Saturday, April 11, 2015


The fairies are happy to be a part of this tour for FALLING DEEP by DIANA GARDIN!!!

Age: New Adult
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Publisher: Grand Central/Forever Yours
Scheduled to release: April 7, 2015


Reed Hopewell is a lot of things to a lot of people . . .

To his parents, he's the son who needs to get serious. To his friends, he's the player they all want to be. And to his fans, he's the hottest rocker in Charleston. But never has Reed been anyone's hero-until the night he finds Hope.

Hope Dawson can count the number of men she trusts on one hand. Definitely not the guys she goes out with or the stepfather who treats her like property. She'd be out of his house tomorrow if not for the need to protect her little sister. But when things at home go from bad to worse, Hope has to act fast-and Reed is the only person she can turn to . . 



An ARC was provided to me in exchange for an honest review.

This book will make you feel how lucky you are that your life isn't like that of the heroine's.

It'll make you appreciate what you have, that's for sure because gosh... What our heroine had is bad-- like the BAD kind of bad. Haha, does that even make sense? Errmm

Anyway, let's describe the characters first...

Hope Dawson is losing hope. :( She has a very unfortunate circumstance and a big dilemma that makes her stay in that circumstance. SHE BADLY NEEDS A HERO! I swear. However, I would also say that she's a strong woman. She stays and stands strong amidst a lot of things and she doesn't just give up. As much as I admire how she just wants to hoard her problems and never let anyone get close to her, it also had me totally annoyed. I was soooo happy when REED HOPEWELL inserts himself into the picture.

REED HOPEWELL is a hot guy with no definite road in life. I think he was going with the flow until he meets Hope. I think Reed's character didn't have the right direction until he had Hope. As cocky as he was, he was also kind of unsure about things, so I think it's just good that he met the love of his life. He just didn't know that he had to move mountains to get her. 

Their characters collide in both the best way and ugly way. Reed doesn't know why Hope keeps pulling back, but he keeps reeling her in. It's only a matter of time before he truly catches her and oh, it's beautiful. However, the biggest hurdle here is overcoming Hope's demons. 

Read this and see how they do just that.

You know the feeling when you just want to pull out all the bad guys in the book, bash them in the head and never let them touch one hair of the main character ever again?

Well, I felt it here.


I wanted to claw the eyes of the villains and I want to pin them on the wall!

That's how effective they are.

Ahhhh, just read it! I promise you, you will also feel the ultimate happiness when it ends! 

Sooo there!

4 fairy wings for this book! :)


a Rafflecopter giveaway

ABOUT THE AUTHOR (from her website)

Books are my passion. Whether I'm writing them or reading them, they have always been a big part of my life. As an adult who just entered my thirties, I realize that it's something I can't live without, and what I really want to do for a living every day. It's, for me, the job that doesn't feel like work. So now, I'm proudly able to say that I'm a crazy wife, a worrywart mama of two, and a passionate writer. Love this life! Follow me on Twitter @dianalynngardin

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