Wednesday, October 14, 2015

BOOK BLITZ - Deadly Secrets by Kat Nichols + INTERVIEW with the author

Deadly Secrets by Kat Nichols 
(The Secret Societies Collection, #2) 
Publication date: August 18th 2015
Genres: Paranormal, Young Adult


Sophia Morganthal is in over her head. Her struggles with trying to run a corporation and lead her coven cause havoc in Sophia’s personal life — mostly with her boyfriend, Connor.
Amidst the chaos, a neighboring coven is attacked, pushing Sophia to assume her place on the local council. On the brink of a supernatural war, Sophia must take action as some of the coven leaders seem to have their own agenda.
Running out of options, Sophia seeks help from the last group the council wants to involve. Will the risk be worth the reward or will she lose everything she fought so hard to attain?

Interview with Kat Nichols

What is the Secret Societies Collection about?

The Secret Societies Collection is a planned series of books about how various supernatural groups interact with humans and each other in northwestern Illinois. Since the series covers multiple groups, each story is divided into two books or a Set. The first two books, Family Secrets and Deadly Secrets, are the Secrets Set and tell Sophia's story. Book three will move on to a new group and therefore will start a new Set. Each set can be read on its own, but as the characters’ lives intertwine with those you've already read, or those you may meet in the future, it's a good idea to read them in order.

What are you working on now?

Right now I'm working on two novels and a short story. The short story will be released to my newsletter followers in December and is a glimpse of Sophia’s first Christmas in Illinois. This comes after Deadly Secrets in the timeline. I’m also working hard on book three in the collection. Tentatively titled, Fool Me Once, it tells the story of Morgan, who is 16 years old and completely oblivious to anything supernatural. Her world is about to be rocked when not one, but two new guys enroll in her school and introduce her to both glamour and danger. I’m not a fan of love triangles, but this book will have a very different take on them which I hope people enjoy!

Can you give us more information on the love triangle?

I don’t want to spoil it, but let’s just say that not everything is as it seems. It will be obvious to the reader, sort of, but not to the characters themselves. Like I said, I’m not a huge fan of love triangles as a reader, so I really did not want to put one in a book as an author, but it’s integral to the plot and really a different view.

Have you always wanted to be a writer?    

Yes. Ever since I was a little girl I’ve wanted to write. I have notebooks and folders full of ‘Chapter Ones’ and ‘Story Ideas’ from all through high school and college. These notes were jotted when I probably should have been studying or paying attention to the professor. Oops.

Will you ever write anything else besides YA or Paranormal?

Actually, the second book I am working on is a NA (New Adult) Contemporary novel about a college senior named Brynna, who is trying to live her life while constantly hiding from almost everyone, including her new love interest, that her father is a convicted serial killer. This one has been a lot of fun to write. It’s definitely been a different experience without a witch or vampire in sight!

I really liked Sydney. You’ve said we’ll see Sophia, but will we see her again too?

I’ve heard that from several readers which makes me happy.  I love Sydney too! So, short answer, yes. Long answer, the Rebel Writers, the wonderful writing group I’m a part of, have discussed putting out an anthology around Valentine’s Day. I think Sydney deserves her chance at some romance!

Do you have any advice for aspiring writers?
You have to get out there and mingle with the blogging/writing/reading world. Join discussion groups, follow Facebook pages, and put yourself out there. It can be time consuming, time you may want to spend writing, but you can meet some amazing people. And then, keep going. Don’t stop writing or reading. If possible, find yourself a good writing group to help keep you sane. They will understand what you’re going through and can support you in ways even your best friends and family cannot.

You’ve mentioned the Rebel Writers. Who are they and how have they influenced you?

The Rebel Writers is a writing group composed of Alex Tuttle, Caylie Marcoe, Regan Claire, Stormy Smith and Theresa Kay. We met as fans of indie author Rachel Higginson, who is the sweetest person and an amazing author, and we all decided we’d write our first books together. They are extremely talented authors and I feel so lucky to call them friends. If not for them, I never would have finished my first book, let alone two with more to come. They are truly like family.

How can our readers find you?
I can always be found on Facebook at: My website is My twitter handle is @Author_KatN and I’m on Instagram as @KatNicholsAuthor.
For new release info, teasers and exclusive giveaways, sign up for my newsletter on my website.


Kat Nichols was born and raised in the suburbs of Chicago. The youngest of four children, she'd been known to play for hours with only a cardboard box for entertainment. Her imaginary friends had friends... and family... and even little cities to play in. As she grew older, she began to put some of these stories down on paper, rather than keeping them in her head. 

Writing a novel had always been a dream for her, perhaps an item on her bucket list, but it wasn't until she joined a writing group with other aspiring writers that she finally got to work.When not writing, Kat is reading or driving her son to and from practices and wishing she was reading.It depends on the day. 

Kat still lives in the suburbs of Chicago with her wonderful husband, their hilarious son and their sometimes adorable and sometimes annoying cat.

To learn more about the author, please go to

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