Sunday, November 1, 2015

Mauve Fairy's Most Anticipated Reads: November 2015

It's November Bookaholics! Y'all know what this means? New books! New reads! Seriously, my TBR is growing so fast I can't keep up. I've already lost track of all the books I want to read but still, I keep on adding anyway. I guess, that's the real life of a bookwhore. And I've long accepted the fact that it will keep on growing and growing.

Here I am again listing all the upcoming books I've been waiting for their release. So fasten your seat belt because I have an epic line up for this month. And I just realized that my top 5 most favorite authors are all coming out with new releases this month!! Yay!

November 9 by Colleen Hoover
Release Date: November 10th
Pre-Order on Amazon

Any book from Colleen is like a Christmas present for me. She's one of my go-to authors and I am always excited if she's releasing a brand new book! This is the first time I read the blurb, seriously! Yup, I am one of those readers who wants to go in blindly. All I know before this, is that Ben, the male character in this book, is a writer. After I read the synopsis, I got intrigued! They kept on meeting at the same date every year? And Ben's muse in his book is Fallon? And the words plot twist really caught my attention!! Gahhh I am excited to read this already!

More than Enough by Jay McLean
Release Date: November 16th

OMG! Another More Book! I am telling you that this one is a must read (even though I haven't read this yet). You haven't met any of the More men yet? You're missing out girl, BIG TIME! Yep, all Jay's books have all the feels!! I love love her books so much and I am sure this one will be as awesome as the first books in this series.

And again, I know nothing about this book except that it's about Dylan. You know that guy who's quiet all the time. And the mystery is, no one knows who is the heroine! Is it Heidi? If you're not familiar with their history, Heidi is Dylan's girlfriend since High School. As the More series progresses, they broke up. That's all I know!!! And I can't wait to know MORE!!!!

Corrupt by Penelope Douglas
Release Date: November 17th

Oh man! Another book by Penelope!! AGAIN, this is the first time I read the blurb and OH EM GEE!!! I am scared already! What's going to happen? Is this a love triangle? And I saw a book trailer last night and Oh God! I can't tell you how much I want to read this already! I must have watched the trailer a hundred times! It was that good! The suspense is really killing me! If you haven't seen the video yet, you can find it on Penelope's FB author page. GO! watch it and tell me what you think!

Long Way Down by Krista and Becca Ritchie
Release Date: November 20th

Oh sh*t! Pardon my language Aholics but this book is #$&*()_(*&^%#$@%^&* I have no words. I cannot express how I feel about this book because I AM IN LOVE WITH THIS SERIES BIG TIME!!!! I am both happy and sad, mixed feelings actually. I cannot contain my excitement and anticipation over this book and yet I am dreading the date it will be released. This is the last book in this series and I SERIOUSLY AM NOT READY FOR THIS TO END YET!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOO I AM GOING TO DIE when this series finally ends!!! 

What are your most anticipated reads for this month? Do we look forward to the same books? Let's discuss this in comments!

Note: This blog post is also published at Mauve Fairy's personal blog, Aholically Aholic.

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