Monday, April 27, 2015

RELEASE BLITZ: Kissing Madeline by Lex Martin + Convo Review between Rock Chick Fairy, Midnight Fairy, Mauve Fairy and Sunburst Fairy + GIVEAWAY

The Bookaholic Fairies are super excited to be a part of this Release Blitz for Lex Martin's third book Kissing Madeline! The fairies had a blast doing another convo review and this time Sunburst Fairy joined Midnight Fairy, Rock Chick Fairy and Mauve Fairy. Also, don't forget that Dearest Clementine is still FREE! Plus, there's an awesome giveaway at the end of this post so don't forget to join coz lots and lots of prizes await the lucky winners!!

Title: Kissing Madeline (Dearest #3)
Author: Lex Martin
Release Date: April 27, 2015
Genre: New Adult Contemporary Romance
Cover Design by: Krista Ritchie



What’s the worst thing about wanting a sexy NFL football player? Everyone else wants him, too.

After catching my boyfriend getting deep-throated by a skanky cage girl, I’ve learned my lesson – never date a professional athlete. Never. Besides, I have more important things to worry about, like not blowing my shot to make it as a broadcast reporter. I won’t let anything get in my way, not even the new “it boy” of the NFL and my hot-as-hell neighbor.

What's the worst thing about getting death glares from his new neighbor? It doesn't make him want her any less.

I’ve worked my ass off to make it to the pros. The last thing I need is the complication of a relationship, especially since my last one was a total train wreck. But I can’t stop thinking about the feisty girl next door with the smart mouth. And I’d love nothing more than to show her what to do with that mouth.

Friends with benefits might be the best idea he’s ever had. Or the worst.

Kissing Madeline is a companion novel to DEAREST CLEMENTINE and FINDING DANDELION. Each book is a stand-alone.

Dearest Clementine
  DEAREST CLEMENTINE (Dearest #1 - Clementine & Gavin) 

  Amazon (FREE) | Nook | Kobo | Paperback | Our Convo Review

Twenty-year-old Clementine Avery doesn't mind being called bitchy and closed off. It's safe, and after being burned by her high school sweetheart and stalked by a professor her freshman year of college, safe sounds pretty damn good.

Her number one rule for survival? No dating. That is until she accidentally signs up for a romance writing class and needs material for her latest assignment. Sexy RA Gavin Murphy is more than happy to play the part of book boyfriend to help Clem find some inspiration, even if that means making the name of research, of course.

As Gavin and Clem grow closer, they get entangled in the mystery surrounding a missing Boston University student, and Clem unwittingly becomes a possible target. Gavin tries to show Clem she can handle falling in love again, but she knows she has to be careful because her heart’s at stake…and maybe even her life.

Finding Dandelion Official Cover

  FINDING DANDELION (Dearest #2 - Jax and Dani) 

When soccer all-star Jax Avery collides with Dani Hart on his twenty-first birthday, their connection is instantaneous and explosive. For the first time in years, Jax isn’t interested in his usual hit-it and quit-it approach.

But Dani knows better. Allowing herself a night to be carefree and feel the intensity of their attraction won’t change anything when it comes to dealing with a player. So when Jax doesn’t recognize Dani the next time he sees her, it shouldn’t be a total shock. The fact that he’s her new roommate's brother? That’s a shock.

Dani doesn’t regret that night with Jax, just the need to lie about it. Since her roommate has made it clear what she thinks about her brother’s “type” of girl, the last thing Dani wants is to admit what happened.

Jax knows he’s walking a fine line on the soccer team. One more misstep and he’s off the roster, his plans to go pro be damned. Except he can’t seem to care. About anything… except for the one girl who keeps invading his dreams.

Despite Jax’s fuzzy memory of his hot hookup with his sister’s friend, he can’t stay away from her, even if it means breaking his own rules. But there are bigger forces at work–realities that can end Dani’s college career and lies that can tear them apart.

Jax realizes what he’s losing if Dani walks away, but will he sacrifice his future to be with her? And will she let him if he does?


First, how did you feel about Daren when you read Dearest Clementine?

Mauve Fairy: The first time I read DC, I immediately disliked Daren. Who would like cheaters? When I learned that Lex is going to write a book about him, I felt I needed to say this to Daren: “You need to do a lot of groveling man!” But before Lex sent the arcs of KM, I reread DC and I was so ashamed of myself for thinking he’s not redeemable. I felt like I misjudged Daren. Yes, he cheated. But when he apologized to Clem, he sounded so sincere and so sorry for what he’d done. He even helped her when she needed help. He was there for her when she needed someone. So my dislike kinda lessened. I thought maybe he had a very good reason or he must have been going through a rough time in his life like Jax did at that time and that’s why he did what he did back then.

Sunburst Fairy: Cheating bastard. When you have a vivid picture of HOW he cheated on Clem, you could not think of something how else Lex would redeem his character. God, I loathed him in DC.

Midnight Fairy: Daren was a cheater, nobody likes a cheater. Let's just say I wasn't a huge fan.

