Sunday, December 21, 2014


Day 10
12 Days of Christmas Book Blitz Event

Book Blurb

Lucy Phillips doesn't want to spend her Christmas vacation dodging her ex-boyfriend, so when he turns up at the airport to give her a ride home, Lucy panics and asks a complete stranger to kiss her. Although the kiss is incredible, Lucy never expects to see the guy again. Is it bad luck or destiny when Lucy comes down with a sore throat and the new doctor in Snow Valley is none other than Cole Taggart, the guy she kissed at the airport?

Buy link

Snippet #5

As if a giant gravitational force was at work between them, she felt herself leaning toward him. Cole slanted closer until she felt his warm breath mingle with hers. She should move away, make some wisecrack…anything to stop this crazy attraction.

Instead, her eyes fluttered closed as their lips connected. Slowly, he moved his mouth against hers, and like a beautifully choreographed dance, she returned the kiss. Heat infused every part of her, leaving her limbs languid.

Her heart thumped wildly, and a sigh escaped as he deepened the kiss. Barley cognizant of her surroundings, Lucy was both relieved and frustrated when Cole ended the kiss and edged slightly back.

“Lucy, I’m coming to pick you up tomorrow.” His voice was rough with emotion, his eyes serious.

She swallowed, and knew it was pointless to argue. “Okay.”

Author Bio

Hi, I'm Cindy Roland Anderson. I write clean, contemporary romance with a combination of humor, romantic tension and some pretty great kissing scenes. I'm lucky to be married to my best friend. I love being a mother and have five amazing children. Our family has expanded by adding a son-in-law, a daughter-in-law, and four adorable grandchildren. I'm a registered nurse and work in the newborn intensive care unit. I love to read, almost as much as I love writing. And I love chocolate, probably a little too much.

To contact me or to see other projects I'm working on go to:

Don't forget to show some love to our fellow bloggers who are joining us for today's Book Blitz!

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