Wednesday, February 26, 2014

♥TAKE A CHANCE by Abbi Glines: A Mauve Fairy book review


Title: Take a Chance
Author: Abbi Glines
Date Published: February 25, 2014
Genre: New Adult, Romance
Publisher: Atria Books
Rating: 5 Fairy Wings
Reviewer: The Mauve Fairy

When Harlow Manning’s rocker father goes on tour, he sends her to Rosemary Beach, Florida, to live with her half-sister, Nan. The problem: Nan despises her. Harlow has to keep her head down if she wants to get through the next nine months, which seems easy enough. Until gorgeous Grant Carter walks out of Nan’s room in nothing but his boxer briefs.Grant made a huge mistake getting involved with a girl with venom in her veins. He’d known about Nan’s reputation, but still he couldn’t resist her. Nothing makes him regret the fling more than meeting Harlow, who sends his pulse racing. Yet Harlow wants nothing to do with a guy who could fall for her wicked half-sister—even if there are no strings between Grant and Nan. Grant is desperate to redeem himself in Harlow’s eyes, but did he ruin his chances before he even met her?

My R E V I E W:

Omg!! I love this book!

I stayed up all night reading, finished in 4 hours, devoured every word in every page. That's how much I love Abbi's writing. I practically dropped the book I was reading yesterday so I could read this first. I love that she always has a surprise for her readers. I am actually bracing myself that someone will die in this novel and mentally preparing myself for that ugly cry that will happen. I love that every twist and turn in her books make me gasp and hold my breath. Her characters are so compelling, engaging and endearing that you can't help but fall hard for them.

I love love Harlow. It is so easy to love her really. She's so sweet, quiet and classy and keeps to herself. Even though her father is so famous, it did not taint her unlike the
offspring of some famous celebrities that are so flashy. She has a backbone and I love that she can stand up to her half sister, Nan. She avoids being her doormat and i love their verbal sparring. She was able to put Nan in her place more than once and I think Nan finally met her match. However, I just wish that she's not so weak when it comes to Grant. She forgives him so easily. With Grant's sins i don't think he really deserves Harlow.

I hate that Grant is so weak too. I mean, he could not resist temptations. And I hate that after that thing with Harlow, he went back to Nan. That made him a douche in my eyes. Though in the middle of the story, I was happy that he was able to man himself up to go after Harlow and show her that he can be what she needs. I really hope that he will be able to overcome his fears and go after her again.

Kiro.. God what to say?! I was flabbergasted! I was surprised that he has a side that even his favorite daughter does not know. I was so moved by that scene. So shocking! Abbi really knows how to drop bombs in her novels. Kiro is not a model father. He’s a famous rock star that fucks everything that moves as young as her daughter, fucks everywhere he likes not caring if anyone sees him. He uses drugs, drinks a lot of booze, so that bomb is a complete amazement and so astounding that i know every reader will be stunned by it. His softer side moved me. I actually cried with harlow upon learning about the things he's prepared to do for the sake of love… and I love abbi for it. I love that Abbi made me love a character that is not so lovable at first. I love that Abbi was able to show that side of him.

I love Abbi. Period. And everything she writes!!

Rush, Blaire and Nate. Oh! How I miss them! That monumental event in their family life is so riveting. I'm happy that though this is Grant and Harlow's book, these trio is present and just teases the readers on what's happening in their life. I love rush to the moon and back and I really look forward to knowing more about his life now that he has a son and married to Blaire. I hope to read more of him in the upcoming Rosemary beach books

Nan is still the hateful bitch that she is. She's just so full of herself and so selfish. I just wish she would have an epiphany that will make her realize that she can't go on living in hate and selfishness. I actually want her to have a book by herself so that she could redeem herself. Don't crucify me. I just want to see the good in every people. And I believe that she has a reason why she acts that way. She believes that no one wants and loves her that she tries to be always detestable. I want her to finally meet someone who will value her for what she is, will cater to her needs, will tame her wild side and will make her see that the world need not to be live in loathing.

Mase. Will he get his own book? He seems hot enough and I would love to read about him. He's kind of mysterious to me. The son of a famous lead rockstar that is actually not fazed by it. He loves Harlow dearly and detest Nan. Their dynamics are amusing to me i could see myself loving this guy.

This story is unfinished. There is part 2 and I can’t wait for that to be released.

I love love Abbi and I so love this series. Rush and Woods are my top book boyfriends and I always look forward on reading about them. This is one of the series that I wish would never end. My sleep deprivation is so worth it. * happy and contented sigh *

Favorite Quotes:

“I don’t do possessive and crazy. Never have. But you . . . I want to wrap you up andrun off with you so no one can touch you again. Just me. Always me.”

“You smell like heaven and hell all wrapped up into one”

"You’re worth fighting demons for.”

"You’re worried about getting hurt, but I don’t think you understand yet that you’re holding all the damn cards, sweet girl. All the damn cards.”

You’ll find out you can trust me. I’m not a bad guy. Deep down you know that. I just made a very bad decision.”

 “Three kinds of women in this world. The kind that sucks you dry and leaves you with nothing. The kind that only wants a good time. And the kind that makes life worth a damn. That last kind… she’s the one that gives as much as she takes and you can’t get enough. She’s the kind… if you lose her, you lose yourself.”

“You make me want things and feel a way I’m not ready for.”

“If you think she is the one then it's time you take a chance.”

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Reading Order and Purchase Links

Fallen Too Far (Rush & Blaire #1):

Rush Too Far (Rush & Blaire #1.5): (6 May 2014) 

Never Too Far (Rush & Blaire #2): 

Twisted Perfection (Woods & Della #1): 

Forever Too Far (Rush & Blaire #3): 

Simple Perfection (Woods & Della #2): 

Take A Chance (Grant & Harlow #1): 

One More Chance (Grant & Harlow #2): (2 Sep 2014) 

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