Rock Chick Fairy: I honestly didn't like him. Although he was able to impress me at the end of DC, I still wondered what kind of a guy he is if he was able to cheat on my girl Clem.

Considering how you felt about him when you read DC, what were your expectations before you read this book?

Mauve Fairy:  I was anticipating more outskank games from the girls because that is so hilarious to read! I was also anticipating a scene where all the couples and other characters from the first two books are present and how they will interact with each other. Most of all, I was anticipating the reasons behind Daren’s actions.

Sunburst Fairy: I really expected a very redeemable character for the hero, Daren. A hero who could second to Gavin and top Jax in the second spot or TOPPED them both to first spot and made them kiss his ass because he is that good, that awesome and his character could also be loved and that he has his valid reasons for the wrong things he did, and that he deserved that second chance, not only for Clem and her friends but also us readers who loves good men for characters. I was also expecting, more swoon-worthy moments of course, and more banters from other couples. 

Midnight Fairy: I was really looking forward to see how Lex will make us fall for Daren's character.  Also, I wanted to hear more from the main character from the previous books.

Rock Chick Fairy: No matter what I thought of him in book 1, I totally knew I was going to love him. I saw glimpses of him in DC and FD, and based on that, I knew he was building up to be an awesome hero. I expected him to be a hero. A hot, kickass, fool-around-everywhere kind of hero with a hint of a sweet side.

Were these expectations met?

Mauve Fairy: Yes and then some!! What I wasn’t expecting is how steamy and scorching hot Lex made the “hook up” scenes! OMG I even PMed her and told her that!! She just laughed at me. I don’t know what came over her while writing those scenes. Maybe she was influenced and inspired by her Out Skank game in her group. It was a definited change in her writing. And she wrote them well!

Sunburst Fairy: Oh yes, God, thank heavens for giving Lex that talent and brilliance to make the characters awesome, and give readers a spectacular read!

Midnight Fairy: Absolutely! I fell in love with Daren as soon as he explained his side and OMG, he was just so hot! Also, Clem, Gavin, Jax and Dani were also mentioned in the book, I love the epilogue!

Rock Chick Fairy: OF COURSE! I trusted the author and as always… I’m in love! 

So can you say that you’ve forgiven Daren?

Mauve Fairy: Oh yes! He definitely earned my forgiveness and his second chance. I would like to point out the reasons why. I know I don’t have to do this but those who are still skeptical over this matter, I want them to know how I arrived at this conclusion.

The following contain spoilers. Please highlight if you want to read.

Daren is a good man. He’s not into parties like some jocks do. He doesn’t even drink much. He doesn't hop into someone’s bed all the time. He’s a one-woman-man. He even stayed with Veronica for four long years after he and Clem broke up. He proposed to Veronica when she said that she’s pregnant. Even if he only cares for her, he’s willing to sacrifice himself so he can give his child a name. He really sounded so sincere when he apologized to Clem. He even helped her when she needed someone. He values family and friendship.

Sunburst Fairy: I can definitely say that. In fact, I not only have forgiven him but I came to love him. Hes just a good man. When I learned what he was going through when he 'cheated' on Clem, I was like AWWWW and I wanna hug him myself.

Midnight Fairy: Yeah. Clearly, Clementine wasn't the right girl for him. Don't get me wrong, what he did was sh!tty but I understood where he's coming from and the reason behind his actions. Like what Mauve Fairy said, Daren is a good man, but even good people make mistakes. He apologized for what he did to Clem and suffered through the consequences. I think he deserve finding happiness after enduring four miserable years with Veronica.

Rock Chick Fairy: Yep. I understand him fully now, so everything’s good! He's a good man, with a good heart. He loves the game so much that it consumes him, but other than that, he still has a big heart for other people. I love how he is so loyal to his friends and how he is with Maddie. He is without a doubt, an awesome guy! My kind of awesome guy!

Let’s talk about Maddie. What can you say about her?

Mauve Fairy: Oh I love her. Well not as much as Clem but I like her, as in really like her. I think she’s a professional. I love the way she handled her interviews with Daren. That first time she did this interview was phenomenal. The way she handled herself in front of the camera while inside, she’s a mess and battling some emotions is a big scene for me. I loved how Lex wrote that! I also love her drive and ambition.

Sunburst Fairy: Maddie is...... Well wow, very intelligent, and passionate when it comes to her job. I'm just in awe of her. I like how yeah, as what MauveF said, professional she can be. Versatile even. There is something very realistic in that character. Sassy and sweet to Daren, her chemistry with him was just there, a reader cant overlook it.

Midnight Fairy: I think she's awesome! I like the fact that she's completely into her job and that she remains professional despite the pressure she gets from her boss and colleagues. Aside from her serious career woman image, she also have a playful side whenever she and Daren are alone or when they are with their friends which I find completely adorable.

