I am personally so happy to present this book to everyone here in the fairy court.
This is a story that touched my heart.
I hope it touches yours too. :)
~Rock Chick Fairy
My name is Thea Bell and I was murdered.
I always assumed that death was the end. So when my life was cruelly taken away from me, I never thought I would get a second chance to say what I needed to.
But then I was given a choice, a choice that allowed me to see the people I had left behind, and I knew I had to take it.
I wanted to say a proper goodbye. I needed justice for what happened to me.
But even in death, things rarely go to plan.
I never expected to meet him. I didn't anticipate falling in love. I hadn't considered the repercussions of coming back. I never realized I would put another person in danger.
I didn't know my actions were going to haunt us forever.
My name is Detective Aiden Mercer, and I think I have gone insane.
I am seeing the murder victim of my current case alive and in the flesh, and that is simply not possible.
I can see her, hear her, touch her. She’s real to me, however I know this cannot be real. Right?


Jessica Frances was born and raised in South Australia, quite possibly born with a book in her hand already. An avid reader her whole life, a pen finally appeared in her hand and she began her journey writing her own stories. The voices in her head have not slowed down and hopefully they never will.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Jessica-Frances-Author/156139237914619
TSU: https://www.tsu.co/Jessica_Frances
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/23700570-haunted-love
Google+ https://plus.google.com/112213573349483335294/posts?gclid=CjwKEAjwuYOeBRCy3pLljpjDkDcSJAAhA4mtHFLNe_tl4FvDYFQraaFl3fLT56348CpHOGWQyGlDdxoC15fw_wcB
Life is awesome, life is kind... Life interrupted? That's a whole new different story.
NOTE: I firmly believe that I am afraid of death. Ever since I found out the real gravity of death, I have dreaded it. It's this unhealthy fear that I often think of. I don't think I have Thanatophobia, but yeah.. I kind of hate dying. I hate the notion of the people close to me dying. It brings me to tears just thinking about it. More importantly, I hate that I too, would die someday. It would totally suck to leave my loved ones here and pass on. Why am I putting this in my review? It's so you would know why I'm very attached and kind of emotional about this story.
You see, Theresa Bell had a promising life. She had a brother, a good career, kids to teach and a whole life ahead. She was going about her normal life when everything was pulled under her. She died... and not in a good way, not that there's a good way to die, but you know.. There's a less morbid way of dying. That isn't what happened to her, so I think it's just fair that she came back. Yes, she came back. BOY DID SHE COME BACK.
Aiden Mercer is a workaholic. He's a detective with a purpose. He does his job and he does it well. The problem is, he does it too much. Aiden doesn't have a social life. He's always in the station. When he's not working with a current case, he goes back to age-old cases just to see if they missed something. He doesn't talk to his family as much as before. He doesn't even know what's happening in his brother's life. He needed a wake up call and damn if he didn't get one. When Thea suddenly enters his life in her afterlife, his world is shaken and it will never be the same again.
Thea and Aiden go to lengths in order to give justice to her and many others. Their teamwork is surprisingly good for a workaholic detective and a persistent ghost. The author sure made me feel like I already know the killer... but noooo, trust me.... IF YOU THINK YOU KNOW, NO... YOU DON'T. Haha! The mystery is just soooo intriguing and it gets deeper.
The love part sure is sweet. It's gradual. Definitely not abrupt. In fact, Aiden hated Thea at first. He treated her like she was some figment of his tired (REALLY, REALLY TIRED) mind. It's a "slowly-but-surely" scenario. I love that they kind of beat the odds and well... They found their match, granted, in a very unlikely way, but still. :)
What do you do when you're stuck with a ghost 24/7?
You help her as she helps you pick up your life.
You become friends with her...
You like her...
Then you fall in love with her.
But... Do you let her go?
What I also love about this book is how it ended. No matter how otherworldly this book is, the plot made it so that it would stick to reality more. You'll know what I'm talking about once you finish the book. I promise. :)
This is a story that will make you see the things in life that you're missing. In my note above, I said that I'm afraid of dying. I think I'll ammend that and say... I'm afraid of missing something. Missing something means I haven't done everything that I wanted or could have done in my life and that will truly suck. Thea is a character that voices out all the things that we could have done. The what if's, the I should have's... even the I shouldn't have's... it's all here in her story.
So I guess what I'm saying is that you should read this book because it will make you appreciate life and literally live life to the fullest.
That's just it.
NOTE: I firmly believe that I am afraid of death. Ever since I found out the real gravity of death, I have dreaded it. It's this unhealthy fear that I often think of. I don't think I have Thanatophobia, but yeah.. I kind of hate dying. I hate the notion of the people close to me dying. It brings me to tears just thinking about it. More importantly, I hate that I too, would die someday. It would totally suck to leave my loved ones here and pass on. Why am I putting this in my review? It's so you would know why I'm very attached and kind of emotional about this story.
You see, Theresa Bell had a promising life. She had a brother, a good career, kids to teach and a whole life ahead. She was going about her normal life when everything was pulled under her. She died... and not in a good way, not that there's a good way to die, but you know.. There's a less morbid way of dying. That isn't what happened to her, so I think it's just fair that she came back. Yes, she came back. BOY DID SHE COME BACK.
Aiden Mercer is a workaholic. He's a detective with a purpose. He does his job and he does it well. The problem is, he does it too much. Aiden doesn't have a social life. He's always in the station. When he's not working with a current case, he goes back to age-old cases just to see if they missed something. He doesn't talk to his family as much as before. He doesn't even know what's happening in his brother's life. He needed a wake up call and damn if he didn't get one. When Thea suddenly enters his life in her afterlife, his world is shaken and it will never be the same again.
Thea and Aiden go to lengths in order to give justice to her and many others. Their teamwork is surprisingly good for a workaholic detective and a persistent ghost. The author sure made me feel like I already know the killer... but noooo, trust me.... IF YOU THINK YOU KNOW, NO... YOU DON'T. Haha! The mystery is just soooo intriguing and it gets deeper.
The love part sure is sweet. It's gradual. Definitely not abrupt. In fact, Aiden hated Thea at first. He treated her like she was some figment of his tired (REALLY, REALLY TIRED) mind. It's a "slowly-but-surely" scenario. I love that they kind of beat the odds and well... They found their match, granted, in a very unlikely way, but still. :)
What do you do when you're stuck with a ghost 24/7?
You help her as she helps you pick up your life.
You become friends with her...
You like her...
Then you fall in love with her.
But... Do you let her go?
What I also love about this book is how it ended. No matter how otherworldly this book is, the plot made it so that it would stick to reality more. You'll know what I'm talking about once you finish the book. I promise. :)
This is a story that will make you see the things in life that you're missing. In my note above, I said that I'm afraid of dying. I think I'll ammend that and say... I'm afraid of missing something. Missing something means I haven't done everything that I wanted or could have done in my life and that will truly suck. Thea is a character that voices out all the things that we could have done. The what if's, the I should have's... even the I shouldn't have's... it's all here in her story.
So I guess what I'm saying is that you should read this book because it will make you appreciate life and literally live life to the fullest.
That's just it.

