Dearest Clementine by Lex Martin: A Convo Review
Title: Dearest Clementine
Author: Lex Martin
Genre: Contemporary, New Adult, Romance
Publisher: Lex Martin
Date: April 18, 2014
Reviewer: Midnight
Fairy, Rock Chick Fairy & Mauve
Twenty-year-old Clementine Avery doesn't mind being called bitchy and closed off. It's safe, and after being burned by her high school sweetheart and stalked by a professor her freshman year of college, safe sounds pretty damn good.
Her number one rule for survival? No dating. That is until she accidentally signs up for a romance writing class and needs material for her latest assignment. Sexy RA Gavin Murphy is more than happy to play the part of book boyfriend to help Clem find some inspiration, even if that means making the name of research, of course.
As Gavin and Clem grow closer, they get entangled in the mystery surrounding a missing Boston University student, and Clem unwittingly becomes a possible target. Gavin tries to show Clem she can handle falling in love again, but she knows she has to be careful because her heart’s at stake…and maybe even her life.
DEAREST CLEMENTINE is a stand-alone novel with two companion novels. This New Adult contemporary romance series is recommended for readers 18+ due to mature content. Look for the second book, FINDING DANDELION, this summer.
What made you read the book?MidnightF: Rock Chick Fairy recommended the book to me, so I decided to check it out. Thanks Rock Chick Fairy!
RockChickF: You're most welcome, MidnightF. Before I answer your question, I'd like to point out that I am a big fan of THE LITTLE RASCALS. One of my favorite scenes in that movie is that scene wherein Alfalfa sings "Oh My Darling, Clementine". There's just something about a boy singing his heart out, belting that song. ;)
Anyway, needless to say, I was very.. and I mean VERY interested after seeing the title. Then I read the blurb and I was sold! It's just so darn interesting.
MauveF: Well, I know Ms. Lex Martin from the Addicted FB support Group. She’s a also a fan of KBRitchie. We’re fangirling over the books at that group. It was there that I’d known that she’s an upcoming author. I think it was Jenn, a fellow admin in that group, who said that she has a book coming out. She’s also one of my online FB friends. And once I’d known the book, I added it immediately in my TBRWhat is your first impression of the book? (title, book cover, etc.)MidnightF: The title sounded historical to me, I mean I thought the book was a historical novel and then I saw the cover... so not historical at all. I'm not a huge fan of the cover but the blurb piqued my interest plus RockChickF said its a must read so... After reading the blurb and RockChickF's praises, I was like: "this sounds like a FUN read!"
RockChickF: Oh, my first answer stands. I love the title.The cover was ummm.. not the best, but it'll do. I guess my first impression is.. CUTE!
MauveF: If you really know me at all, I’m the kind of reader that does not give a lot of care to the cover and the title and the blurb hahaha. When I added the book in my TBR, I had not really read the blurb, so I don’t know what’s it all about. I only read the blurb when I’m about to read the book. When I saw the cover, well, Rock Chick you’re right about that. It’s cute! But not that enticing, you know what I mean? It’s so common to see a book cover with a pretty cover model in it. The title is also not that catchyWhat can you say about the story? Did you enjoy it?MidnightF: I loved it! Aside from the humor and the amazing story line, I also enjoyed the information about self publishing that was thrown in the story. There are misconceptions that self-publishing is easy and that those who self publish are not "real" authors but after reading Dearest Clementine I realized how difficult it was to get published, self pub or not.
RockChickF: High five, MidnightF! This book is totally refreshing. While I was recommending it to friends, I was throwing out the words " It'll give us a glimpse of how indie authors think and how their lives really are like". The story is fun, quirky, cute, mysterious at times, but ultimately very enjoyable.
MauveF: I have to agree with the two of you. I immensely enjoyed reading the book. It was fun, informative, sexy. Not too mysterious for me coz I’ve known from the start who’s the culprit behind Olivia’s disappearance. I love the romance! And I love the interactions between the characters.Thoughts about the characters (in general)MidnightF: Well, there are a lot of characters introduced in this book. I loved the main characters as well as the secondary characters. Despite the number of characters in this book, I didn't find it overwhelming. Also, almost all of the characters have interesting personalities that could give way to a new story line.
