Friday, September 25, 2015

BOOK BLITZ - Girl Wife Prisoner by Hanna Peach + EXCERPT

Girl Wife Prisoner by Hanna Peach 
(A Good Wife, #1) 
Publication date: September 19th 2015
Genres: Contemporary, New Adult, Romance


How far would you go to set yourself free?
Drake Blackwell is successful, controlling, and hiding a violent family past. He just made his latest investment: Noriko.
Imported from Japan and wed to a stranger, Noriko struggles to stick to the rules of a Good Wife. Drake can’t seem to love her, not the way she wants to be loved. She dreams of freedom beyond the gates of Blackwell Manor.
She meets Keir, a passionate young gardener who shares her desire to break free. He gets under her skin and ignites a fire in her she can’t ignore. In the midst of her quiet desperation she thinks she has found happiness. And a glimpse of hope.
But this affair can’t last…can it?
There is a darkness lingering, but not how you’d expect. There are monsters, but not as you usually know them. The truth is, in this story, no one is completely innocent. And it’s always darkest before the dawn.
Although part of a series, this is a standalone novel with no cliffhanger.
WARNING: For ages 18+. There are scenes in this novel that infer or allude to physical violence


“It’s turpentine,” he said. “You’ll need to dab the pollen with. That should get it out.”
“Thanks.” I took the bud from him, our fingers brushing. Even this small touch sent sparks up my arm.
I lifted my hand to my dress when I realized he was about to watch me rub my breasts. I couldn’t rub my breasts in front of him. Even the idea of it made my nipples harden. And I hadn’t worn a bra under this dress because of the low backline.
Oh God. He could see the poke of my nipples. He knew I was turned on. I’m not turned on, I’m just…cold. Why didn’t I wear a damn bra under this dress?
“I can do this later.” I started to back away. “Thanks again.”
His eyes widened. “Look out!”
My elbow clipped against the edge of a circular saw clamped on the side of a bench. I hissed at the small slice of pain. My shoe slipped on something. The fresh acrid scent told me quite clearly that it was fertilizer. I was going to fall right into a pile of it spilled on the floor out of a broken bag. My dress would suffer more than orange marks today. I’d need more than a cotton bud of turpentine.
But I didn’t fall. Strong arms came around me, holding me up. I dropped the cotton as my hands flew up against him. Keir crushed me to his body as he stepped us both back to safety.
His chest was wide and firm, his warmth seeping into my palms even through the thin cotton of his shirt. I couldn’t help myself; I brushed my fingers against him. I heard him inhale sharply, his fingertips dug just a little deeper into my back. My head spun. My nipples were now so hard they were almost painful. He must have been able to feel them as they pressed against him, but at that moment I didn’t care. The way he was staring at me, his pupils dilated, his thick lips parted…
I wanted him. I wanted him so bad it hurt. Even with the smell of turps and shit around us, if he wanted to kiss me here, up against the gritty work bench, I think I would let him.
“Keir…” I whispered as I tilted my chin up. A small groan fell from his mouth as he drew closer. God help me. He wanted this too…
He pushed me aside. “What the hell is wrong with you?” he said, as he let go of me, refusing to look directly at me. “Don’t you look where you’re going?”
Rejection blazed through my body. “You…you can’t talk to me like that.”
“Newsflash. I just did.”


Q. What kinds of readers would be drawn to Girl Wife Prisoner?
A. Readers who enjoy forbidden romance and are looking for something a little dark and a little different.

Q. You have a novella from Keir’s perspective coming out the same day as Girl Wife Prisoner. Any chance of a novella from Drake’s perspective?
A. It has been on my mind. But it depends on how much my readers want it and how loudly they yell at me! I have a slew of other stories competing for my attention…

Q. Like?
A. I’m editing my next project, a psychological thriller/love story called Paper Dolls, a story about one woman torn between her sister and her new boyfriend, both of whom have conflicting stories about the other. The question is, who’s telling the truth? And I’m also planning the outline for A Wild & Terrible Love (A Good Wife #2), a tale of wild love and revenge.

Q. What other books have you written?
A. I have published an erotic suspense duet called Bound - Bound by Lies (#1), and Bound Forever (#2). I also have a five book fantasy series called Dark Angel (Angelfire, Angelstone, Angelsong, Angelblood, Angeldust) out.

Q. List three things you can’t live without.
A. The Love of my Life, my laptop (to write) and coffee.


Hanna is the bestselling author of the Bound romantic suspense series and the Dark Angel fantasy series. Although she writes in more than one genre she can't write a book without weaving together a complicated plot and filling it with twists. She writes what she believes: good people can do bad things, ordinary people can do great things and choose love above everything.

Eternally restless, Hanna has lived in Indonesia, Australia, Germany, Scotland, England, Croatia and Ireland - everything she owns fits into one suitcase. She's planning her next move with her gorgeous (and understanding) partner right now. If not writing, she can be found wandering a dusty market in Marrakesh or trekking a mountain in Peru, often using her travels as settings in her novels.

To WIN a copy of her next release go to

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