Thursday, June 4, 2015


 The fairies are so happy to present a book that's not only hot, but also meaningful and full of smart yet interesting characters. :) 

New Adult Contemporary Romance
Expected Release: June 1, 2015


Twenty-one year old Alexis Caine is so close to her dream she can taste it. And it tastes like validation and Häagen-Dazs.
In a few months she'll graduate with a shiny new business degree and launch a fashion label with her best friend Ava. All the planning, the dedication, and the saying ‘no’ to everything—and everyone—will have been worth it.
Then Dylan Cameron, Ava’s tall, dark and broody younger brother, returns from the East coast. Lex has hardly seen him in years and given his reputation for partying, girls, and worse, that’s just fine with her.
But suddenly Dylan’s all grown up. And a dangerous night of unplanned confessions for both of them threatens to tear Lex's carefully constructed world off its axis.
Because one sassy control freak plus one prodigal son equals chemistry that refuses to be ignored.

A Rock Chick Fairy book review
An ARC was provided to me in exchange for an honest review.

This book is light hearted and HOT. AND I MEAN HOT. . . 

To be very honest, I thought that this book would just be like the regular ones nowadays. You know? The ones with broken characters and such a heavy burden on both ends? 

However, nope. 

Both characters are damn smart! Lex is your ultra smart business-woman-to-be while Dylan is your future engineer. Both of them like studying, which by the way, already makes them very unique among other lead heroes/heroines. They're both driven. I like that about them. 

Now what could be wrong with these two since they sound oh so perfect for each other?

Ambition. I think that's the main thing here.

You see, Dylan is the younger brother of Lex's best friend, Ava. He's 14 months younger than her, so at first, I though it was going to be an issue... but nooo. It's just a minor detail when it comes to the two of them. Lex is ambitious while Dylan wants to straighten his life out. Ava and Lex have wanted to build a fashion brand ever since they were young, which is the main reason why Lex took up business while Ava took up fashion design. It sounds amazing and they are really trying to make it all real. However, just like with so many other people's dreams.. There are some who doesn't approve of it.

Ambition, Love... Is there any way wherein these two would jive?

Their lives get entangled and even though sparks truly fly between them, they couldn't act out on it straight away because of the complications. I was frustrated a bit because I felt that Lex was being so stubborn, but in truth... I kind of understand her reservations. 

What you have to find out here is how they will get together and how Lex pulls off everything in order for thins to go maybe not the way she started it out to be, but how it's really meant to be. :) 

All in all, 4 fairy wings for this enjoyable and hot read! 

About the Author

Schooled is Piper Lawson’s debut novel. Piper loves reading and writing stories about sassy, sexy, smart women and the guys who fall hard for them.
Piper’s main household expenditures include books, shoes, and chocolate, not necessarily in that order. Coffee = life (and she’ll defend it accordingly, especially when cornered). Piper has two business degrees, neither of which she’s leveraged into a fashion label.
Home is Canada plus occasional sunny winter escapes.

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