Saturday, February 14, 2015

✿✿✿FLAWED AND DAMAGED (Damaged Hearts #1) by Emily Krat: A Midnight Fairy Book Review✿✿✿

✈ Synopsis:

Two people haunted by their past...
The collision of two damaged hearts...

Meet Elizabeth Williams. She is at the airport on an important work assignment. If everything goes smoothly, after three years of hard work, she’ll get a promotion and a much-needed raise. Elizabeth is putting her life back on track after it was ripped out from under her feet four years ago when she lost her parents along with all her dreams. Standing here, she believes her life is going to change for the better any moment now. Nothing can go wrong, right?

Meet Ryan Price. He came to Moscow on business. Right now, Ryan is standing at the airport looking at a ‘present’ from his brother, judging by the sign a beautiful young woman is holding. Damn his brother for not cancelling this arrangement as Ryan asked.

Miscommunications and misunderstandings and a brilliant but painful love story begins.

There will be a scary flight, lovely breakfasts, long evening conversations, sharing a secret or two, discovering one another, a lot of laughter, tender moments and some tears, a fight and, of course, the I-am-ready-for-the-end-of-the-world kiss.

Somewhere along the way, they won’t be able to fight their feelings any longer.

For the first time in his life, Ryan will experience a different shade of lust. And for the first time in her life, Elizabeth will have to trust despite all of the times she has been hurt.

Will these two wounded lost souls find love, peace and comfort in each other or will they just break each other more? Is it a train wreck of a love story or a happily ever after?

This is a new adult book and is intended for readers who are at least 17 years old. Adult content/language/situations are inside.

✈ Links:

✈ Review:

Flawed and Damaged is the first book of the Damaged Hearts series. True to its title, the characters have been through a lot of trials over the years and they weren't left unscathed. Elizabeth is still grieving her parents death and now her grandmother have Alzheimer's disease. Ryan on the other hand is scheming a revenge plan against his deceased manipulating father.

Elizabeth and Ryan met at the airport in Moscow and had a case of mistaken identity. Ryan thought Elizabeth was the "assistant" his brother hired (and by assistant, it means a hooker in his brother's dictionary). Elizabeth was on an important errand for her company that can make or break her career. Unfortunately, the incident with Ryan cost Elizabeth her job. Because of Ryan's guilt and, albeit he's denial, attraction to Elizabeth, he offered her a job (a fake one) that could solve her financial worries.

Since this is the first book in the series, the author laid out the groundwork for the entire series. We are slowly introduced to the characters, their nature and their friends. I liked the pacing even though are times that it was a bit frustrating because both of the characters keeps on holding back and they insist on not acting on their attraction.

Speaking of the characters, Elizabeth is not that hard to like. She's young, innocent, and quite amusing when she rambles. Ryan is a typical alpha hero. He's very possessive, often jealous but he always has Elizabeth's best interest at heart. There's definitely chemistry between the two, and even though there was an instant attraction between them, they didn't immediately acted on it. Which I think worked for the characters because they needed the time to understand their feelings and get to know each other. I must say that the frustration was worth it in the end. =D

The book certainly isn't perfect, there are some minor editing issues (it's barely noticeable) and I felt like the book ended abruptly. However, this is just the first book in the series, maybe we'll have more Elizabeth-Ryan stories in the next books. Also, I am hoping that Ms. Krat will write a separate book for Mark (Ryan's younger brother) or Nina (Elizabeth's best friend) in the series. After getting to know them, I find their characters very interesting.

Flawed and Damaged is a story of love, self-discovery, friendships and healing. I'm giving this book a 3.5 fairy wings rating!


Emily Krat is the twenty-something writer of "Flawed and Damaged". Always an avid reader who consumes whole books in a single day, she is ecstatic to now be on the other side of the page. For her writing stories and developing ideas for novels is a true passion and a dream come true.

Emily is a chocolate junkie, Grey's Anatomy fan, and admirer of good music. She loves summer rains, warm blankets on cold winter nights, as well as traveling, sleeping in late, watching TV shows, cooking, and baking. When she's not writing or rewriting, she loves spending time with family and friends.

Emily loves to hear from readers. To get write to her directly at

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