Thursday, August 13, 2015


Inborn (The Birthright Book 1)

Release Date: 07/21/15

Summary from Goodreads:

Rosamund Brandt has had a semi normal life for sixteen years. Well, semi normal for a family descended from aliens. Sure, she could create portals and her family had a secret basement. But she went to school, had a best friend, and got her driving permit like every other teen.

However, her definition of “normal” unravels when a killer with multiple powers and an agenda steps into town. When Rosamund herself becomes a target, she has a choice between playing the killer’s game and saving a few, or getting to the core of the murders and stopping them for good.

Rosamund’s choice will save everyone she cares about–or unleash a new era for herself and her family, shattering whatever hope for going back to normal she had.

Buy Links: (On sale for only $1.99 until 8/15)

After I finished investigating, I picked out my clothes for the bug party. Needless to say, I didn’t have a lot of clothes I’d consider suitable for this occasion. Except for a pair of black leather boots that came up above my knees that I hid in the back of my closet. I bought them on a rare shopping trip without my mom. I’m pretty sure my dad would’ve killed me if he saw me wearing them, but I was going to that night. I had no idea what I was walking into, but I’d try and look like I belonged anyway. 

Right around eight o’clock, Lachlan appeared through the tunnel entrance. I’d discovered the door had been shorted out somehow, the security features circumvented. Probably Bryce’s handiwork. Lachlan looked more recovered and together, wearing his usual leather jacket and boots, and the T-shirt underneath looked like it might have a bunny on it, though I figured I was just missing a piece of the image. 

“You actually showed,” I said. His eyes skimmed over me.

“Nice boots.” 

Since I’d gone to the trouble of digging them out earlier that day, I was happy he noticed.

“So how do we get there?” 

“Magic carpet.”

I nodded.

“Stylish, somewhat impressive.” “Somewhat?” “It depends on whom you’re trying to impress.” Lachlan checked his watch. I’d never noticed he wore one.

“We need to go so they don’t leave without us.” 


“Our escorts to the party.” He took my hand and we walked out to the shed. I wondered if he planned to walk the whole way, in which case the boots were a bad idea. “This is by invite only, and we’re not allowed to see the actual location.”

About the Author

I’ve always loved stories. From bedtime tales my parents told me about their childhood (over and over again) to the Berenstain Bears, I lived to hear the next story.
So I guess it’s not surprising that I came up with my own stories and started putting them on paper as soon as I could write. I remember carting notebooks with me to school and working whenever I had the chance (some things don’t really change). Later, I branched out into poetry and plays and experimental works, but I always came back to stories.
Weirdly enough, even though I loved mysteries and sci-fi/fantasy, I focused on writing literary short stories for several years. But everything changed when I wrote my first novel as a challenge in 2009. Not only was it a novel, but it was also a mystery (actually, it’s what became The Jester’s Apprentice). I was hooked, and over the last few years, novel writing has grown into a full-time pursuit. (According to my sister, I talk waaayyy too much to write short stories.)

Beyond writing, I’m a Massachusetts native with strong ties to the Rhode Island coast, and I love to bake, watch movies, and tackle graphic/web design projects.

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