Hey everyone! Rock Chick Fairy and Midnight Fairy here!
We are so proud to introduce this book to everyone!
As modern readers, we tend to overlook many books now because... well.. there are just so many to choose from! This is why we consider ourselves very, very AND I MEAN VERY LUCKY that this book caught our eyes.
This is one of those hidden gems. Read our review and you'll see!
Sera Delos has a secret. She wishes it were something important or life-altering like owning a key to a blue Police Box that’s home to a time-travelling alien, or that she must hide the secret identity of her alter-ego. No, Sera’s secret is un-extraordinary. At twenty-five, she’s never been kissed. There just haven’t been many opportunities for the self-acclaimed nerd. There have always been too many shows to watch, too many books to read, and the rest of the time is spent fangirling over Tom Hiddleston. When the hottie next door and his son need a ride to the hospital, and Sera becomes the only available driver, her life is changed forever. Hunter MacLaine makes Dean Winchester seem like a mediocre-badass, even if he is a diabetic and doesn’t think much of himself. An old flame, nerdy references and the ups and downs of slowly falling in love with her next door neighbour, Sera’s wondering the obvious. Maybe, just maybe, if all the nerd-gods are smiling down on her, Sera Delos might have just found the man who her first kiss belongs to.
We need a straight answer for the first question. Did you or did you not like this book?
MidnightF: I LOVED IT!!!!
How much did you like it?
MidnightF: A lot! I'm giving it a 4.5 - Fairy Wings rating.
RockChickF: I love it so much that I'm betting I'll re-read this one for like a ga-zillion times. I am giving this 5 Fairy Wings, sorry Midnight! Haha!
MidnightF: I bet you're not really sorry! LOL. Well, I had to deduct the .5 for some minor editing issues, other than that, the book is awesome!
What makes it different from all the books that have nerd characters in it?
MidnightF: I guess it's because the book is more than just a love story. The characters are flawed and has emotions that made me easily relate to them.
RockChickF: I agree, Midnight. It's so much more than that. To me, this book is different, in a way that nerd books tend to just be cute to me. This one isn't just cute. That word doesn't give it justice. It's beautiful, adorable, dramatic, lovely, heart warming and goes so deep.
These are the first sentences in the book. How did you feel when you first read them?
I’m Drew Barrymore. Obviously I’m not really Drew Barrymore, but rather the character she played in the movie Never Been Kissed. So I’m Josie Geller. Josie and I have the same little problem. Just like her, I’ve blown out all twenty-five candles of my birthday cake and still have never been kissed. That’s where the similarities end, I swearMidnightF: I was immediately hooked! I love that film!
RockChickF: I was laughing. It felt as if this had a good promise of making me smile... and it didn't fail me! :)
MidnightF: *whispers* RockChick haven't seen the film.
In a scale of 1 - 10, 10 being the highest, rate Sera's character. Justify your answer with awesome descriptions! ^_^
MidnightF: I'll give her an 8. I love that she embraces her nerd side. She cracks me up with her jokes and movie/book references. Although she has insecurities regarding her physical appearance, Sera has a huge heart. She's compassionate and caring. I also love her relationship with Matty.
RockChickF: I am giving her a 9 because I can relate to her so much. There were so many times wherein I would read about a certain situation, then I think so myself "If it were me, I would've...", then SHE REALLY DOES IT. It's uncanny! She has flaws, but those certainly waters down when I read about her taking care of the Hunter and Matty. I also don't care about her flaws when she's throwing out phrases like "For the love of Harry Potter!"
Who do you like more? Matty or Hunter? Explain in detail, PLEASE.
MidnightF: I like Hunter but I fell in love with Matty. I'm sorry Hunter! That kid stole my heart. He's such a sweet and adorable kid.
RockChickF: Although I appreciate Matty's role in everything, I still think that the dad is better. First, I have to give him big props for not leaving little Matty. If you read this book, you'd know that he could've left the little guy somewhere else and no one would blame him...much. However, he did it the hard way and he took care of Matty and HIMSELF, which brings us the the second reason.
I don't know if this will be a big give away, but I just have to put this out there, Hunter has diabetes. Midnight and I are both nurses, so we know the gravity of this situation. He's battling his condition everyday together with his child without much help from his family. That's huge. Okay, so I also thought that he was a player at first... but it's kinda hard to be a player when you need help for like 95% of the time.
Thirdly, I felt his sincerity as a character. I felt him reaching out to Sera even though it's not an easy thing, considering that Sera has a lot.. and I mean A LOT of insecurities. So yeah, Hunter also stole my heart because he's unafraid to show his feelings. Plus, I know that he's imperfect, he did some weird things there, but the fact remains that he apologizes when he knows he did something wrong. Nice, hot and a very good guy.
MidnightF: I agree with what you said RockChick, like Sera said, Hunter is a badass! I guess the reason why I love Matty more is because he's so happy and a very smart kid despite his limitations. (FYI, Matty also have Diabetes Type 1) Sick children always break my heart, because they should be able to play and have fun, as much as possible we try to make them comfortable when they are sick until they get better. However, Matty's (and Hunter's) condition will never go away, he's going to have to deal with it until he's older, and that's just sad because he's too young to be worrying about his food intake, blood sugar, insulin, etc.
Who do you hate more? The EX or the MOM? (You'll see why we're asking this when you read the book)
MidnightF: I'll choose the MOM. If it wasn't for her, the EX is probably long gone by now. She can find sexual gratification anywhere, she's just trying to get it from Hunter because of the potential monetary gain-- which is his Mom's fault.
RockChickF: DEFINITELY THE MOM. I am really imagining her as an ice queen... not like ELSA since queen Elsa's like so concerned about her sister, but more like the White Witch in Narnia.. all cold and calculating. I swear I could just gouge her eyes with the way she throws insults. I hope Sera does more of standing up to her in the next books!
