hell, her nipples are nice and tight. Damn, her smell is exquisite. Uh, she’s driving me insane, he thinks. Storm takes a deep breath, closes her eyes, nodding with pleasure. “It smells delicious and I’m starving. I could really devour you right now,” says Storm. Hmmm, she can anytime she wants, thinks Phantom, grinning. I wonder if she’s aware of what she said. “Darlin Storm, I don’t have any issues with that. I’m ready when you are,” replies Phantom. His body is wakening up to his true nature. Phantom closes his eyes. He takes a swift deep breath and breaths in her scent. His cock instantly gets harder and weeps. Oh hell, I can smell her arousal, her need. Her scent is driving me insane. I’ve never reacted to any women scent like this. I’m so aware of her delicious sweet scent, he thinks. Damn, I have to control myself. I don’t want to cause any issues here with my work associate.
Phantom takes a deep breath, trying to take control of his body. He quickly regrets it as he feels out of control and crazy with need. Oh yes, he smells my scent. He smells my heat, my arousal. He’s fighting this, she thinks. Storm observes Phantom’s face. She sees him struggle with these intense emotions. She looks down at his crotch. Hmmm, his cock looks delicious peeking out of his waist. I wonder if he’s aware of this. Oh damn, I can’t wait to love him and feel his cock deep inside my aching pussy, she thinks, moaning. She bites her lower lip, trying to control her moans. She pulls her hair up and with her hand she fans herself. “Uh, Phantom the steaks are burning,” whispers Storm.
“So am I.” Phantom swears and turns around to take the pan off the burner. He quickly takes the tongs and places the steaks on each plate. He shakes his head with frustration. I need to take a shower, I’m burning up. I just met her and I don’t see how she would agree to make love. Huh, make love? Oh yeah, sweet intense love, he thinks, nodding. Phantom turns to get some water from the sink to splash it on his face. Uh, did I hear her correctly? She’s burning up? Oh gawd, I’m going crazy. I’m hearing wrong.
Darlin Storm, Tequila 10 - links
Smashwords - https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/390390
Phantom, Razer 8 – Links
Smashwords - https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/397007
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