Tuesday, May 19, 2015


Join us as we celebrate the release of Jill Sanders' much awaited Someday Beach!
Someday Beach is now avalable on Amazon and B&N.
There is an awesome Kindle giveaway at the end of this post so don't forget to check the Rafflecopter contest.
And of course, the celebration doesn't stop here. The author  is hosting a Facebook event for Someday Beach and I'm sure there will be lots of fun and awesome prizes there too!!!


Someday Beach by Jill Sanders

(Grayton Series #2)
Publication date: May 19th 2015
Genres: Contemporary, Romance


Shelly has always dreamed of going back to Surf Breeze. When she finally sets out on her own and buys a run down building along the popular boardwalk, she hires a sexy, but annoying contractor to help her turn it into her dream boutique. What she hadn’t counted on was finding herself slowly changing with her surroundings. Fighting against an overbearing family, she’ll learn to not only follow her own dreams, but stand up for something she believes in.
Marcus has been waiting his whole life for a woman who could see through the horrors he’d been through as a child, and the humor he uses to mask it all. Now that he found her, he’s not quite sure what comes next.


Facebook party: (May 19th  from 9-5 EST): https://www.facebook.com/events/891149990931746/


“You’ve got a nice space here.” He looked out at her view. The boardwalk was below them and he watched for a moment as people strolled by. Beyond that was a long strip of beach and then the emerald water. It was a calm day and barely any waves rippled the water, which made it look green for as far as the eye could see.
He turned towards her and noticed that some soft strands of her blonde hair had fallen around her face. She had either forgotten to put on makeup that morning or had very little on. Her skin looked so soft, he itched to reach out and touch it. His eyes roamed over her and he couldn’t deny the sudden and powerful tug he got from looking at her curves. She was taller than most women he’d dated. He gauged her height around five-eight. The old jeans she was wearing were snug in all the right places, making him wish he could run his hands over those long legs.
When she turned her eyes towards him, catching him in his assessment of her, he couldn’t stop the smile.
“Beautiful view,” he said, softly.
“I… I guess we can’t deny what’s between us,” she said with her eyes glued to his lips. His eyes went to hers in response.
He shook his head no. “Why are we even trying?”
She stepped back and took a deep breath. She shoved her hands into her pockets and shrugged her shoulders. “I guess there’s no real reason.” She looked up at him again.

Jill Sanders is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of the Pride Series, Secret Series and West Series romance novels. Having sold over 150,000 books within 6 months of her first release, she continues to lure new readers with her sweet and sexy stories. Her books are available in every English speaking country, audiobooks, and are now being translated to 6 different languages.
Born as an identical twin to a large family, she was raised in the Pacific Northwest, later relocating to Colorado for college and a successful IT career before discovering her talent as a writer. She now makes her home along the emerald cost in Florida where she enjoys the beach, hiking, swimming, wine-tasting, and of course writing.

Author links

Blitz-wide giveaway (INTL)
  • Kindle Fire HD
  • 4x $25 Amazon gift card
  • 5x Jill Sanders Audiobook
  • 2x Signed Jill Sanders Book

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