Rock Chick Fairy: Wow, I think we all love her! The people who haven’t read this book yet better watch out. Maddie will be one of your fave heroines! She’s smart, sassy, confident, and believe it or not, those traits make her so cute! I love her because she’s more upfront than other heroines. Her no non-sense character is her strongest trait. I’m so happy that she didn't lose that after all that happened to them in this book.

Describe Kissing Madeline

Mauve Fairy: HOT! Scorching your-kindle-will-ignite hot! It’s obvious from the start that Daren and Maddie’s chemistry is off the charts. Lex knows how to play with this connection. It’s also funny like Lex’s other books. Enlightening and entertaining. Every new adult genre lover will surely love reading this!

Sunburst Fairy: Kissing Madeline can be described as a great romance story! Anyone who wants to read a GREAT ROMANCE shouldn't miss out on this!!

Midnight Fairy: It's a fun, sweet and definitely HOT romance novel.

Rock Chick Fairy: Sweet, with a really timely topic. I love how the author incorporated issues that can really become true in real life. I agree with Mauve, this book is indeed hot, but that’s just a plus. The story line itself will make you interested.

Can you name the strengths of this book?

Mauve Fairy: KM has a good plot and is fun to read. It gives insights with regards to newly grads and how they struggle to find their footing in the “real” world. I love a good book with laughable banters in it. And KM has that. It’s a good romance book and this series goes to my favorite shelf.

Sunburst Fairy : Hmm, great plot, steamy hot scenes yes.. ohh! Awesome characters and a dilemma that just fits. And man, the point made not to just brand a person of a mistake made.

Midnight Fairy:  The characters. I just love the chemistry between Maddie and Daren. I also like how the author made me fall for the characters in spite of their past mistakes and flaws. I like the drama too, specially the “scandal” thing. The incident made the characters vulnerable but instead of falling apart, it made them turn to each other for strength and comfort.

Rock Chick Fairy: Darn it, Midnight! You copied me! Haha! But yeah, it’s really the characters. The main couple is so strong. Both are driven in what they choose to do, but that doesn’t make them clash. In fact, that makes them a good team. I love how they interact with one another. One minute serious, the next they’re ripping each other’s clothes off. That’s not a spoiler, is it? Haha! MORE REASON TO READ IT ASAP!

Any weaknesses you’ve seen? Was the author able to explain clearly and persuade the readers of the validity of the issue?

Mauve Fairy: Hmmm I think Lex was able to spotlight and enlighten all the things that were nagging in my mind. Her goal was clear to me and that is to make Daren lovable and liberate him from his past wrong doing.

Sunburst Fairy : Sorry, I was too busy loving the book I totally forgot to take note of them, ohh actually, I dont think there is. Is there? Sorry I was not paying attention to that part. Haha.

Midnight Fairy: None that I can think of. Congratulations Lex!

Rock Chick Fairy: Nope. Nada. And to the second question, yes, I believe so. 

Was the author able to accomplish what she wanted for this book?

Mauve Fairy:  For me, I think Lex was able to do that. The reasons I stated earlier are enough for me to open my arms to Daren. I may not love him like I love Gavin but he’s close.

Sunburst Fairy : OH YES VERY. Thank you sooo much Lex for redeeming Daren and for creating such another good read to shareee.

Midnight Fairy: Definitely. I really enjoyed this book and highly recommend this series to all romance novel junkies.

Rock Chick Fairy:
If her goals are:
To make one’s heart flutter
To discuss timely topics
To completely redeem Daren
To make us fall in love with another awesome heroine
To make us look forward to the next book and wonder who’s up next!
…Then YES! She accomplished ALL of that.


Rock Chick Fairy: 4.5 FAIRY WINGS!!! I will recommend this to anyone who loves a good romance and who’s unafraid of tackling contemporary dilemmas! 

Sunburst Fairy : 5 FAIRY WiNGS!!! ^____^ for readers who cant get over a cheater! Hahaha, this is just gonna change your heart!

Mauve Fairy: Definitely a 5 for me!!! I love a book that is able to surprise me and made me change my heart J

Midnight Fairy: 4.5 Fairy Wings for me as well!

Average rating is 4.75 and we rounded it off to 5. CONGRATULATIONS LEX!! ANOTHER BOOK FROM YOU WITH A HIGH RATING!

* The fairies are grateful for Lex Martin for the special mention in her Acknowledgement in FD and KM. We love you LEX!! <3 <3 <3 


5 Fairy Wings

Teasers created by Mauve Fairy

Fave Book Quote by Mauve Fairy

Fave Book Quote by Rock Chick Fairy

Fave Book Quote by Sunburst Fairy

Fave Book Quote by Sunburst Fairy and Rock Chick Fairy

Fave Book Quote by Midnight Fairy

About the Author

Lex Martin writes new adult novels, the sexy kind with lotsa angst, a whole lotta kissing, and the hot happily ever afters. When she's not writing, she lives a parallel life as an English teacher. She loves printing black and white photos, listening to music on vinyl, and getting lost in a great book. Bitten by wanderlust, she's lived all over the country but currently resides in the City of Angels with her husband and twin daughters.

Connect with Lex

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