Sera has a harem, oh! I mean friends. Who's your favorite among them?
MidnightF: Aside from Katie, the other character among her friends that made an impact was Russia. I'd love to know more about him, hopefully on his own book! XD
RockChick: I'd say Russia too. There's just something about him. He's funny, quirky, playful and also concerned.. a little too much. I think he got jealous in one particular scene here, so I guess I like him best because he's a potential third party! Haha! I mean... jealousy... Hunter wears it in the most adorable way! TRUST ME! ^_^
What can you say about the plot? What elements did it have?
MidnightF: I liked it. What I find special about this book is the hero. Most of the heroes in romance novels nowadays are physically strong, popular, very attractive, etc. Although Hunter is hot, he's not physically strong. In fact, in this book we saw him on his weak moments that could really scare the crap out of you if you're not familiar with his condition. I have to add Matty too, he's pretty special, I love that kid.
RockChickF: The plot is like something straight out of a movie. It has humor, romance, drama and also some heart pumping action. Midnight is also correct in pointing out that Hunter is portrayed to be very unique among romance heroes nowadays. It's refreshing. We also got to read about Matty... that adorable boy whom you can't help, but just love! His presence in this book made it more likable and interesting!
What part/parts of the story didn't you like?
RockChickF: I actually didn't like the way Hunter just lets his mom go everytime she insults Sera. I want him so stand up to her MORE. I didn't like Hunter's scenes with the EX as well. I hope they vanish altogether in book 2. haha!
MidnightF: I agree! The Ex and Mom are just awful. I also didn't like it when Sera doesn't believe the compliments other people give her regarding her physical appearance.
This book is a bit lengthy, was that an issue for you?
MidnightF: Not at all.
RockChickF: Nope. In fact, I want it to be longer. lol. Haha!
MidnightF: Exactly! We want more! lol
There are a lot of quotable quotes in this book. Give the top three that you like best!
“Everybody needs help. Even Superman needs Batman's help once in a while.
“Amazing doesn't mean infallible. Remember that.
“I don’t kiss losers,” I whisper right before our lips touch. “I kiss only badasses. And you are a badass, Hunter MacLaine.”.
Batman’s parents died when he was a kid.” Oh fuck, Matty’s tearing up. I hold onto his fingers between mine. “But he grew up to be a good man, a strong man, one dedicated to stop crime, to save lives, maybe to forgive himself that he couldn’t do it when he was younger, that he couldn’t save his Mom and Dad. Clark was born super strong – there’s nothing special about that. " Matty’s eyes are bright, and he ends up staring down at our hands. “So... Being strong means you’re not a hero?” I smile. “It means that anybody can do the right thing. Anybody. Understand?”
“Yeah, I deserve a man who can give me whatever I want. Well, I want a man to build me bookshelves. Can you do that?” His eyes are stark blue, but the color warms a bit, thaws when he answers “Yes.” “I want a man who can watch movies with me and won’t tell me to shut up when I get too excited, or end up crying. Can you do that?” He nods, pulling me closer. I palm his face, that beautiful face that looks at me like I’m the one that told the sun to shine. “I want a man who comments on my nerdy shirts and allows me to give his kid a bit of nerd-flair. Can you do that?” He nods again, the blue in his eyes bright with hope. I swallow hard. “I want a man who will kiss me every morning because he knows how fraking lucky he is to have me. Can you do that?” “Abso-fucking-lutely.”
and my absolute favorite:
What would you like to see in Sera's, Hunter's and Matty's book next time?
MidnightF: Honestly, I was hoping we could move on to different characters because those 3 deserves a break after all they've been through in this book. However, if you insist, I guess I want to see a wedding. I think it would be really cool if they do a themed wedding.
RockChickF: I originally wanted a CURE for both Hunter's and Matty's Diabetes, but I know that it isn't happening, so I guess I want them to meet Sera's family. I wanna know who said Sera couldn't kiss. I wanna know just how horrible her family is for her to turn out the way she is. I want to see more of everything, but please I JUST DON'T WANT CHEATING.
What did you get from this book? Any inspirational things that the characters taught?
MidnightF: I guess the best lesson I learned from this book is that it's okay to ask for help. I'm used to being alone that whenever people offer their help I always say "No, thank you" and later on I'll realize that I actually needed help, haha. Anyway, the point is, asking for help is not something you should be ashamed of. At some point in our lives, even the strongest person on Earth will need some help.
RockChickF: This book reminds me that not all people are born strong. Some people are weak and need other people's help. It also reminds me that looks could be deceiving. Your neighbor who's beautiful and sexy woman just be your next door obsessed nightmare.
Who do you recommend this book to?
RockChickF: I recommend this book to nerds and geeks, I recommend this even to those who aren't. I recommend this book to those people who see redeeming factors in heroes and those whose heart wrenches at the thought of a child being inflicted with an unavoidable disease. Lastly, I recommend this book to those who want to smile. :)
MidnightF: I recommend this book to everyone who wants a good rom-com and can understand geek speak. LOL! Seriously though, this book is awesome and every romance novel junkie should give this book a shot.
Since we thoroughly enjoyed Never Been Kissed, we are giving away 2 e-copies of the book!
May the fairy dust be with us all!!!
Since we thoroughly enjoyed Never Been Kissed, we are giving away 2 e-copies of the book!
May the fairy dust be with us all!!!
About the Author:
C.M. Kars has an unhealthy obsession with Funko Pops (which are these toys you can see in my photo album on this page), wishes she could marry Tom Hiddleston or any British or Irish man for that matter, and reads too much when she should be writing.

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