Monday, July 27, 2015


I am definitely ecstatic to present to y'all the sequel to my fave book, Shadows of Asphodel...


KAREN KINCY has done it again!!!

This book is awesome!
Find out why!

Sometimes escape is impossible. Sometimes love isn't enough.

1913. Christmas Eve. Ardis hardly expects a quiet holiday with Wendel, between fleeing Constantinople and hiding from an ancient society of assassins. And they owe a debt to a certain archmage.

In Königsberg, Prussia, they work with Konstantin on the next evolution of Project Lazarus. Wendel once called Königsberg home, the city now besieged by the Russians and their clockwork engines of war. This may be Wendel’s last chance to save his family and find redemption, but he's tormented by nightmares and tempted by laudanum. Ardis fears her love isn’t enough to save Wendel. Her hands are full piloting the automatons, and she's terrified to tell him a secret of her own. Will they—and their love—survive the storms of war?


I enjoyed this a lot!

This book picks up to where the first book ended. It started with action right away! They get captured, get rescued and get thrown right away to battle again!

Damn! I think that's what's so good about this series. You'll be surprised all the time with all the action and thrill! 

Now let's talk about what happened to our characters...

Ardis is still the bad ass that she is in book one. However, this time, she's softer in my opinion. A lot of her thoughts are centered on Wendel and keeping him safe as well as sticking with him no matter what. I love it that she's not afraid to show how she feels now and she's more confident. 

On the other hand... Wendel, my Wendel.. He's still charming, humorous, very perceptive and very attuned to Ardis. Sadly, he is having some flashbacks of that horrible night from the first book. He's riddled with nightmares and it's like he can't even catch a break with all that's happening. One thing that I'm concerned about here is the depth of Wendel's personal issues. I'm worried that it will eat him all up. Ardis is always there to catch him when he's in a bad place though, so I guess it's alright. Frankly speaking, I don't like Wendel's family. They sort of abandoned him, then they make him feel worse by not treating him as a part of the family when they get together. I would rather he doesn't see them again next time. They hurt him emotionally, so I'm just not a fan of that. His brother's an okay guy though. 

Anyway, these two get involved in the war. 

What happens when an assassin and a mercenary double to fight for a country? Honestly, I'm quite surprised that they even want to help, but that's just these two. Always happy to help, plus they need money since Wendel is broke! Haha! They always have each others' backs. I admit, I was afraid that one of them will get hurt again, but no. They're good! Some mysteries were uncovered, but there are even more to be revealed I hope! 

Oh by the way, Konstantin... is so adorable here!!! Really adorable with his blushing face and his stuttering, yet proper speech. I like his smart mind and his bashful quirks. :) 

More characters are introduced, so watch out for that! ^_^

I also recommed watching out for the ending!!


It will blow your minds!!!!

Soooo there. I am so happy for them. I know there will be complications in their future, but they're both steady, so I believe they can do anything together! 

All in all, this one's a good read indeed!

Karen Kincy (Kirkland, Washington) can be found lurking in her writing cave, though sunshine will lure her outside. When not writing, she stays busy gardening, tinkering with aquariums, or running just one more mile. Karen has a BA in Linguistics and Literature from The Evergreen State College.

Find Karen Kincy Online:

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