Tuesday, May 19, 2015


The Fairies are very happy to present to you Amanda Leigh's new book, My Heart Is Yours!!! This book will be released in June and is now available for pre-order on Amazon. Plus, don't forget to join the Rafflecopter Giveaway at the end of the post for a chance to win $15 Amazon/B&N Gift Card . :)

My Heart is Yours
Release Date: 06/10/15

Samantha Marie Ramsden has three brothers. Craig, John and Matt. When tragedy strikes their family, Craig takes on the task of becoming his siblings legal guardian. It’s hard enough being someone’s guardian, but when you’ve only recently entered adulthood yourself it’s almost impossible to know where to draw the line between sibling and ‘parent’.

This is made even harder on him when Sam starts to get close to a long time friend, Jason. It looks like their friendship could turn into something more. An idea that Craig has never been too happy with. Spanning six years, My Heart is Yours explores family, friendship, love and much more. As well as asking the question: Would you defy family for love?

Pre-order on Amazon


Sam realized she didnt say Jason was like a brother. But how could she? He wasnt like a brother. He was. . .he was. . .what was he? All the guys said hed liked her for years. And when she thought about it there were always little signs. Holding her hand, gently pushing a strand of hair out of her face, the way he looked at her sometimes. Then, of course, there was her seventeenth birthday where they almost kissed. Sam definitely liked him, and she was pretty sure that he liked her, but he never did anything about it. Except for when they almost kissed.
            “What am I? He asked.
            “What? Sam nearly squeaked out,
           “Well, Craig, John and Matt are you brothers. Youre not blood-related, but technically they are your brothers. Shawn and Chris are like brothers to you. So what am I?
            Sam sat up a little too quickly. The room spun for a second. She rubbed her temples and took a deep breath.
            “I dont know. She said with her eyes still closed. Slowly she opened them and Jason noticed that today they were green.
            Jason sat up as well. You dont know? He laid his hand on top of hers. As soon as his hand touched hers, she felt the same way she felt the day of her seventeenth birthday. The day that they almost kissed. She didnt know why, its not as if hed never touched her hand before. But this was different somehow.
            “Why not? He asked.
            “I dont know. She said again.
            “Why dont you know?
            “I dont know.
            “Why do you keep saying I dont know? He smiled.
            She smiled a little too. I dont know.
            “Why arent you looking at me? He asked, putting a hand under her chin and gently turning her face towards his.

            She looked directly into his dark brown eyes, slowly answering his question, and they leaned closer with every word. I. . .dont. . .know.

About the Author

Amanda Leigh graduated with a BA in English and Communications and a double minor in Psychology and Creative Writing. During college, she worked on the literary magazine and loved every minute of it. She adores cats and has one named Sawyer - named after one of her favorite characters in Lost. Amanda enjoys reading, writing avidly in a journal, writing poetry, fiction and creative non-fiction, cooking, listening to music, singing, swimming and art - particularly photography. Amanda is a bit of a chocoholic and is slightly obsessed with office supplies. She has many ideas for stories so keep an eye out for more work from her.

Author Links:
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