I leave Aiden
scanning over the boxes, moving back through my house and taking time to look
over the photos I have hanging up. It’s strange how I had them along my walls,
in my eye line for years yet never took the time to look at them. I used the
photos as decoration instead of a reminder of the good times I shared with
friends and family as well as the few amazing places I got to visit.
I take my time
now, smiling at the memories sparked of Flynn, laughing at the reminders of the
fun times we shared and yearning for the places I will never get to visit. I
had a list of countries and activities I wanted to do for my summer vacation. I
wanted to take at least one trip every summer and slowly work away at the list.
Now I’ll never get to see any of those places, never have the chance to skydive
in New Zealand, eat gelato in Italy, or go skiing in Switzerland. The most
exciting thing I managed is a school field trip to New Orleans where we toured
the main tourist destinations, and I ate beignets and gumbo.
I shake my head,
slowly moving through the lower level of my house, checking over the mess made
from the forensics people who appear to have coated every surface looking for
foreign fingerprints. I don’t find anything suspicious here or out of place.
There is nothing I can see that is missing, and nothing screams to me that
there is a clue here. While I’m disheartened to still have nothing to give
Aiden to go on, I stare up my staircase, knowing I will need to check up there,
With each step,
my legs grow heavier. Soon, I’m dragging my feet. I purposely check every other
room, leaving my bedroom for last. I’m dreading what will happen when I glance
back inside that room. I feel ill as I approach the still ajar door.
I know I need to
get this over with. I might remember something about the murderer in there. If
anything is going to be amiss that might help us figure out who my killer is,
it will be in my bedroom.
But how am I
supposed to enter the room where I lost my life?
The room where I
was beaten and violated?
Even if it means
catching my killer, can I face what I might see in there? Do I really want that
memory etched into my brain? Isn’t already having a good idea what I went
through bad enough?
Then again, what
if he is out there right now, terrorizing other women? What if my reluctance to
walk into this room means another person will lose their life?
I take a deep
breath, my hand reaching out to push the door open.
“You don’t have
to go in there,” Aiden tells me.
I glance over my
shoulder, seeing both worry and fury in his eyes. “I do.” I sound more sure
then I feel, but I force my feet forward. Within two steps, I am standing
inside my bedroom.

Jessica Frances was born and raised in South Australia, quite possibly born with a book in her hand already. An avid reader her whole life, a pen finally appeared in her hand and she began her journey writing her own stories. The voices in her head have not slowed down and hopefully they never will.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Jessica-Frances-Author/156139237914619
TSU: https://www.tsu.co/Jessica_Frances
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/23700570-haunted-love
Google+ https://plus.google.com/112213573349483335294/posts?gclid=CjwKEAjwuYOeBRCy3pLljpjDkDcSJAAhA4mtHFLNe_tl4FvDYFQraaFl3fLT56348CpHOGWQyGlDdxoC15fw_wcB
Thank you so much for such a wonderful review and all of your support! I really appreciate it! Xx