Tuesday, January 27, 2015


Title: Keela
Series: Slater Brothers (#2.5)
Author: L.A. Casey
Releasing: February 1st

Keela Daley is stressed out with nightmares and memories from her past, they are haunting her. She has no time to dwell on them as she is moving out of her dog box sized apartment and into her first house with her fiancé. Moving house is a dreaded task, and Keela would love nothing more than for things to go quietly and smoothly, but when you’re engaged to a Slater brother, nothing goes quietly or smoothly. Nothing.
Alec Slater loves his woman. He also loves playing games and surprising her. Picking moving day to do both, turns out to be a failure of epic proportions. Alec wants to make it up to Keela for his mistakes, but as the day goes on, and things go from bad to worse, he doesn’t know if living with him is something she wants anymore.
What started out as a simple day of packing and moving house turns into the day from Hell. Unwanted house guests. Business propositions. Alcohol. Pregnancy tests. Panic attacks. Fighting. Arguing. Sex, and everything else that is crazy and represents the name Slater. Keela has a choice to make, and not one she will make lightly.
Keela adores Alec, and what Keela adores, Keela cherishes.

Pre-Order Keela Now!
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An ARC was provided to me in exchange for an honest review.

KEELA is KEELAlicious that's for sure!

This book is indeed hot - that, added to the fact that this is mega hilarious and will make you excited for the next book, is a TRIPPLE THREAT!!!

I'm already putting it all out there by saying that I really like Keela more than Bronagh. ( Sorry, Bronagh.. you were just too violent. I know, I know you're trying to get better, but that doesn't change that I like Keela more, sorry hon! ). 

I'll try really hard not to put spoilers. I swear I will. :)

In Alec, Keela is an independent young woman who's heart has been bruised by an ass who married her cousin. She opens up to Alec and his family and becomes a part of the gang. They experience some hardships, but  they all get through it. Here in her own book, her thoughts become jumbled. You'll see some residual effects from what happened to her in ALEC. If you ask me, it's bound to happen. She's just human. What I love about her is that she endures it. She could have bolted.. just get up and leave.. but no. She held on and she's very clear that she loves Alec. She's amazing because she's willing to go through all that just for Alec. I'm happy that she has such a hilarious.. I mean HELPFUL support system. :) The girls sure did their part in helping Keela out. I'm so glad that they're there to make our girl see the light. ;p

The boys are also still oh so very hot and man oh man.. FRIGGIN HILARIOUS!!! I'm just quite disappointed that Alec didn't do the... thing that he was supposed to do if... EERRRR THE NO SPOILER RULE IS KILLING MEEEEE. hahahaha

Now to add a bit of mystery to this review, I just have to say that I SUPPORT KEELA'S DECISION. To be able to make such an important, even life-altering decision - I think it's a measure of how well her character has grown. :) Oh, and I'm not at all surprised by Alec's reaction to THAT decision. He's a very, very and I MEAN VERY understanding guy when it comes to Keela. I love how s

Did I accomplish my task of making you want to uncover that mystery? PLEASE TELL ME I DID!!! ^______________________^

This book is also all about the TEASE. YES, TEASE. L.A. CASEY!!! YOU TEASE!!! Hahaha! There's no other word for it. Just TEASE, TEASE, TEASE!!! I SWEAR! She teases us about what's to come for KANE. YOU HAVE GOT TO READ IT AND BE TEASED TOO! ;) 

Needless to say, I am sooooo excited for KANE and AIDEN'S book. Ohmygosh! I wanna have now now now now now...


Okay, I'm calm. 

Soooooooo here are my 5 teasing fairy wings for this book!

Alec's lip quirked before he shook his head and looked down to the kitchen drawers. “Are you eating and then packing or packing then eating?”
Was that a serious question?
“Eatin' first... duh,” I replied.
Alec blew out an extra amount of air as he smiled. “Sit down then, I'll make you something.”
I shook my head. “Thanks for the offer, but I'm just goin' to have some yogurt and fruit.”
Alec raised an eyebrow. “Why?”
I deadpanned, “I've been talkin' the past week about dietin'.”
Did he listen to anything I say?
Alec glanced down at my body then back up to my head. “It's working, you look great.”
He was so full of it.
“Oh, bite me!” I grunted. “I haven't lost any weight yet, you lick arse. Stop lookin' to get some extra points with your silly compliments.”
Alec grinned. “I'm not fishin' for points, I was just pointing out that you look great. Even if you lose a little bit of weight you will still look great. What does that tell you?” he asked.
I shrugged my shoulders. “That you're a chubby chaser?”
Alec laughed. “No, smartass. It means you look great as is. Nothing you do can improve how beautiful you are, Kitten. You're naturally stunning.”
I stared at Alec and snorted.
“I'm not having sex with you today.”
“You say that everyday and guess what? We still have sex everyday... twice yesterday if I recall, three times if you include last night.”
“I get it,” I growled. “I have a weakness for your cock. No need to rub it in me face.”
“There is always a need to rub my cock in your face.”

L.A. Casey was born, raised and currently resides in Dublin, Ireland. She is a twenty-three year old stay at home mother to a two year old German Shepherd named Storm and of course, her five year old – going on thirty – beautiful little hellion/angel depending on the hour of the day. She is the author of the Amazon Bestselling book series, Slater Brothers.
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