New month once again Bookaholics!! By this time, you all should know the drill! Here is the list of the books I am anticipating to release this month!
Big Rock by Lauren Blakely
Release Date: January 6th, 2016
Pre-order on Amazon
Most of my hot reads come from Lauren Blakely. I love his dirty-talking heroes!Hello Clay Nichols, Davis Milo and who can forget the sex toy mogul Jack Sullivan? And just look at that cover! My goodness!! Just looking at that is enough to make me hot and bothered! Well played Lauren! You really know how to get the attention of your readers! Moreover, read the blurb! OMG this line is @#$#&@$: "It's not just the motion of the ocean, ladies. It's definitely the SIZE of the boat too. " I am speechless! Plus, you need to see this funny teaser that made me LOLd real hard! If these aren't reasons enough to pick this book, then I don't know what else will make you do it! Go pre-order your copy now!

The Score by Elle Kennedy
Release Date: January 11th, 2016
Pre-order on Amazon
Ahh three of my top reads of 2015 come from Elle Kennedy! I can't wait to read more from her! It really is not so surprising since her stories are to die for! They stuck with you and when someone ask for recommendations, her books are the kinds of you think first. If you haven't read anything from her, now is the time to do so. And while you're at it, 1-click this baby so it will be delivered on your kindle at exactly midnight of its release date!

The Baller by Vi Keeland
Release Date: January 18th, 2016
Okay, I have to admit when I saw the cover my eyes got wide just like saucers. Well, just look at "that" and tell me you wouldn't have the same reaction! My first thought was, Is this photoshopped? Did the model really posed like this?? I admire the courageousness of this woman!!! Are you not afraid of going to jail when you post that cover on Facebook? Anyhow, the cover alone made me anticipate this bad boy and I can't wait to get my hands on it! And the tagline!!Ohhh , love me some down and dirty football novel!

Appealed by Emma Chase
Release Date: January 19th, 2016
Pre-order on Amazon
APPEALED is a sexy, humorous romance about first crushes, second chances and the final verdict of the heart. -> SOLD!
Ilove love Sustained!! OMG it's so hilarious and funny and I can't get enough! Waiting for another book from Emma is pure torture! So happy that I am going to have my fix soon enough!

#Junkie by Cambria Hebert
Release Date: January 20th, 2016
Pre-order on Amazon
If you've read the Hashtag Series, specifically the last book which is #Heart, you would already know whose story this book is going to be. For those who are not familiar with these books, this spinoff of the Hashtag series is about Trent and Drew! Yes, this an M/M book and I can't wait to read this one! I can still remember the tension and vibe I got while reading #Heart. And it makes me so giddy that this awesome series is expanding!!

Never Never Part 3 by Colleen Hoover & Tarryn Fisher
Release Date: January 26th, 2016
Gahhhh I think this is the longest wait ever!!! I have to admit, I haven't read part 1 and 2 yet. Why you say??? Well, it's because a friend of mine said that the cliffhanger is a killer. And I don't do well with cliffhangers!! Nope!! Nu-uh! That alone is my motivation to wait till all the books are released so I don't have to go crazy waiting for the sequel! Andnowwww the wait is almost overrrrrrrrrr !! Yes!! I am going to binge read these babies when part 3 is already out!
What are your most anticipated books for January? Do we wait for the same books?

Release Date: January 6th, 2016
Pre-order on Amazon
Most of my hot reads come from Lauren Blakely. I love his dirty-talking heroes!

The Score by Elle Kennedy
Release Date: January 11th, 2016
Pre-order on Amazon

The Baller by Vi Keeland
Release Date: January 18th, 2016
Okay, I have to admit when I saw the cover my eyes got wide just like saucers. Well, just look at "that" and tell me you wouldn't have the same reaction! My first thought was, Is this photoshopped? Did the model really posed like this?? I admire the courageousness of this woman!!! Are you not afraid of going to jail when you post that cover on Facebook? Anyhow, the cover alone made me anticipate this bad boy and I can't wait to get my hands on it! And the tagline!!

Appealed by Emma Chase
Release Date: January 19th, 2016
Pre-order on Amazon
APPEALED is a sexy, humorous romance about first crushes, second chances and the final verdict of the heart. -> SOLD!

#Junkie by Cambria Hebert
Release Date: January 20th, 2016
Pre-order on Amazon
If you've read the Hashtag Series, specifically the last book which is #Heart, you would already know whose story this book is going to be. For those who are not familiar with these books, this spinoff of the Hashtag series is about Trent and Drew! Yes, this an M/M book and I can't wait to read this one! I can still remember the tension and vibe I got while reading #Heart. And it makes me so giddy that this awesome series is expanding!!

Release Date: January 26th, 2016
Gahhhh I think this is the longest wait ever!!! I have to admit, I haven't read part 1 and 2 yet. Why you say??? Well, it's because a friend of mine said that the cliffhanger is a killer. And I don't do well with cliffhangers!! Nope!! Nu-uh! That alone is my motivation to wait till all the books are released so I don't have to go crazy waiting for the sequel! And
What are your most anticipated books for January? Do we wait for the same books?
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