Monday, June 9, 2014


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We are extremely excited to bring you the Release Day Launch for Kallie Ross' DESCENT!! DESCENT is an amazing young adult fantasy adventure that is out today!!

Descent Cover



Descent Teaser


Seventeen year old Ollie Miller is ready to leave all of her hurt feelings behind, but moving on seems impossible while living next door to her ex-best friend, Mateo. When curious earthquakes begin to shake and rip open the foundation of her small town, the ground becomes as unsteady as her feelings for him. When they fall, they fall hard… Ollie’s disastrous attempt to save Mateo’s brother from falling into a curious chasm results in their descent into a cavernous wonderland. Ollie, Mateo, Jesse, and Alexis search for a way back home, and encounter a mysterious tribe of natives. Gabriel, the next in line to lead his people, is granted permission to guide them to the surface. On their treacherous journey, an overzealous elder threatens all of their lives, because he can’t risk them exposing his people, or the power he wields. The group discovers ancient secrets, unexpected truths, and uncharted feelings. Ollie must find a way out or risk being stuck in the caves forever—or worse, dead. 

 “Descent is a gripping debut that takes you on a roller coaster - a page turner that has you asking - what happens next. I loved every single word of it.”


Awesome adventure! 
Grand start for a series! 

An ARC was provided to me in exchange for an honest review.

I'll be frank. I read this book firstly because the cover is intriguing and awesome and secondly because the blurb sounded the the movie "Journey to the center of the world". I like.. no, I LOVE adventure books. I like reading about new places, new creatures and new types of people. Falling from the face of the Earth and ending up meeting people who are living underground without all the modern stuff that we're enjoying right now? THAT definitely fits the bill.

Our characters are typical teens who are undecided in their lives. Ollie just came back from a far off place and had  just finished licking her wounded heart. Mateo is her best friend who hasn't been talking to her since she got back. Jesse is Mateo's jokester of a brother and lastly,  Alexis who's Ollie's friend and Jesse's kind of ex girlfriend.

This is the story of these four friends who suddenly find themselves in an entirely different environment. I lower, deeper and far off place. They encounter tribal people who are not all that welcoming. Well, one is very welcoming.. Gabriel (the hot dude). He accompanies them into their journey back to the "surface". They get to see many new things, like floating lights above their heads, plants that poison people, goats who don't look exactly like goats, very big scorpions and people who eat bats! It's all very bizarre and very exciting. The author is very good at making people imagine what she wants them to see. The descriptions are vivid that it's as if I'm really in THAT place. It's surreal.

They get to meet other tribe members and needless to say, their interaction is interesting because of the conflict that occurs between modern people and historic ones. You can just imagine the adjustment for both parties. The story gradually unfolds and in the end, we are left with more mysteries and a promise of more adventures to come.

I guess I also have to point out that I liked everything in this book except for the love triangle thingy. I haven't been into that for a long time and it didn't change in this book. However, don't be deterred because in all fairness, the main story pretty much swallows the love triangle, so it's all good.

All in all, this is a grand start of a promising series. It's unique and enticing. I recommend this to those who love adventure books. :)


Descent Teaser 2

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  About Kallie Ross: 

 Over time my love for learning gravitated toward studying conspiracy theories and contradictions in our culture. My conclusions have ignited a passion to write compelling young adult fiction that incorporates legend, conjecture, fantasy, and conviction. I love being a wife, mother, friend, writer, and teacher. I began teaching high school English in 2002 and started blogging and podcasting in 2008. I have a brilliant husband, two redheads, and never imagined my life would ever be this fun!    

Find Kallie Ross


1 comment:

  1. Yes, I tought about it. You know how they say: I do not know if there are any. However, I am afraid of them.
