Monday, June 9, 2014

♥♥♥ SECRET LOVE by Christine Warner: A Rock Chick Fairy Book Review ♥♥♥


Saranac, Michigan
March 1955

Lizzie Tarleton has always done things her own way—including the time at the tender age of thirteen when she confessed to her brother’s best friend she loved him. But now she’s a new teacher at the local high school, and independent enough to know that you can’t force love. She’ll find love when the time is right—even though her parents are adamant the time is now. The only downfall to her idyllic life is the fact that her childhood crush—who broke her heart—is now her boss. If only she could stop daydreaming about him.

Wayne Whitmore grew up on the wrong side of the tracks and worked hard to get where he’s at in life. Even though he enjoys being principal at the small town high school, he dreams of coaching baseball. When his best friend asks him to watch over his little sister at her new job at Wayne’s school, he agrees. What he doesn’t count on is how she’s grown from the pig tailed kid who told him she loved him, to the woman who breaks his concentration with her beauty and smile. Unable to get over his fascination, and afraid he’ll ruin his friend’s trust, Wayne applies for his dream job—one that will take him far away.

One night while decorating the school gymnasium for an upcoming sock hop, Lizzie and Wayne find themselves alone. They share a kiss and Lizzie realizes her childhood crush for Wayne has never died. Wayne decides he doesn’t want to let Lizzie get away.

Can they come to terms with their secret love and then overcome the other secrets they are hiding in order to get what they each want? Or is their timing for love still off?

The title says it all. It's about a secret love.

An arc was provided to me in exchange for an honest review.

This was a short, good and happy read for me.

The book's plot was set in an interesting time frame. It started in 1955, so the story was set at a colorful time in the past. It gives us a glimpse of the older ways. ;) It's a bit corny in some places, considering that I am a reader from the 21st century and all that, but it's still cute. It's kind of predictable when it comes to the romance part, but hey, it's all part of its charm.

Lizzie had a big crush on our hero (Wayne) when she was very young. Needless to say, Lizzie's age made it impossible for Wayne to pay any sort of attention her. That's blow number one, blow number two is that Lizzie confessed her umm.. love for Wayne a long time ago and she never got over him. Wayne on the other hand may not have noticed Lizzie before because of various reasons, one of them is Lizzie being the sister of his best friend (which I don't really understand... Why is it so bad to be in love with your bff's sister? Is there some kind of guy code here that I'm missing? LOL), but now HE NOTICES HER alright. He can't get her out of his mind. The way he describes her, it's like she's his sun. He says she brightens up the room no matter what. *sigh*

The story gradually takes us on their journey to confessing. Like I said, it's short, sweet and pretty nice. The only thing that I find lacking here are some other details about both of their families. I would've wanted more details on Lizzie's brother. :)

Anyway, to sum it all up, this is a quick, good read. Worth your time and effort. :)

RATING: 4 fairy wings!

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