Friday, October 16, 2015


Bait & Switch
Alphas Undone Book 1


Love is a trap, a trick only other people fall for. Former Navy SEAL Nolan has no such

illusions. The only things real in his life are his beloved bulldog and the two women who

regularly share his bed. One is light—soft, innocent, and tender touches. The other is dark—and

gives him all of the wicked things he craves behind closed doors. It’s not cheating when each is

aware of the other. But when he begins to feel much more than he ever bargained for, the order

of his carefully crafted world is shaken, and he stands to lose everything.

Nolan thinks we met by chance. We didn’t. I sought him out, seduced him, and in return

got the sanctuary I needed to survive. But now, impossibly, I’ve fallen in love with him. I don’t

care that he has another lover, because when he finds out who I am, it’s going to ruin any chance

I ever had with him anyway. She’s the least of my worries.

Bait & Switch is Book 1 in a new contemporary romance series by Kendall Ryan.

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About The Author:

Kendall Ryan is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of

contemporary romance novels, including Hard to Love, Unravel Me, Resisting Her and

When I Break.

She's a sassy, yet polite Midwestern girl with a deep love of books, and a slight

addiction to lipgloss. She lives in Minneapolis with her adorable husband and two baby

sons, and enjoys hiking, being active, and reading.

Visit her at: for the latest book news, and fun extras







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“So, how does all this work? Do you mind if I pry a little?” Her cheeks heated slightly,

knowing all the questions spinning in her mind. It was one thing to hear about it over drinks the

other night, it was quite another to see it with her own eyes.

“Pry away,” he chuckled softly, his hand slowly stroking up and down against her spine.

Awareness zinged through her. It had been a long time since she’d felt a man’s touch. Six

months to be exact.

“How did she end up living here with you?”

“I knew her through a mutual acquaintance, and after breaking up with her ex, she needed

somewhere to live. I offered my guest room up. Rent free. No strings. And she said yes.”

“That was awfully nice of you.” She blinked at him in wide-eyed astonishment. It wasn’t

something many people would do.

“Trust me, I’m very far from being a white knight.” His voice dropped lower, and his

hand came to rest at her lower back again. “Our relationship sort of evolved from there.”

He didn’t continue, leaving Lacey to guess if it was some type of BDSM interest that

they shared.

“What else is going on inside that pretty head of yours?” he asked.

“H-how did you come to be this way?” She cringed when she realized how it sounded.

As though he was damaged goods. Then again, maybe he was. Nolan didn’t even raise an

eyebrow to her question.

“After a demanding career as a SEAL …” He let out a deep sigh, gazing down at the

courtyard. “My goals are much simpler now – to enjoy life one day at a time and take pleasure

where I find it.”

She simply nodded. He didn’t elaborate, but he didn’t need to. Growing up in a family of

men who served, she knew he had seen too much, done too much, probably experienced losing

teammates he fought beside. She knew it could mess a man up. At the very least, it changed

them. And in Nolan’s case, it made him harder and closed him off to the hearts and flowers kind

of love she hoped to find someday. He was surviving, in his own way.

“I need to know what you taste like,” Nolan murmured.

She blinked up at him, her eyes still searching his. There was so much she was unsure

about, but the electricity buzzing between them wasn’t one of them.

He leaned forward, moving slowly, and brought his lips to hers. Hesitating for just a

moment, as if to give her a chance to decide, Nolan’s warm breath ghosted over her mouth.

Lifting up onto her tip toes, Lacey touched her lips to his. With one hand stroking her jaw, his

other came to settle against her hip, his thumb running along the bare skin at the waistband of her

jeans. Nolan pulled her body close, until she felt the hard ridge of him against her belly. He felt

massive. Her lips parted in a silent gasp and he stroked his tongue against hers.

His mouth seemed made to fit over hers. And the skillful way he moved his tongue

provoked thoughts of what other ways he could use that tongue. While her panties grew wet, and

her breathing turned ragged, they kissed deeply for several minutes.

Her hands wandered, running over his firm biceps, and down the front of his shirt where

rounded pecs waited invitingly under his shirt.

Sex rolled off of him in waves. No, not just sex. Fucking. Lacey was sure that being

intimate with Nolan would be unlike any other experience she’d had. And that excited the hell

out of her.

“God damn, woman,” he murmured breaking away from her lips.

Lacey couldn’t disagree. Everything about that kiss felt right. Backgrounds ceased to

matter. Messy entanglements forgotten. When she was kissing Nolan, nothing mattered except

getting even closer. More, her body begged.

 “Just keep an open mind,” he said, tucking a stray lock of hair behind her ear.

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