Monday, September 14, 2015

GRAYSON'S VOW by Mia Sheridan: A Book Review by Mauve Fairy + Teasers!!!

TITLE: Grayson's Vow
AUTHOR: Mia Sheridan
GENRE: Contemporary Romance
Publication Date: September 10, 2015

A full-length, standalone romance from the New York Timesbestselling author of Archer's Voice.

Kira Dallaire is desperate.

Some challenges in life seem too hard to overcome. With little money, and even fewer options, the quick-witted and vibrant twenty-two-year-old needs to reinvent herself. Known for her generous heart and impulsive personality, she devises a survival plan, possibly her most outrageous idea yet. 

Grayson Hawthorn is losing hope.

Some obstacles in life seem too hard to overcome. Betrayal definitely being one of them. With limited capital, and dwindling resources, he is attempting to resurrect his failing family vineyard, a self-imposed vow seemingly destined to fail. That is until a young woman enters his office with an outlandish, unexpected proposition impossible to refuse. 

What begins as a temporary business arrangement, soon evolves into more as vivacious, spirited Kira challenges detached, arrogant Grayson to want more from life. To want more for himself. But as their wills clash and fiery passion ignites, they'll realize that sometimes the past creates walls too difficult to climb, and that lies and deception rarely precede a happily every after.

As Kira and Grayson race toward their destiny, they will discover that some vows are meant to be broken, and others are worth risking everything for . . . even your very own heart.

THIS IS A STANDALONE SIGN OF LOVE NOVEL, INSPIRED BY LIBRA. New Adult Contemporary Romance: Due to strong language and sexual content, this book is not intended for readers under the age of 18.

ARC was provided in exchange of an honest review

How do you verbalize something that is so profound and deep? I don't even know how say the right words because I'm at a loss here. Expressing how I feel with this book is beyond me. I don't think there are enough words and sentences to justify what Mia had written. Her words are simply gold. She is a master of storytelling and her thoughts in paper is an experience that every reader should have.

As I read this book, I was once again transported to a world where only Grayson and Kira existed. The words captivated me, engulfed me in a bubble full of smiles and dreamy sighs, a few tears but most of all, laughter. It's quite riveting that had it not been for the low battery of my tablet, I would have gone on reading till the sun rose. 

Grayson was the desperate hero. He just got out of a "situation" and I hate that he was in such a pitiful condition. Though he still managed to exude that "I'm-in-control-so-better-deal-with-it-or-you-can-leave" dragon-y attitude. His "vow" which made him so strong to never give up in such a hopeless state is quite endearing. Then that "vow" changed into something hateful but in the end, I was glad it turned into something lovable and romantic. The couple's journey was bittersweet but oh so satisfying in the end. 

Kira, Kira, Kira!! I so want to chant her name all the time!! She deserves a cheerleading squad of her own who will cheer for her every time she does something laughable. This scheming little witch is impossible not to love! I fell for her the minute she walked inside Grayson's study and made her "proposal". OMG, the things she did are simply adorable, truly enjoyable and so very entertaining. She made Grayson loosen his brooding demeanor, made him do "childlike" things *coughbannistercoughscenecough*  that are so hilariously shocking for an adult to be doing. She made his past almost immaterial with her witch-y plots, his horrors turned into delights and joy. These two are good together, fit together and match together.

And who would have thought that Walter will be the one to make me shed tears?! That old man deserves a medal! But seriously, that's one of the heart-melting moments of this book. Walter's speech had truly made an impact!

As always, when it comes to a Mia Sheridan book, it's a joy to behold! She's one of those authors that I don't care what it says in the blurb. If it's written by Mia, I know it's good enough to set aside everything for a chance to read. Her books are those books that are so worth losing sleep. To be given this rare opportunity to read one of her books in advance and review it is truly an honor I proudly wear like a badge all the time. And I thank her for the trust and faith. THANK YOU MIA and LOVE YOU SO MUCH!

5 "I love the dragon and the little witch" Fairy Wings

Disclaimer: Mauve Fairy enjoys doing teasers and edits for the books she review. However, the photos used are not claimed as her own. Photo credits belong to the rightful owners of these pictures.

Mia Sheridan lives in Cincinnati, Ohio with her husband who is a police officer and her biggest fan (not necessarily in that order). They have four children here on earth and one in heaven. When she isn’t writing or reading romance novels, she enjoys anything creative from building a patio, to sewing pillows. In addition to Stinger, Leo and Leo's Chance are also part of the Sign of Love series. 

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