Wednesday, August 5, 2015

BLOG TOUR - KICK PUSH by JAY MCLEAN + REVIEW by the Rock Chick Fairy

The fairies are so proud to be a part of this tour for author JAY MCLEAN's KICK PUSH!!!

Release Day:  August 4, 2015


There’s a single defining moment within every skater. It lasts only a second. Two if you're good. Three if you’re really good. It’s the moment you’re in the air, your board somewhere beneath you, and nothing but wind surrounds you. It’s the feeling of being airborne.
The sixteen-year-old version of me would’ve said it was the greatest feeling in the world. Then at seventeen, I had my son. And every single second became a defining moment. Even the ones that consisted of heartbreak when his mother left us.
Seventeen. Single. Dad. That’s what my life became. Yet, every day, I managed to find that feeling of being airborne. Or at least I convinced myself I did. But I lied—to myself and to everyone around me. Until she showed up; Tanned skin, raven dark hair, and eyes the color of emeralds.
You know what sucks about being in the air? Coming down from the high. Sometimes you land on the board and nail the trick. Then kick, push, and coast away. Other times you fall. You fall hard. And those are the times when it’s not as easy to get back up, dust off your pads and try again. Especially when the girl with the emerald eyes becomes your drug... And you become her poison.



You know that a book is good when after reading it, you think about your life, reflect on it and say.. "Man I got it better than most people." I don't care if it's fiction. Life lessons are learned anywhere at anytime. 
This book is just that. Kick Push will let you in on a secret... Having a problem is not the end of the world. In fact, it might just jump start your life.

The story of Joshua and Becca is not a typical one. In fact, it has more depth than your average romance book. I say that with full conviction because this book destroyed me. Did I expect that? In a way, yes. I already knew what I'm going into when I read Jay McLean's books. What surprised me though is the level of camaraderie that I feel for Becca. I mean, I've known and rooted for Joshua ever since he was introduced in the previous book, but Becca is a nice addition to the fictional women that I would want to support if suddenly she becomes real. 

Alright, so just a quick tidbit about the two of them...

Joshua, again, I already love him. He's my kind of guy. He's one of those characters that makes you want to go inside the book, hug him and just ride off to the sunset with him - even with the kid.  Yep, a kid. That makes matters more complicated, eh? However, I am so proud of the fact that my guy, Joshua, stuck around no matter what. No parents? Eh whatever. No mom for his boy? Fine. He's there 100% of the time. Sure he needed help, but who the heck doesn't? We're all getting by with other people 99% of the time anyway. Don't bother denying it. Joshua had to grow up really fast. He dropped almost everything good in his life becaue of a situation that he had no control of. Problems after problems pile up in his life and he's just starting to feel like can breathe. So yeah, life interrupted, that's what this guy has. Until he meets a girl who further interrupts his life in what I could definitely say, A FRIKKIN GOOD WAY. 

Becca... is a mystery. Something happened to her that made her closed off. I won't go into details with that, but just know that her character isn't something that you read about everyday. She's beautiful, but at the same time, she's complicated. She's quiet. AS IN REALLY QUIET. I think I appreciate that a lot about her. She listens and she cares. She comes into Joshua's and Tommy's life without any mean bone in her body. She's opens up a little and lets them both in. Especially Tommy. Gosh that boy can get into anyone's heart at any point in time! Anyway, Becca is perfect for Joshua because a. She loves Tommy and b. She loves Joshua. That's all there is to it. 

When things start to unravel... It's up to the two of them to handle their issues. I can't tell y'all anything about their differences, but I must say... The story line of this book is quite powerful, it would knock you off your chairs. 

I admit to being quite irritated with the both of them for some of their choices in this book, but that's the beauty of a story... I'm irritated one minute, then I'm forgiving them the next. With this book... It's a real roller coaster. I'm not even mincing words there, ROLLER COASTER is what this is. My emotions are just so badly affected that I'm actually making this review a few hours before I have to put it up and a few weeks after I read it. I couldn't put a lock on how I really feel for a few days, so I couldn't write my review as fast as I usually do. That's how powerful this book is. It's also evidenced by the fact that everything is still fresh in my mind and in my heart days and days after reading it, and nope, I haven't re-read this book yet.

All in all.. I guess what I'm trying to say is that this book will teach you something. You'll definitely get something from it and I promise you, after reading this book... You'll say that you have felt so much more than you bartered for. 

As for me, Josh and Becca's story taught me how to appreciate little things. It taught me that no matter which problem comes my way... There's still hope and there are people who will care. Problems are problems. They remain that until you face them and try to solve them. 

So there, that's what I got from this book.

I hope you get something from it too.

God knows I did.

Kick Push people, Kick Push! 

5 fairy wings!



Jay is an avid reader, writer, and most of all, procrastinator. When she's not doing any of those things, she can be found running after her two little boys, or devouring some tacky reality TV show.
She writes what she loves to read, which are books that can make her laugh, make her smile, make her hurt, and make her feel.
For publishing rights (Foreign & Domestic) Film, or television, please contact her agent, Erica Spellman-Silverman, at Trident Media Group.


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