Sunday, May 10, 2015

FLUNKED by JEN CALONITA: A Sunburst Fairy Book Review

Hello everyone! Sunburst Fairy here and I'm bringing you a book that I think will be interesting for many people!

I give you... FLUNKED!


Would you send a villain to do a hero's job? An exciting new twisted fairy tale series from award-winning author Jen Calonita.

Full of regret, Cinderella's wicked stepmother, Flora, has founded the Fairy Tale Reform School with the mission of turning the wicked and criminally mischievous into upstanding members of Enchantasia.

Impish, sassy 12-year-old Gilly has a history of petty theft and she's not too sorry about it. When she lifts a hair clip, she gets tossed in reform school-for at least three months. But when she meets fellow students Jax and Kayla, she learns there's more to this school than its sweet mission. There's a battle brewing and she starts to wonder: can a villain really change?

A Sunburst Fairy Book Review

For starters, I got interested in the blurb because it sounded Hex Hall-ish with special school and all that. ;) I love that series‼️While Hex Hall is about supernaturals this ones a fairytale retelling that you get to hear about the princesses like Snow White, Cinderella, and a glimpse ov their lives after. This book delivered more of villains for reform to be heroes though.

In this story we meet Gilly. You see her family is a shoemaker, they make great shoes for a living, they actually depend on it to put food in the their table. However, after the reproduction of the original glass slippers of Cinderella made by her father, they lost earnings and her parents had difficulty feeding their children. To help her parents, Gilly started stealing from royals to trade them for food. But she cant always get lucky. Having caught, she was sent to Fairytale Reform School (FTRS) that help turn delinquents to outstanding members ov the society.

So there, I swear I had VILLAIN OVERLOAD‼️ Rumpel is there, Gottie, Flora and all other villains you could meet in fairytales. Even so, I'll admit that among these villains I like few other villains that are, well heroes in this story. For one, I liked Maxine‼️^_^ and of course Jax! The undercover royal.. And Ollie and not much for Kayla though. So you see, the characters aside from Gilly were all very interesting but I think the author lacked in allowing the readers to have their way of seeing what is being told. I mean, I was really looking forward to the 'action', the fights, how they are happening, also I wanted to have vivid picture of the classroom, how could it looked like, I wanted the events to unfold before my eyes not just be told about them.

But then I figured there probably might be second book or another books from this so maybe the author is giving room for them in there. But I really wished this was action-packed. Honestly, I forgot about the fishy things that is going on in the school that I know the story should make me focused on but well..

But then, this is STILL a nice story leaving the young readers to learn that truly: 

✔️ doing the easy thing is NOT always the right thing
✔️ a good intention DOES NOT make behavior that is intrinsically disordered (in its object) good
✔️ an act whose object is evil can never be good

3.5 fairy wings‼️


I'm Jen Calonita, a YA author who loves what I do because it lets me connect with all of you (and no, I wasn't intending for that to rhyme!).

I've been writing ever since I can remember, but it was fourth grade when I put my "three wishes" for a genie down on paper. They were:
#1. Buy all the Cabbage Patch Kids in the world and give them away for free (because apparently that was how I rolled).
#2. I wanted a mansion, limo, lake house, pool and speed boat (still sounds quite nice).
#3. I wanted to be an author for young readers, which I am!

I love writing novels for teens (and for savvy grown ups who know that YA rocks at any age). My first series was "Secrets of My Hollywood Life" and it followed a teen star named Kaitlin Burke who struggled with the fame game. I have also written the stand-alone novels Sleepaway Girls and Reality Check.

But I'm most excited for you to read my new series Belles. It follows two polar opposite Southern girls who share the same roof and one life-changing secret. I'll be blogging more about the girls soon, but for now, you can follow the book and what inspires the details on Pinterest where I have a board dedicated to Belles.

You can also follow me on Facebook, Twitter, or my website. Either which way, I just hope I hear from you!


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