Tuesday, June 9, 2015



Hexed Hearts by Becca Vincenza
Publication date: April 2015
Genres: New Adult, Paranormal

Colette had known all her life that she was half human and half werewolf. She had no expectations of a life filled with love and adventure.

Everything changed on her 21st birthday. A curse casted by witches centuries ago set things in motion, things she could have never imagined. A past that Colette has no clue about has come back to steal her away.

When Hunter, her destined but very unexpected mate, arrives, she is at a complete loss. She must learn to forget an old love and how to make room for a new love.

The curse is being recast and Colette must stop it in order to save the wolves, all the while finding who she really is.




“Are you ready?” I asked with all the excitement in the world. I felt like a kid again. There could be no cares if one but had some candy at a carnival! Hunter smiled at me. He brought his hand up to my face. His thumb pressed under my bottom lip, pulling it free from my teeth, parting them slightly.
“Always,” he leaned across the table to place a sweet kiss against my lips.
My breath was short as he pulled away, a look of bliss on his face. It took us a moment to redirect our attention back to the sweet treat. Hunter pulled a piece off and I watched him fight with the candy as it began to stick to his fingers. He looked mildly frustrated as it refused to separate. I reached over and tugged it free for him, pulling my fingers back to lick off the residue. I peeked up at Hunter through my lashes, and blushed at his tentative gaze. He shook his head and popped the candy into his mouth. His featured grew pinched as dissolved across his tongue.
“You don’t like it?” I asked.
“It’s because you gave me the girly one.” He bobbed forward and took a bite out of my blue one. I tried to pull it away, taking his cue and keeping things light.
He laughed, as I watched the blue started to crystallize where he had licked. I glared at him but the pinched looked stayed on his face.
“I am not a fan of cotton candy.”


Becca Vincenza lives in wonderful Michigan. She has a love for Skittles, rainbows, Star Wars, and reading about hot men. When she's not wearing her author hat, she's working to pay off her student loans for her recently acquired English degree. 

She recently released the first book in her Rebirth Series and is set to release the second book before the beginning of summer.

You can find Becca around the internet at these sites:


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