Tuesday, March 31, 2015


The fairies are so happy to be a part of this release day because it's from one of the authors close to my heart!

From my beloved SHELLY CRANE, I am happy to present...



Ava has watched her parents, Caleb and Maggie, live the perfect fairy tale, the perfect love story, played out in front of her eyes her entire life. Her family is love, life, and happiness. The Jacobsons are everything a family should be and Ava is loved and well taken care of. But the one thing that’s missing from her life is the one thing she’s waited for every day, the one thing her kind knows will make them complete, the one thing they thought was gone and lost forever.

Her significant.

Seth has lived with the Watsons his entire life. They’re the only family he knows, but he knows that there are things they keep from him. He knows that they lie and they do unspeakable evil, things from when he was a child that he can barely remember that cling to the edges of his memory. He barely remembers his real mother and all he knows is what he’s told. He doesn’t know what to trust. He wants to believe that the Watsons love and care for him, have his best interest at heart, but isn’t so sure of that anymore when he finally—after a lifetime of waiting for her—meets his soulmate, and the Watson’s first act is to try to take her away from him.
The Virtuoso worlds collide, hearts are exposed, humans are endangered, and the lives of Seth and Ava are changed forever. They’ll have to love without judgment or reservation, they’ll have to be wise and accepting beyond their years, they’ll have to forgive for things before they’ve even happened, they’ll have to trust without seeing, have faith without knowing, and they’ll have to light their own way in the dark when everyone else is blind to show them the way. And more than anything else…
… they’ll fight like hell to keep each other.


An ARC was provided to me in exchange for an honest review.


I actually just finished the book 2 hours ago and I'm very ecstatic that I can share the experience with you all STRAIGHT AWAY! Woooo!!!

I feel like I just came off a roller coaster ride. I cannot tell you just how many kinds of feelings I had for this book while I was reading it. I think there were more than 10! If you have been following my reviews, you would know that I am a big, big, REALLY REALLY REALLY BIG fan of the SIGNIFICANCE SERIES. However, that does not necessarily mean that I will give any book in the series a perfect five just like that. Oh no, no, no. I personally think that it's a disadvantage because my expectation is SKY HIGH for this book, but then... Gosh, I DON'T EVEN NEED TO LIKE THE ENTIRE SIGNIFICANCE SERIES TO APPRECIATE THIS BOOK!!!! I got more that I expected and then some!!!!

The plot picks up years after the first generation's books. I love how Shelly Crane made it very mysterious and so full fo twists and turns. You think you know something... but nooo you don't! I also love how the author carried on doing what she does best in the series... A Sweet scene one minute then POWER-BLAZING the next! It's full of action as it is full of romance. To me it just had the right blend. You will never feel bored!!!

Now let's talk characters!




JUST SETH. T_____________________T

Your heart will break for him. Then you would love him. Then you would really, really, really LOVE HIM.

How weird is it that I find him hotter than Caleb (the hero from the first generation)? Haha! Soooorrryy Caleb, my Caleb, BUT NOTHING BEATS A FIRE FIGHTER WHO FIGHTS FOR HIS SIGNIFICANT!!!!

Seth may have been raised by the enemy, but he's totally UNLIKE them. I promise you. He's a survivor, a protector, a loving kid who wants his family's approval, but then accepts the fact that he can't have it all. He's humble, he's bashful (at times) AND HE'S SO DAAAAAMMMNNNN SWWEEETT!!! I TELL YOU!!!! What I love best about him is that there wasn't any doubt in his mind about the bonding thing. He was all for it! He loved having a significant and he appreciated it. My heart melted for him because,  man.. he really waited and of course, when you wait for something for the longest time, you sure know how to value it. That's him. Every girl's waking dream!

Now onto our girl Ava. BEST GIRL EVER! I could totally feel her frustration with Seth's family, with her family.. with everything that surrounds their situation. Did it let her down? NO! She's my kind of girl because she fought for him! She fought everyone for him. I love it that even though she had her doubts (which were not unfounded, of course with all the history with the Watson) about Seth, she held on. She held on to the most important thing in their life and that's finding each other. Imagine waiting for someone and finding out that it's not your fairy tale. That would suck, but you have to swallow it, smile and deal with what's handed to you. For her, yeah it sucked, but she smiled and made the most out of it. I love it that after everything, she really does appreciate Seth's efforts and is very willing to do the same. 

They totally, totally DESERVE EACH OTHER.

