Tuesday, March 17, 2015

THE HARVEST by N.W. HARRIS: A Rock Chick Fairy Book Review

Hi everyone! I am so proud to present to you a book that is truly badass and awesome!!

I am so happy to have had the chance of reviewing this book in advance.
It truly was a pleasure and an honor.

In the wake of the apocalypse, nobody is safe. 

Shane Tucker and his friends thought they managed to save the world from the destructive machine that killed off most of its adult population. Unfortunately, a war nobody was prepared for has only just begun. Now they find themselves joining ranks with a secret organization that will train them to fight for the right to survive. Taking refuge alongside other teenage survivors in a hidden base set deep within the mountains, they will learn how to repel an imminent attack by an ancient race of aliens. 

Determined to safeguard the children under their charge, Shane and his friends compete for the ultimate prize—a suicide mission against the flagship of the alien fleet. While Shane's feelings for Kelly deepen, along with his need to protect her, he finds emotions clouding his judgment. He’ll gladly die for her. But he refuses to die with her. No amount of training can prepare them for what is to come. Everything the brave teenagers have endured thus far will be eclipsed, with the freedom of humanity hanging in the balance.

The Harvest is the heart-pumping sequel to The Last Orphans by N.W. Harris. 

An ARC was provided to me in exchange for an honest review.

Just wow.  THE HARVEST is a sequel that you definitely should not miss. 

The story picks up to where the first book stops. The first book ends with what could be a relief-giving scene, so this one starts on that note. Even though they were suspicious, our characters are taken somewhere else wherein they were told to be safer. Little did they know that the biggest challenge hasn't happened yet. 

The teens are told about their situation. How they are about to fight for their home and that time is of the essence. Then the challenges begin. Our characters are put to tests, training, even simulations to fight of the enemy. It was very intriguing to read about teens from different countries interact with one another. There were less than pleasing scenes, teens clash, but I guess in real life, these things really happen... The difference is, in this book, everyone wants to be the best, but everyone's also scared to be the best. I liked reading about how they put aside their differences to ultimately do what should be done. 

Shane has grown a lot from book 1 to this. I would definitely say that he's more badass that how he was in book 1. What happens when you thought you could already let go of all of the responsibilities tucked under you ... but wait.. NO, IT'S STILL THERE AND YOU HAVE TO CONTINUE. Shane shoulders on! He goes through one thing and another just to help keep everyone safe. I love it that his head is always all about their safety. It's so damn admirable. 

Shane is a sure thing. I've read about him fighting mentally and physically. KELLY, however.... IS A DAMN BIG SURPRISE. Watch out for this girl! She won me over with her skills! I also can't believe that I'm starting to like Steve. He's such a big macho man. I like his determination together with his concern and humor. The others are also very good companions and comrades. I felt really scared while reading this because I'm kind of attached to everyone and I just know it would be so sad for me if one of them dies. :S 

Ahhh!! this book is just... a revelation. Hold on tight people!!! These teens will definitely rock your world! They're amazing survivors and I know, I just know that they will continue surviving!!! They're badasses!!!! 

The ending literally made me shout OHMYGOSH!!! It leaves something for all readers to look forward to. The thrill, the wait and all my theories... I know it'll all be worth it when the third book comes! 

If you want to read a book with action, uniquely woven plot, mystery and of course.. thrill.. This one's for you! 

So there. All in all, I am definitely satisfied with where the author took this story. I'm in awe and I'm definitely giving this 5 fairy wings!

Born at the end of the Vietnam war and raised on a horse farm near small town north Georgia, N.W. Harris’s imagination evolved under the swaying pines surrounding his family’s log home. On summer days that were too hot, winter days that were too cold, and every night into the wee morning hours, he read books.

N.W. Harris published his first novel—Joshua’s Tree—in 2013. It was no wonder that with his wild imagination and passion for all things word related, that N.W. Harris was named a quarterfinalist in Amazon’s Break Through Novel Award Contest. In early 2014, N.W. Harris joined the ranks with Clean Teen Publishing when they signed his new young adult apocalyptic adventure series—The Last Orphans.

In addition to writing, N.W. Harris has been a submarine sailor, nurse, and business owner. His studies have included biology, anthropology, and medicine at UCSB and SUNY Buffalo. He is an active member of SCBWI and lives in sunny southern California with his beautiful wife and two perfect children. He writes like he reads, constantly.


WEBSITE - https://nwharrisbooks.wordpress.com/
FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/AuthorN.W.Harris
GOODREADS AUTHOR PAGE - https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7152640.N_W_Harris
AMAZON AUTHOR PAGE - http://www.amazon.com/N.W.-Harris/e/B00IJFA8I2/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_5?qid=1424616717&sr=8-5

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