RockChickF: In general, they are all awesome!!! Personality wise, they are very well established. This gives me high expectations for the next books. The main characters are perfect for each other, but the secondary characters are not wallflowers! They participate and they most certainly make the story more colorful.
MauveF: As I’ve said in the previous post, I love the interactions between the characters. I love the friendship, the support, the banters. I also adore the way Clem had patched things up with Kade. She was the one who reached out first and I’m happy that they settled their differences.What can you say about the main characters?MidnightF: I loved them, Clementine and Gavin are such a cute couple.
RockChickF: Clementine is cute! O agree with Gavin too, when he calls her adorable. It's really the way she reacts on things and the way she handles herself. :) She's a bit geeky, you know, being an author, she's bound to be one. However, she's also good at making herself known and defending what she thinks is right.
She's got a mean backbone, I can tell you that. There's a part here wherein she was being told to believe something without substantial evidence. I'm glad that she didn't believe it with just face value even though it was the truth and was also explained in the end. I love it because it shows that she's not a pushover and that she stands for what she believes in. (Arrrgghh it's so hard not to give any spoilers.)
MauveF: Hahaha I can relate to you Rock Chick. It’s so hard to talk about this book without giving out any spoilers.As for me, I loved Clem from the start. I think I said that in my status in GR while reading this book. I loved that she’s strong even with the depressing experience she had. And that she can stand on her own. I don’t like weak and a “doormat” heroine. So I have to say that Clem is my kind of girl. I love the interview part. I am so proud of her at that scene.Gavin…OMG! I am swooning over Gavin! That hot RA is a keeper, not to mention very adorable!! Who would not love him? He can play the guitar, can sing, very responsible not to mention good-looking.What is your favorite part of the book?MidnightF: One of my favorite part in this book is when Clementine stood for herself when she was accused of plagiarism. (You go girl!) Another favorite is when Gavin sang his song for Clementine. sigh.
RockChickF: Since MidnightF already got my fave part, I'll settle with my second fave which is the first time Gavin kissed Clem... IN THE NAME OF INSPIRATION. hahhaha! Ohmygosh, that was... unexpected and umm.. very inspiring! ;) ♥♥♥
MidnightF: Ooops! Sorry RockChickF!
MauveF: I’m with you Midnight Fairy. I also like that part wherein she defended herself. I also loved the interview part, the way she carried herself at that scene is so endearing. And I have to agree to Rock Chick!! The first kiss LOL ….and the stacks!!Are there any part of the story you didn't like?MidnightF: Hmmm, none that I could think of.
RockChickF: Nope. That's with a popping 'p' for emphasis. ;p
MauveF: Can’t think of one.Will you recommend this book to your friends?MidnightF: Absolutely! If you like romance novels with humor and a touch of mystery then this one is for you.
RockChickF: A MILLION TIMES YES!!! We should all read this!!!
MauveF: Of course I will. This kind of book needs to be read by many many readers.Are you looking forward to read the next book?MidnightF: Yes! Like I said, I find almost all characters in this book interesting, and I can't wait to know them more.
RockChickF: Of course yes!!! It's a must!
MauveF: Oh yes, I am looking forward for the next books. I can’t hardly wait!!Your rating and why?MidnightF: 5 Fairy Wings! I really enjoyed reading this book, I need the next one ASAP!
RockChickF: 5 fairy wings because this book is worthy of all praises!!!
MauveF: 5 Fairy Wings too!! If I can give it a ten, I will. But since 5 is the highest, then I have to be contented with that!!
Rating: 5 Fairy Wings!
About the author
Lex Martin writes new adult novels,
the sexy kind with lotsa angst, a whole lotta kissing, and the hot happily ever
afters. When she’s not writing, she lives a parallel life as an English
teacher. She loves printing black and white photos, listening to music on
vinyl, and getting lost in a great book. Bitten by wanderlust, this native
Texan has lived all over the country but currently resides in the City of
Angels with her husband and twin daughters.
Stalk LEX

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