Sunday, February 14, 2016

VALENTINE SPECIAL: Addicted Series + Book Quotes Part 1

Happy Vday Bookaholics!!!!!!!!!

I have a special treat for all of you today! Have you come across with a book quote and you immediately think of a book where that quote applies? That happened to me a lot of times and that's where I got this inspiration to do some book graphics based on my all time favorite Addicted series by the twin duo Krista and Becca Ritchie.

I would like to make special mention some friends of mine (and fellow admins at the Fizzle Force FB group) who helped me with this project. Thanks so much to Jenn, Jae and Siiri and Haul Fairy, my fellow blogger here at Musings of the Book-a-holic Fairies, Inc., for all the beautiful and amazing pics. This endeavor materialized because of their awesome photography skills (in which I seriously lack).

Please feel free to share these graphics in any social media. You don't have to ask for permission (teehee!). I would love for these graphics to go viral! I've also made a Tumblr post and you can reblog them all you want. I've also pinned these graphics on my All Things KBRitchie Pinterest board and you can pin those all you want too.

This is just the first set of graphics. There'll be more to come as there are more quotes that I like to make edits. Stay tuned!

So without much further ado, enjoy these edits I created just for the Addicted series! - Mauve Fairy

 photo by @rosecoballoway (Twitter), cobaltrose (Tumblr), @rosecoballoway (Instagram)

 photo by @lilohalway (Twitter), lilohalway (Tumblr), @jrohrbach79 (Instagram)

 photo by @lilohalway (Twitter), lilohalway (Tumblr), @jrohrbach79 (Instagram)

 photo by @lilycalloway (Twitter), jaebooklover (Tumblr), @jaebooklover (Instagram)

 photo by @lilycalloway (Twitter), jaebooklover (Tumblr), @jaebooklover (Instagram)

photo by @lilycalloway (Twitter), jaebooklover (Tumblr), @jaebooklover (Instagram)

 photo by @rosecoballoway (Twitter), cobaltrose (Tumblr), @rosecoballoway (Instagram)

photo by @jobellereyes (Twitter)

 photo by @rosecoballoway (Twitter), cobaltrose (Tumblr), @rosecoballoway (Instagram)

photo by @lilohalway (Twitter), lilohalway (Tumblr), @jrohrbach79 (Instagram)

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