Tuesday, October 20, 2015

30-Day Countdown for LONG WAY DOWN has officially begun!!!

Hiya Bookaholics! This is Mauve Fairy wishing you all a good day! *spreads fairy dust to all 
I have some good news for you!

Today marks the start of the 30 day countdown for LONG WAY DOWN, the 9th book in the hit book series, The Addicted Series/Calloway Sisters by Krista and Becca Ritchie. To say that I am amped and hyped about this big event is an understatement! This has been the longest wait ever! The last book in the series which is Fuel the Fire was released last April. It has been 6 months already and I can't stand the wait longer. I sooooo miss the Addicted gang fiercely, I am seriously having hallucinations and been daydreaming about these addictive characters day in and day out!!! I am like a junkie wanting to have her drug. I. WANT. MY. FIX. NOW!!! Gimme gimme the book!! *grabby hands

This epic event is happening at the Fizzle Force FB Group, the support group where fans of Krista and Becca congregate to talk about the series and other books by them, fangirl over the dream/fan casts and talk about....well obviously books in general. The admins sought the help of the members for these countdown graphics and I am so excited to see what they've made. My slot is actually today and I'm happy to share what I created to all of you!

I've also made an RAISY teaser. I plan to do one everyday and hopefully I'll be able to manage it till the book releases *cross fingers I'll be posting this everyday at the FF FB group and I'll call it #DailyCrazyForRAISYTeaser

As you all know, I am rereading the series. This quote was from Addicted for Now and I can't help but cry everytime i read that scene! So heartbreaking! So I made it the first quote! Besides, without Ryke, the series will not progress how it is today. He has been a very big part in the evolution of the story. Without him, Lo will still be addicted to booze and Lily will probably be still doing her old ways, screwing guys since she's a sex addict and they would still be enabling each other!

This is the RAISY edit I posted at the FB group as a pre-countdown teaser. Models are KB's dream casts for Jonathan Ryke Meadows which is Simone Bredariol and Cara Delevingne for Daisy Calloway. The quote is from Kiss the Sky and at Connor Cobalt's POV. If you're a fan of the series, you'll know that there has been a lot of tension between Ryke and Daisy for so long. It took them 2 long years to finally say fuck it and be together!

Disclaimer: I do enjoy doing teasers and edits for the books I like/love. However, the photos used are not claimed as my own. Photo credits belong to the rightful owners of these pictures.

Unlucky readers who haven't  met this amazing characters yet, you unfortunate souls need not grieve. It's not yet late to start the series since the first book is still free!! Here are the Amazon links for this series:

#1 Addicted to You (FREE) - http://amzn.to/1pgRoVF
#2 Ricochet - http://amzn.to/1x1p1dS
#3 Addicted for Now - http://amzn.to/1A4Lpry
#4 Kiss the Sky - http://amzn.to/1xSDY1k
#5 Hothouse Flower - http://amzn.to/10O2oyM
#6 Thrive - http://amzn.to/1zrXSEr
#7 Addicted After All - http://amzn.to/1zSjFGG
#8 Fuel the Fire - http://amzn.to/1CTRLtE
#9 Long Way Down - November 20, 2015
#10 Some Kind of Perfect (Epilogue book) - early 2016

Addicted Series Visual Timeline: http://kbmritchie.tumblr.com/AddictedTimeline

FAQs (including a link to different ways to read the series): http://kbmritchie.tumblr.com/faq

So let's start counting the days till the release! 

What are you most excited to read in Long Way Down? Leave your replies in the comments!

Note: This blog post was also published at my personal blog Aholically Aholic.

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