Wednesday, June 17, 2015


The fairies are very happy to present to y'all the cover for author JEN ANDREWS' new book,

(Book Four of the Just Say Yes Series)
Releasing in August 2015!


Nearing age thirty, Jeremy James is cruising along in life, doing as he pleases. No girlfriend, no wife, no drama. Women go as easily as they come, but inside, he feels something’s missing. After the birth of his niece, Hannah, and a not so gentle nudge from his sister, Zoey, Jeremy decides to make a change in his life and settle down.

Then he meets Teagan Donnelly.
And she wants nothing to do with him.

Teagan has recently come out of a three year relationship with a man who cheated, shamed her, and berated her for her weight and life choices. The once secure yet spirited woman cannot figure out what Jeremy wants with her.

For Jeremy, it’s plain and simple. He wants Teagan to stop running away and give him a chance. But for Teagan, taking a chance with Jeremy means she could lose herself all over again.

Author’s note: While this is book four of the Just Say Yes series, it can be read as a standalone. This book is a spin-off from Andy and Zoey’s story, which takes place in books 1-3. Characters from the first three books will be mentioned throughout, but Running Away is written in such a way that there are no questions as to who everyone is. If you’d like to delve deeper into the James family dynamic and the wonderful characters, I recommend reading the first three books. Thank you! ~Jen


I live in a small town in Northern California with my husband and all of our rescued pets. Like the main character, Zoey, in my book series, I come from a family of mechanics. My father is a mechanic, all of his brothers are/were mechanics at one time or another. I have never NOT been around hot rods! My husband is a mechanic as well, so we have a few of our own classic Chevys. I have always been an avid reader, and finally decided to try my hand at writing after I heard a song. Yes, a song! It may sound silly, but that one song stirred up all of these ideas and emotions, that I began writing the ideas down so I would maybe, someday, actually DO something with it. I started writing my "Just Say Yes" series in October of 2012 and have completed three books for Andy and Zoey, hopefully to be released soon! 

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