Tuesday, October 6, 2015

BOOK BLITZ - Fated by Peggy Martinez + EXCERPT + GIVEAWAY

Time Warper: Fated by Peggy Martinez 
(A Sage Hannigan Novel, #1) 
Published by: Clean Teen Publishing
Publication date: October 6th 2015th
Genres: Paranormal Romance, Young Adult


Eighteen-year-old Sage Hannigan wants to get back to her own time, preferably one that hasn’t been destroyed by an underworld plot brewing in Edwardian-era South Carolina. How hard can it be?
All she has to do is:

1. Learn to use newly acquired warping skills to bend time to her will.
2. Take out a few rogue vampires.
3. Join an ancient secret society.
4. Figure out who is putting the time stream in jeopardy.
5. Find and maim whoever invented the corset.

Sage never asked to be chosen by the Druid Priestess, Amerach, to become a Warper, and she never asked to have the future hanging on her shoulders or to warp a hundred years into the past. She certainly never asked to meet Dr. Aldwin Blake, who would make her question her desire to get back to her own time. But if she fails her mission, people will die, history will change, and the present she wishes to return to will be no more.


Phoebe helped me dress again, and even though I had to put the accursed corset back on, I couldn’t help but smile at my reflection as I left for dinner. I thanked Phoebe and fiddled nervously with a strand of my hair as I headed out the door. I was just going around the corner when Dr. Blake’s door swung open and he stepped out. Dear Lord, he looked yummy in his black evening clothes. He stopped mid-stride when he caught sight of me, and quite comically, his jaw dropped. He recovered quickly, and his gaze raked over me, assessing me and leaving my skin feeling uncomfortably warm all over.
My dress was made from a lovely, dark green satin; it had little capped sleeves and left most of my shoulders bare. The bodice was trimmed with tiny, black seed pearls. The entire dress was bustled in the back, and the fabric cascaded down to my feet. When he still hadn’t said anything, only stared at me, I began to fidget and lose confidence.
“Is it horrible? Phoebe said it was perfectly acceptable for an evening meal, but I don’t know the appropriate attire for dinner here.” I self-consciously touched the back of my hair, which had been neatly arranged in a lovely loose knot on top of my head. A green satin and black-lace rose was pinned to the side. “Phoebe said the green dress brought out the auburn of my hair.” I bit my lip.
“You look lovely,” Dr. Blake said softly.
I released the nervous breath I hadn’t realized I’d been holding as he turned to leave. Catching up to him quickly, I touched his arm to get his attention. He stopped so abruptly that I plowed into his back. It was like running into a small tree—a small, firmly muscled tree—and I rebounded off him at least a foot.
Dr. Blake turned lightning fast and grabbed my arms to steady me before I ended up ass-over-teakettle. As soon as I was steady, he jerked his hands off me as if I’d burned him. I didn’t blame him, but it still hurt.
“Was there something you wanted, Miss Hannigan?”
Yes… for you to call me Sage.
I shook my head to clear it. “No… I mean, yes!”
“Well, which is it?” he asked impatiently.
I swallowed hard and met his cold gaze without flinching. Heat rushed to my face, and I frowned slightly. There was something about him, other than his magnetic pull and handsome arrogance that made me all giddy. I just couldn’t put my finger on it.
“I want to apologize for earlier today.” He started to cut me off, but I raised my hand and pinned him with the haughtiest stare I could muster. “What I meant to say was, I didn’t mean to be so rude and pry into your personal business like that. I don’t know what came over me. One moment I was opening my mouth to thank you, and the next moment, I was insulting you. It was inexcusable.”
By the end of my little speech, I was looking at the ground and fiddling with my stone pendant. A large hand closed over mine, and I immediately stopped fiddling—hell, I think I stopped breathing. I looked up into his eyes and found they weren’t quite as cold as usual.
“You’re welcome,” he said gently.
He let go of my hand and stepped away, much to my addled brain’s disappointment. “If you’ll walk with me, I’d be glad to show you to the dining room.”
A huge grin split my face, and Dr. Blake looked slightly stunned for a second. I took the arm he offered and followed him to dinner.


a Rafflecopter giveaway


Peggy Martinez is a full time Author who has over a dozen published works, including the Time Warper Series, the State of Decay Trilogy, the Contradiction Series, the Reapers Grimm Series, her middle grade Super Zero Series, and various novellas and serials. 

When not writing, Peggy can be found homeschooling her teen son and four daughters. You may also find her packaging hundreds of boxes for her monthly box subscription business she founded just for readers! (Lit-Cube) She could also be spotted reading, making soap, dabbling in aromatherapy, watching gangster movies, prepping for the zombie apocalypse, or downing insane amounts of Twizzlers and Kazoozles. Oh yeah... and day dreaming about owning a small homestead or taking a dream vacation to Greece, Scotland, & Ireland. She could totally be doing that. 

Business Website: http://www.lit-cube.com

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