Sunday, May 8, 2016

RELEASE BLITZ: Dark Musings by Xtina Marie

Dark Musings by Xtina Marie

A collection of Dark Poetry. Dark Musings is a glimpse into darkness. A delving into intense emotional feelings; heartache, loss, hurt, pain, rage, dangerous consuming love, with occasional bouts of insanity shining through. Definitely not for the faint of heart.
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Author Interview

1. Have you ever been arrested? I have to tell the truth here? Yes, I have...but as for the why...I'll never tell..

2 .When did you realize you wanted to write Horror/Bizaro? I write all kinds of things, but horror has always been my first love...I love being scared, and if my writing can give someone the willies- all the better

3. What is your all-time favorite horror movie? I love love love the Rob Zombie Halloween remakes...

4. Who is your biggest Horror/Bizaro influence as a writer? Hmmmm, not sure what I would classify the writer as, but if I had to answer I would say Chuck Palahniuk...he was the first writer I read who I thought really took chances and wrote outside of the box...

5. Do you always want to write just Horror/Bizaro or would you like to dabble in a different Genre? I write all different things...even in my poetry...I have a few projects going right now, arom/com, am erotic romance, a horror story, as well as whatever suites my fancy at the moment in terms of my poetry 

6. How many people have you killed? Who told you- oh wait! LOL...well, if looks could kill, possibly a dozen...

7. Have you ever looked on I have not, but I have heard about it and my curiosity is just not that curious LOL

8. If you couldn’t write Horror/Bizaro what would you write or would you lay down the pen? I would write long as I was writing

9. Let’s settle it once and for all; who would win Jason Voorhees or Michael Myers? Michael Meyers all the way! 

10. What is scarier to you; a serial killer or ghost? Growing up in a religious household, anything paranormal always totally freaked me out.. 

11. Do the characters in your books kill more with a gun, knife or their own hands? I would have to say hands...In my poetry I have ripped people apart with my bare hands- hell, I even disemboweled someone before LOL

12. What would you like for people to know most about you as an author? Hmmm...I suppose I would like them to know, that when I write, it's from deep within me, and that what they are reading- for the most part- I have bled onto the pages 

Author Bio

Xtina Marie lives in the beautiful state of Tennessee. She has dreamed of being a writer since she was in middle school, where she would entertain her classmates with her twisted stories. She began writing poetry as a way to purge her heart. While horror and fiction writing will always be her first love, poetry is what frees her soul.

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