Monday, November 23, 2015

COVER REVEAL - Restoration & Forgiveness (Renovate #2) by Mindy A. Carter + Excerpt

Title: Restoration & Forgiveness (Renovate #2)
Author: Mindy A. Carter
Release Date: Jan 18, 2016
Find on Goodreads

When I ran back home, I wasn’t prepared for the reminders of him everywhere I turned. I certainly never expected Keegan to follow. I thought I made myself clear - we were through. I didn’t want anything to do with him. But, he inserted himself back into my life, and there was nothing I could do. 

I pushed he pulled.

I ran and he chased me.

I cried and he wiped away the tears.

He just wouldn’t give up, and the battle my head and my heart are waging, is one I don’t want to be a part of. You see my head says be strong, but my heart is saying I belong to him, and always will.

What does one do when her heart can easily forgive, yet her head refuses to. 

Can Keegan, and I restore our fairy tale, or will our story be closed for good?


“Let’s dance,” I tell Delaney.  I’m feeling pretty good and the music is loud. It's a perfect cover to get away from him.

I grab Delaney's hand and drag her to the dance floor.  I don’t look back, letting the music and alcohol course through my body as I move my hips with the beat.   

After a while, I head to the bathroom, needing a break from the sweaty dance floor. Delaney heads back to the bar to get us more drinks, which I’m sure I don’t need since I already feel like I'm having a hard time walking a straight line.  Luckily all goes well in the ladies room, and I’m able to use the facilities without help.  I giggle at what an awesome drunk I am.
I walk out with a smile on my face when suddenly someone catches my arm and turns me around, my back against a wall.  My heart speeds up and for a split second I don’t recognize who has grabbed me until I hear the low timbre of his voice.

“Are you drunk?”
I look into Keegan’s eyes while he holds both of my arms - he's trapped me.

“Maybe a little.”

He looks angry, and for some reason my drunk self thinks the way he's looking at me is hilarious.

“You need to be careful, anyone could take advantage of you right now, Aimee.”

“I’m not alone I’m with Delaney.” I remind him.

He tilts his head as his green eyes bore into me. “Who is also wasted.”

“Well if it weren't for you I wouldn’t need to be here,” I shoot back.

“If it weren't for me you would have fallen over, the way you were stumbling out of the bathroom, I’m surprised you didn’t wipe out,” he growls.

“What are you, a stalker Keegan? I don’t remember you being this creepy before, must have picked it up from your blonde banshee.”

He looks at me confused, but then I see his eyes turn from anger to regret.

I reach up to touch his cheek. “Your eyes are so blue, like the ocean. Did you know you have the most beautiful eyes on the planet?” Did I say that out loud? Oh shit!

He looks at me and then his lips curve up into that panty-dropping smile, and I know if he decided to take me here I wouldn’t protest.  My head gets all foggy when he is this close.

He must see my walls fall at that moment, because his warm lips descend on me, and I can’t help but pull him close as our lips meet. It’s an explosion of everything I’ve been feeling in the last few days - anger, passion, hurt, and wanting.  We devour each other.   My head is telling me to stop, but I can’t.  His power over me is too strong.  Everything else around us falls away. His warm hand slides under my shirt shooting a tingle down my spine that feels amazing.  I press into him trying to get closer.  When we come up for air, he places his forehead against mine.
“To the stars,” he whispers.

I pull away and I look up to him. “The stars are too far away Keegan, no on will ever reach them. Even if you could touch one they'd burn you to ash.”

He releases his hold on me and I’m free, I’m almost sober now and flee to the front of the bar and out the door. The farther away I get from Keegan, the better.  I’m this close to forgiving him, but having been drinking, I don’t trust myself.  I can't be held responsible for my actions right now. At least that’s what I tell myself once I step outside and look up at the sky. Up to the twinkling stars, wishing just once I could touch them.

Skyscrapers & Camelot (Renovate #1)

Keegan was my world since I was six years old. When he walked out of my life, I was certain I would never see him again. He broke my heart, but truthfully I only have myself to blame. Now I'm looking into his incredibly beautiful blue eyes. He came back into my life as quickly as he left. Both of us have changed over the years, but I can't imagine living another day without him. 

My name is Aimee, and this is the story of how I lost and found my best friend and love of my life. The journey may be tough but there is no denying that Keegan, and I were destined to be together. He rescued me the day we met and had always been my prince charming. One thing I'm sure of, I'm not letting my happily ever after get away this time. 
On sale for $0.99 for a limited time!

Mindy has been in love with love, as long as she can remember. As a child, you could find Mindy engrossed in fairytale books and dreaming of her happily ever after. She was lucky enough to find her prince charming and lives in Ohio with him and her four precarious children. 

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