Thursday, May 21, 2015


The fairies are so happy to present the cover for author Kate Jarvik Birch's new book!
Tarnished (Perfected #2)

Release Date: 2015
Entangled Teen



Freedom comes at a cost...

Ella was genetically engineered to be the perfect pet—graceful, demure...and kept. In a daring move, she escaped her captivity and took refuge in Canada. But while she can think and act as she pleases, the life of a liberated pet is just as confining as the Congressman’s gilded cage. Her escape started a revolution, but she’s trapped, unable to get back to Penn—the boy she loves—or help the girls who need her.

Back in the United States, pets are turning up dead. With help from a very unexpected source, Ella slips deep into the dangerous black market, posing as a tarnished pet available to buy or sell. If she's lucky, she'll be able to rescue Penn and expose the truth about the breeding program. If she fails, Ella will pay not only with her life, but the lives of everyone she's tried to save...

Book One:
(cover linked to Goodreads)

Praise for Perfected:
“Compelling, imaginative, and unique. I couldn’t turn the pages fast enough!”
— Mary Lindsey, author of Shattered Souls

Buy Links:
Amazon * Barnes & Noble


Kate Jarvik Birch is a visual artist, author, playwright, daydreamer, and professional procrastinator. As a child, she wanted to grow up to be either a unicorn or mermaid. Luckily, being a writer turned out to be just as magical. Her essays and short stories have been published in literary journals including Indiana Review and Saint Ann’s Review. She lives in Salt Lake City, Utah with her husband and three kids. To learn more visit

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1 comment:

  1. I found this cover reveal interesting. I like how you put book #1 and Book #2's covers close together. I found it interesting to see how similar yet different the two covers where - featuring beautiful dresses, one in captivity and one free and wild. The story concept sounds interesting. Thanks for sharing new books with us. Have a great day. :)