If you ask me about the other characters, all I can say is that they have grown. I am so happy for each and every one of them. :) 

Ava and Seth. This is about them figuring out where they stand in their world. Finding each other and just living day by day with all the barriers that surrounds their relationship was hard, but the end result it beautiful. JUST PLAIN BEAUTIFUL.

This is a book that I have been waiting for, for a very long time. 

I can tell you now,

It was worth the wait. :) 


I give this book undeniably 5 fairy wings!


When I entered the kitchen where the breakfast nook was, everyone stopped eating and talking, which made me feel so uncomfortable until Seth stood up so fast that his chair almost tipped over behind him.
He let his out in a slow, low noise before… “Wow.”
Mom chuckled and leaned back with a smile, clapping twice. “And that, ladies and gentleman, is how it’s done.”
My neck was so pink I could feel it, and Seth—realizing he’d just practically fallen at my feet in front of everyone—smiled that smile that tore through me like tissue paper and then turned it on my mother. She sat up straighter and looked at me with wide eyes.
‘I know’, I mouthed as I moved toward him.
“Eat, Ave,” Dad said, knowing what I was doing.
“I’m going to be late. And it’s the last day of school before winter break.”
“Gee, I wonder why you’re late—” Rodney began. I punched his arm.
“I’ll just take this.” I grabbed a biscuit, stuck a piece of sausage in it, and wrapped it in a napkin. “I’ll eat it,” I promised.
“I’ll make sure she eats,” Seth told them. Mom came and hugged him, telling him something in his ear and he nodded. “Thanks, Mrs. Jacobson. I will. I promise.”
Dad patted his shoulder and told him to make sure to stop by anytime, no invitation needed. Dad went to the counter and started making me a coffee in a to-go cup. I knew he was doing it, because I saw him pull the Hazelnut creamer from the fridge. But I saw him pull out a second to-go cup…and he made it black. How did he already know that Seth took his coffee black?!
“What is going on here?” I muttered under my breath.
Seth took both of the cups from my dad and guided me with an arm around my back. “Thanks for the coffee and breakfast. Bye, guys.”
“Bye, Seth!” Mom called cheerily.
I looked at the snow and the porch as we came outside to make sure that everything was the same, that I hadn’t entered an episode of a TV show of some alternate reality or something.
I looked at Seth. “If you tell me your name is The Doctor, I’m outta here.”
He laughed loudly. “And now you’re a “Doctor Who” fan? Freaking adorable,” he mumbled under his breath. “Your parents are awesome, Ava.” He was so sincere.
“I was worried I was going to have to save you.”
“No need.” He used his elbow to swipe the snow off of a spot and then set the coffees on his hood. The truck was already cranked so he must have the kind where you do it from the key fob because there were no footprints in the snow. He opened the door, helped me in, and then got the coffees, handing mine to me. “They were awesome about not making me feel weird. Even Rodney wasn’t too bad.”
He laughed before shutting my door.
My dress wasn’t too short, but I did notice how it rose up mid-thigh when I sat down. But the leggings kept the ensemble decent. And warm.
The truck was so warm, but I still slid over as soon as he shut my door. When he got in and saw how close I was, his grin was adorable. He got in and turned the heat on even more, looking at my legs and shutting his eyes for a few seconds too long. “You’re not too cold with those on?”
“Leggings?” I laughed.
“Is that what they’re called?” he half-growled as he backed out and got on the road. “They should be called evil.”
“They’re just like pants, just thinner. Jeans, just not made of quite the same thing. Jeggings.”
He laughed and shook his head. “As long as you’re warm, sweetheart, call ‘em whatever you want.” He looked at my legs again and then away with a little groan. “I’ll just call them evil because I can see every inch of your legs in those things.”
My heart practically did the Tennessee Waltz behind my ribs. “And that’s evil?” I squeaked.

“Evil,” he reiterated and smiled.


Shelly is a NEW YORK TIMES & USA TODAY bestselling author from a small town in Georgia and loves everything about the south. She is wife to a fantastical husband and stay-at-home mom to two boisterous and mischievous boys who keep her on her toes. She hoards paperbacks, devours sweet tea, searches year-round for candy corn, and loves to spend time with her family and friends, go out to eat at new restaurants, site-see in the new areas they travel to, listen to music, and, of course, loves to read, but doesn't have much time to these days with all the characters filling her head begging to come out. She is author to over twenty books and counting!

Her own books happen by accident and she revels in the writing and imagination process. She doesn’t go anywhere without her notepad for fear of an idea creeping up and not being able to write it down immediately, even in the middle of the night, where her best ideas are born.

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