Monday, May 25, 2015


Hi all, it's Sunburst Fairy again and I'm bringing you another fantastic read---- Sarah Alderson's OUT OF CONTROL! ^____^


When 17-year old Liva witnesses a brutal murder she's taken into police custody for her own protection. But when bullets start flying, it becomes clear that Liva is not just a witness, she's a target.

Together with a car thief called Jay, Liva manages to escape the massacre - but now the two of them are alone in New York, trying to outrun two killers who will stop at nothing to find them.

When you live on the edge, there's a long way to fall.

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WOW, JUST WOWW! I knew it! I knew from reading the blurb that I'll love it! Man, what a fantastic read!

Thanks for the gifted copy in exchange for a fair review.

And thanks RockChickF for forcing me to read and review this. Hahahhha. Kidding!

Thank you, Author for writing a worth-sharing story!

First off, that blurb really gave it away for me to read this, I mean IT DOES SOUND VERY INTRIGUING! I was actually having Mary Frame's IMPERFECTLY CRIMINAL-vibe in the beginning with the hero and heroine first meeting of all places- IN JAIL. I mean, wow I have to brace myself, I liked that book and had in mind, this book better not ruin that for me. And surely, it a little surpassed it by a fraction. ;)

Liva and Jay, the main characters, are both taken in custody for different reasons. The former, for protection of having witnessed a crime, and the latter, unfortunately for Grand theft auto. While the first statement suggest that Liva is a good person, the second suggests the other way around. I guess I stopped thinking who's good and who's bad when the police station turned into a chaos and they have to flee for their lives, because when some cold-bloodied-psycho started shooting and killing whoever got in the way, would you be able to care who you're saving your life with? Guess not, so they find themselves helping each other get out of there. But when they found out one of them is the target, they sticked together, saved each other at a chance and without any other to trust to get away from it all unscathed, they trusted each other.

As the story progress, with speeding cars, kick-ass characters, fast-paced plot, seat-edging events I found myself having yet another vibe- Jason Statham's TRANSPORTER! Action-packed! I couldn't put it down! I don't actually remember eating lunch. Then there were these twists in the lasts part that I really didn't see coming and just WHOA. Our heroine here is just VERY BRAVE. And then get braver some more.

With all the adrenaline rush in the story, I wouldn't leave the heart-fluttering and gushy feels this book gave me. Haha! I know, I know. You would not believe there were moments for them.

Jay, was caught stealing a car. But I can't give away spoilers so you gotta have to read this! We can't judge a person of what they did, right? Innocent until proven guilty? Haha. Because I assure you, this guy is a GOOD guy. ^___^ And Liva? She's a kick-ass, strong and tough girl. With all the things she's gone thru in this book, I love that she has not whine a bit. And she loves the height. Her character may teach a reader, who have always want to get in control, because things in life can totally get OUT OF CONTROL.

The ending had me sighing for relief and happiness. ^___^

This story tackles one of the most sensitive cases in our society- Human Trafficking. We do not patronize that. We do not allow traffickers to get into our nerves and succumb to their EVIL-ry. We fight. And we pray for all the survivors, and victims all over the world and we pray for it to stop. 

All in all, a GREAT READ for me! I highly recommend this to be read by everyone. ^__^

5 fairy wingggggsss!


I turn back to Jay. ‘What are you planning on doing with your fake cop costume?’ I ask.

‘Hey, these are bona fide cop props,’ he answers, plucking at the NYPD sweatshirt and shooting me a hurt face. ‘And to answer your question I’m going to walk in to your fine apartment building and tell the doorman I’m an off-duty cop.’

My eyebrows raise another half inch. ‘Because off-duty cops walk around the city wearing sweatshirts advertising they’re cops all the time, never mind it’s a hundred degrees outside. And never mind you look like the youngest cop ever recruited in the history of policing.’

He tsks at me. ‘Have you never seen 21 Jump Street?’

I close my eyes and take a deep breath.

He carries on, shoving the ID back into his pocket. ‘I’ll tell them I’m investigating some suspicious activity a member of the public alerted me to.’

‘Suspicious activity?’

‘Yeah, maybe an attempted burglary. There a back entrance?’

‘Excuse me?’

‘To the building?’

‘Yes,’ I say. ‘There’s a fire escape that leads into a little square at the back. But it’s locked.’ I feel the need to gain control of this situation. And fast.

‘I’m going to open it,’ he tells me. ‘You’re going to be waiting out there. And you’re going to sneak in when I distract him. Got it?’

Actually, it’s not a bad plan. Considering it’s the only one we have. ‘OK,’ I say, grudgingly.

‘What apartment number?’ he asks, brusque now, down to business.

‘Twenty-five. Twentieth floor.’

‘I’ll see you up there. Wait for me in the fire escape.’

‘How are you going to get up there?’ I ask.

‘I’ll figure that out. Don’t worry.’

Don’t worry. Up there with trust me.

‘No,’ I say, not willing to leave this all in his hands, ‘I’ll figure it out.’

AUTHOR Bio and Links
Sarah is the author of Hunting Lila (winner of the Kingston Book Award), Losing Lila, Fated, The Sound, Out of Control and Conspiracy Girl (all Simon & Schuster).

Having spent most of her life in London, Sarah quit her job in the nonprofit sector in 2009 and took off on a round the world trip with her husband and daughter on a mission to find a new place to call home (a journey that was documented on this blog and which is shortly to be published as a book).

 After almost a year spent travelling the world, they settled in Bali where they lived for five beautiful years before the vagabonding urge became too great and they decided to embark on Can We Live Here part two. They are currently located somewhere between India, London, Canada and the US.

As well as writing young adult novels and screenplays, Sarah also writes adult fiction for Pan Macmillan (Simon & Schuster in the US) under the name Mila Gray.

Her first adult novel, Come Back To Me, was published in June 2014. The second, This One Moment, will be out in August 2015.


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  1. How do you keep from resenting your duties and every human’s sleeping requirement when you have to stop writing to take care of them?

  2. Thank you so much for the chance to win. I'd love to read it.

  3. thank you and congratulations.......but the Twitter account is incorrect for the author in the rafflecopter giveaway

    1. You can follow her on Twitter at

      I think there was a typo error when the rafflecopter was made.

  4. looking forward to reading this book!

  5. Enjoyed the excerpt, sounds like a good book! Thanks for sharing!

  6. What a wonderful review. Makes me want to run right out and get this book to read.

    1. Haha, thanks, yes it's a greeeat book ^___^ hope you time to read this book too!

  7. How did you decide to write this genre?

    1. I've always written YA thrillers! It started with my first novel Hunting Lila (which is being made into a movie). I think I had a lot of movie influences as a kid; films like Terminator and Alien, but mixed in with things like the Breakfast Club. I'm also a screenwriter!

  8. Great excerpt and review! I'm really looking forward to reading this one.. thanks for sharing!!

    1. Thanks! Hope you got time to read the book ;)

  9. This book sounds outstanding and the cover is absolutely awesome!
    Thank you for sharing!

  10. What's your favorite book of all time??
