Thursday, January 15, 2015


Intensity by C.C. Koen 
Publication date: October 13th 2014
Genres: Contemporary, New Adult, Romance


What would you do to improve your life?

Twenty-one-year-old Serena Thomas is faced with a tough decision. Unable to get ahead of debt and loneliness since her grandmother’s death she finds a new job, placing the sheltered virgin in an underground escort business. She tells herself it’s just a temporary life choice, but destiny has a different plan. She meets a mysterious and gorgeous man, who happens to be her new boss. Will Serena fit in or will she be left all alone again?

Lincoln (aka: Linc) Jefferson has an unusual life. He established The Lounge, an exclusive escort club for very personal reasons. A place where the women say who, when, and what type of sex they’re willing to have. The escorts possess all the power and the money. It’s a business Linc guards at all costs. Trying to maintain the secrecy is a constant challenge and one that’s tested when he enters into a relationship with Serena. She tempts him unlike any woman, even though he’s surrounded by beauty on a daily basis. The more time they spend together the harder it is for him to keep his secrets. Will Serena stand by his side or will she abandon him?

Sparks and passion fly, taking these two on a journey neither could have expected.


An ARC was provided to me in exchange for an honest review.


This is a straight forward hot read about two very unfortunate people who find each other in a really umm.. unconventional situation. 

I say straight forward because when they meet, sparks INSTANTLY fly. Now I know what most of you would say.. RED FLAG, RED FLAG... Like at first sight doesn't really work well! I would say that too, but having the chance to read this, I would definitely say that it's not as bad as it sounds.

I also say unconventional because they don't meet the normal way. They meet in a very... hmmmmm... unbelievable circumstance. Let's just say that I'm glad Linc saw Serena first. :) 

Now about the characters...

Serena needs help. She's slowly falling apart. Her finances are burnt to cinders and she needs to find a way to make ends meet. She gets offered a job that she absolutely cannot resist. Of course she grabs it, thinking that this could be the solution to all of her problems. She would not get distracted by it all. She wants peace. At least that's what she told herself a few minutes at least before Linc comes into the picture. 

Linc is a man with demons. I won't reveal what. Just enjoy unraveling it! I'm telling you, whatever you're thinking right now, THAT'S NOT IT!!! You'll be surprised! :)  I like him because he's attentive and even though they have the oddest jobs, he acts like everything is normal and doesn't really make a big deal out of it. 

Arrrgghh it's so hard not to put spoilers! hahaha!

They other characters are also essential to this book. Without B.B. (the antagonist), this book would have been kind of boring. Hahaha! 

This story is about these two finding the right balance to their relationship. It has mysteries and it's truly hot!  

Anyway, this book is good for a first in the series. I almost got pissed when I found out that there's another book. However, a wise man once said... THE WAITING IS SWEETER. :) 

4 fairy wings! 


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C.C. Koen writes contemporary romance with a twist. An avid reader who enjoys mystery and suspense, her stories will never be what you expect. Determined to find adventure in her dreams and life, she enjoys skydiving, sailing and any activity that challenges her. Teacher by day, romance writer at night produce an active imagination that comes to life in her writing.

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  1. Great review! I don't mind instant sparks/connetion when it's done well and convincing. This sounds like a fun, hot read overall though and I like how character driven it sounds!
