Tuesday, April 26, 2016

RELEASE BLITZ: Shameless by Lex Martin + REVIEW by Mauve Fairy +GIVEAWAY

Title: Shameless
Author: Lex Martin
Genre: Adult Contemporary Romance
 Release Date: April 26, 2016


What the hell do I know about raising a baby? Nothing. Not a goddamn thing. 

Yet here I am, the sole guardian of my niece. I’d be lost if it weren’t for Katherine, the beautiful girl who seems to have all the answers. Katherine, who’s slowly finding her way into my cynical heart.

I keep reminding myself that I can’t fall for someone when we don’t have a future. But telling myself this lie and believing it are two different things.

When Brady shows up on a Harley, looking like an avenging angel—six feet, three inches of chiseled muscle, eyes the color of wild sage, and sun-kissed skin emblazoned with tattoos—I’m not sure if I should fall at his feet or run like hell. Because if I tell him what happened the night his family died, he might hate me. 

What I don’t count on are the nights we spend together trying to forget the heartache that brought us here. I promise him it won’t mean anything, that I won’t fall in love.

I shouldn’t make promises I can’t keep.

Shameless is an adult contemporary romance/spinoff featuring a character from The Dearest Series, but it can be read as a complete standalone.

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ARC was provided by the author in exchange for an honest review

First of all, let me just say that I love love Lex Martin and her Dearest Series. It's no brainer that Shameless is one of my most anticipated books for this month. Of course, I didn't pass the opportunity to apply for an ARC when it was offered! And I can't tell you how much I love her newest book!

What I love about Lex's books is that they're more about romance and love and swoony moments, not to mention hot and I-want-to-snuggle-you-all-day heroes and relatable heroines. Lesser drama. A feel-good book. Light and easy. This book is all of that if not more!

I love how she characterized Kat. She's funny and smart and intelligent, really have a caring side, the best friend you could have, an animal lover (hello Bandit!) and a very hard worker. She's the best friend of Brady's brother's wife. And when a tragedy struck, she was there to help and guide Brady in everything that fell on his lap. She's an amazing human being because she always think of other's welfare first, always have a lending hand and has a good ear for listening to one's problems. Her hotness factor is up by multiple notches because of her Spanish mumblings and curses!

Brady oh Brady! Can I steal you for a moment? Just a sec will do! I would just like to give you the tightest hug in the history of hugs because you are such an awesome guy! You know, the manwhore-he-will-fuck-everything-with-a-skirt type gets really old sometimes. It is so refreshing for once to read a hero that takes his responsibility seriously, more of a relationship guy than a one-night stand manwhore, someone who is not afraid to tackle a baby and really crazy pets, a guy that loves his family and will do everything for their sake, someone who does not toy with women and goes after the woman he loves. I mean who in her right mind won't fall in love with that kind of guy??

The slow build in their romance is one of the highlights in this book. There is definitely attraction on both sides but since their future is somewhat unclear at that time, they are afraid to act on it. But living together does not help, nor the circumstances that made them hold on to each other. And when they're unable to resist much longer, BOOM!!! ovaries exploded! Haha seriously though, I must say that Lex can write a sex scene!! And that's all you're getting from me! For you to know how hot it is, you gotta read this book. And I want to add that you will not want to miss this!

If you are in need of a book after an ugly cry or after you've read something that has twisted you in knots and made your heart bleed, pick up this book and read it. You'll be guaranteed a good time if not the best 5 to 7 hours of reading time. This book is really a pretty "good walk in the park" kind of book and I recommend that you all read this. Because who does not want to be entertained and transported to another romantic getaway for a few hours? I sure do!

I would also like to thank Lex and express my deepest gratitude for always mentioning The Bookaholic Fairies Blog in her books!! The fairies love you so so much Lex!! We will always be here supporting you in all your endeavors!


5 "I'm Freaking SHAMELESS" Fairy Wings

Also Available

The Dearest Series Boxed Set is FREE on KU for a limited time. Get all three Dearest Series books, including Dearest Clementine, Finding Dandelion and Kissing Madeline, as well as Dearest Series bonus scenes and the first chapter of Shameless.

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Author Bio

Lex writes adult novels, the sexy kind with lotsa angst, a whole lotta kissing, and the hot happily ever afters. When she's not writing, she lives a parallel life as an English teacher. She loves printing black and white photos, listening to music on vinyl, and getting lost in a great book. Bitten by wanderlust, she's lived all over the country but currently resides in the City of Angels with her husband and twin daughters.

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