Tuesday, February 3, 2015



Vain Lily Blackwood and her shy brother Silas wonder if their family will ever settle in one place long enough to lead a normal life. When a mysterious stranger arrives claiming to be their uncle, they discover their parents have been hiding a secret that turns their world upside down. 

The two are kidnapped to Nightfall Gardens, the family’s ancestral home, a place shrouded in ancient mystery, where they meet their dying grandmother and learn of an age-old curse placed on Blackwood females. 

Lily must take over as protector of the house and three haunted gardens that hold mythical beasts, fairy-tale nightmares and far worse. If she doesn’t, the evil trapped there will be unleashed and bring on a new dark age. 

While she deals with malevolent ghosts inside the house, Silas is put to work in the gardens, where one wrong step means death. 

Along the way, they search to unlock the secrets of the house and to stop the creatures in the gardens before time runs out and the world is destroyed.


I received a digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Lily is the last female in the Blackwood line, living blissfully in ignorance of the fate that awaited her in the Nightfall Gardens, selfishly thinking only of what she'll do once she becomes a famous actress - the cities she'll visit and the gifts not to mention the adoring glances she'll  receive from her fans.

Suddenly, all of that was taken from her and she was thrust into the world where monsters beyond your imagination lurk. Where evil patiently waits to kill the last of the Blackwood female - the only obstacle hindering them from gaining freedom and creating havoc in the world.

Lily, along with her brother Silas must now work together to protect the world from the horrors that are about to be unleashed, not knowing who to trust in a place they barely know.

May the light follow you even in the deepest Dark.
                   Lily Blackwood to Silas Blackwood
             Nightfall Gardens (Allen Houston)

At first, I was asking myself, "What's with all the "drama"?" (Drama. Haha. Get it? Oh well.) And then I become immersed in the story of Nightfall Gardens, and now I'm hooked! I felt fear whenever one of the siblings are in the Garden at the wee hours of the night. Don't these youngsters know better than to run about in the Gardens especially at that scary hour? But then I realized that it was a necessity. That they are risking their lives for the greater good.

I liked how Lily and Silas matured in this first installation of the Nightfall Gardens.

Since the first book is THIS GOOD, I can't wait to read the rest of the series!

4.5 fairy wings!


Allen Houston grew up in Bixby, Oklahoma. 
He attended the University of Oklahoma, where he earned a degree in English Literature. After graduation, he lived in Indonesia and Japan. Upon returning to the states, he worked as a reporter/editor at the the Dallas Morning News and The New York Post and as City Editor of Metro New York. Allen resides in Brooklyn with his wife and daughter. After Imogen was born, he began writing a story for her and Nightfall Gardens was created. 


WEBSITE - http://www.allendhouston.com/
FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/allen.houston
TWITTER - https://twitter.com/adhouston
GOODREADS - https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7085810.Allen_Houston

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