Wednesday, February 26, 2014

✼ THE SCRIBE (Irin Chronicles #1) by Elizabeth Hunter: A Midnight Fairy book review

Hi everyone, it's the Midnight Fairy again reporting from the humble quarters of the Fairy Court. I hope you guys are not tired of me yet, this is only my 3rd review for this week! haha

When The Scribe went live in October 2013, I was already a huge fan of Ms. Hunter. It all started with her contemporary romance novel (which you should totally read!) The Genius and the Muse then  her Elemental Mysteries, and so on. Anyway, when it came out, I refused to read it because I knew back then that it'll just drive me crazy waiting for the sequel. I'm not a very patient fairy. Also, there's just something about Elizabeth Hunter's novels that will make you crave for more. I practically devoured the entire Elemental Mysteries/World Series and a few days later I found myself looking for more EH novels, short stories, extras, etc. on her website! She's a brilliant author and I highly recommend her works. Last night, I finally caved in and read the book. So, here I am broken to pieces because the sequel is not out yet. *sigh* Seriously though, I think this is Ms. Hunter's best work yet.
“I can hear you. Inside. All I hear is you.”

He stilled his hands. “And what do I sound like?”

“Perfect,” she choked out. “You sound… perfect.”

For the 28 years of her existence, Ava Matheson have struggled with the voices she hears. She avoids crowds, because more people means more voices, more words that she couldn't seem to understand no matter how many language she study. A quick visit to a shrink in Tel Aviv (Israel) brought her to Istanbul (Turkey), looking for answers and hopefully to understand her condition. There she stumbled with a bunch of Grigoris following her around and Malachi, an ancient Scribe who vowed to protect her at all cost. 

This book deserves its 5 fairy wings rating because it's just perfect. Elizabeth Hunter is a genius. Her writing is superb and I loved how she created a realm so amazing you'll never want to part with it, ever. The urban fantasy part of this book is brilliant and unique! Fallen angels blending perfectly in the human world, walking in the city where Christian and Islam religion meets, an on going war between the children of the Forgiven and the Fallen, sounds awesome right? The Irin and Irinas both have interesting abilities that are powerful and have manifested over time. I loved the description of the setting---modern day Istanbul. Ms. Hunter used vivid words to show us the city. She captured it so well with her words that you'll feel like you're actually there walking in the streets of Istanbul. 
“Imagine a person created for you. Another being so in tune with you that their voice was the clearest you’ve ever heard in your mind.” 
The romance aspect of this book is so beautiful, I could cry. Two people in isolation because of different reasons--- Ava because of her supposed "mental condition" and Mal because of his energy draining touch, finding love in each other amidst chaos and confusion. What can be more epic than that? The chemistry between this two characters are off the charts! And their first kiss! Oh. My. Gosh. If there's an award for an all-time best first kiss on UF novels, this book will definitely win my vote. It was so intimate, not just on physical level but in emotional level as well. It marked the beginning of a connection so deep that their souls recognized each other as its other half. After reading "the kiss" part, I knew this is going to be one of my favorite PNR book. 

I liked the character building in this novel. Ava and Malachi were both doubtful and reluctant at first when they finally learned the significance of each other to their lives. Both have been alone for so long and in the back of their minds the "thing" that they have is just too good to be true, that the other could just disappear or leave for good. Malachi's fear roots from the Irin history in which most of the females and children were killed in what they call the Rending while Ava's fears came from abandonment issues and inability to connect with others because of the voices she hears. As they spend more time together, they discover ways to overcome their fears and found strength from each other.
“You’re not crazy.” He couldn’t tear his eyes away from his fingers touching—actually touching—her. “You’re not crazy, Ava. You’re… a miracle.”
In my opinion, a story is not complete if there's no shocking plot twist. The Scribe definitely delivered. I was shocked and in despair for a moment until I reached the end of the chapter. If you plan to read the book today, don't worry, you can read the first chapter of the second book (The Singer) in Ms. Hunter's website. Just a warning though, reading the first chapter of The Singer is like sucking an ice chip after being under NPO (nothing per orem) for 24 hours straight. It doesn't quench the thirst but its better than nothing.
This book is a real gem and deserved to be read and recognized. The Scribe has all the stuff I loved in a PNR novel -- action, romance, drama, perfect setting, superb story telling and dynamic characters. If you also like those  I mentioned, you should go ahead and buy The Scribe now!

My work is done here. Midnight Fairy, signing out!

PS. I can't wait to read The Singer!!!

PPS. The Scribe also received the stamp of approval of the elusive Dragon Fairy. She have "the eye" for a good book. If she recommends a book you have to listen because they are always good! xp

Rating: 5 fairy wings!!!

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