Friday, September 11, 2015

ARCHON'S QUEEN by MATTHEW COX: A Rock Chick Fairy book review

Hi y'all! I am so happy to present yet another book by MATTHEW COX!!!
Archon's Queen is a sequel to his previous book, Prophet of the Badlands. Read on to see just how much I enjoyed this book!

~Rock Chick Fairy

Secrets, guilt, and shame―Annabelle Morgan has them all in droves. Fortunately, only one can kill her.

Anna’s gift, psionic control over electricity, tends to go haywire in moments of high emotion. One such episode leaves her homeless after her father’s “accidental” death. She ekes out a modest life as a thief and freelance enforcer until a close call with a murderous government agency makes her turn to Zoom―a powerful hallucinogenic street drug that numbs her mind so the monster cannot get out.

Her safety blanket becomes a devouring pit.

In 2413 London, Anna lives in the gutter, unable to even keep work as an exotic dancer and prostitute. After ignoring her only friend’s pleas for years, it takes a pimp telling her she is too addicted to be useful to realize just how lost she is.

When a young addition to her circle of vagrants attaches to her, Anna attempts to turn away from Zoom. A job from her old handler ends on shaky ground, but introduces her to Doctor James Mardling, a university professor looking for people just like her. He offers the one thing she has always longed for: dignity.

His price, however, may just be too much to pay.

I thank the author for providing a review copy in exchange for an honest review.

Wow this book is such a revelation! 

I'm a big fan of the first book, Prophet of the Badlands because it's just so imaginative! Because of that, I had high expectations for this book. I'm happy to report now, that my expectations were surpassed!

WOOOTT!! Okay.. I think I should begin with the review...

This book had a really slow start for my taste. It detailed the sufferings of our main character, Anna. She was in a perpetual state of doom and gloom in the first part of this book. She has powers, but she doesn't use them for a reason. She's terrified. Completely terrified of what she can do and what it did to someone she knows. She has friends, sure, but she's all closed off about her past that they don't even know half of it. She needs redemption badly.

It was certainly a hard life for her...

Until she snaps.

All I can say about that "snap" is that she's definitely one of a kind. She's... ELECTRIC! Gosh! I can't even begin describing what she could do to you! It's badass! 

She goes through so many complications after that, but she continues on being the powerful self that she truly is. Honestly, that's way better than the gloom and doom. The constant danger to her and her friends looms over her all the time. Since she also doesn't have many of them, friends I mean... She surprisingly finds an ally on a  very unusual doctor. In a way, I'm glad because she found a person who will take care of her in times of great need. 

The story takes us to a whole new level when she discovers a plot against an official. She must make a really hard choice - To protect her friends, or to do the right thing. All throughout the book, I can feel the weight of the choices that she had to make. They eat at her. I'm surprised she didn't falter when it comes down to it. 

This book is so full of twists that I almost fell of my chair with the ending. I don't want to give out spoilers, but I just have to say this: Be careful with who you trust. That's all. 

Action, adventure and mystery packed! This book beats the odds! Well, Anna did! Such a fighter! You'll love her! 

4.5 fairy wings!

Born in a little town known as South Amboy NJ in 1973, Matthew has been creating science fiction and fantasy worlds for most of his reasoning life. Somewhere between fifteen to eighteen of them spent developing the world in which Division Zero, Virtual Immortality, and The Awakened Series take place. He has several other projects in the works as well as a collaborative science fiction endeavor with author Tony Healey.

Hobbies and Interests: Matthew is an avid gamer, a recovered WoW addict, Gamemaster for two custom systems (Chronicles of Eldrinaath [Fantasy] and Divergent Fates [Sci Fi], and a fan of anime, British humour (<- deliberate), and intellectual science fiction that questions the nature of reality, life, and what happens after it. He is also fond of cats.

Find Matthew Cox Online:

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