Tuesday, December 9, 2014


The fifth story in the new adult series that began with the New York Times bestseller REAL.

New Adult Contemporary
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Release: December 9, 2014
Tour Schedule

Every woman wants me--except the one I sing for.
Seattle shakes with anticipation: they call it the concert of the year. They say girls are getting pregnant just thinking about my band being in town.
But when you love a girl, you don't leave her with nothing but a ring and a promise. Any man with half a brain should know.
So what did I expect my girl would do when she saw me again?
Well, for starters, she loathes our music. Particularly the song I wrote about her.
When I sing it, the stadium is in an uproar. Thousands of fans scream my name like I'm a god--but yeah, not her. Crystal clear: the girl's not happy to see me.
Black hair, black boots, a bad attitude, that's her -- Pandora Stone is a freaking man-eater and she's out for my blood.
That's alright.
Let her come at me. Because I'm out for her heart and, this time, there's no way she can stop me.

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An ARC was provided to me in exchange for an honest review.

First of all, I would like to say that I AM SO HONORED to have been chosen to have an ARC of this book. I have been a big fan or Remy and his series.. I also loved Greyson's book... so to have the BEST CHANCE EVER of reviewing this book gives me such great feelings! Thank you, thank you to the author and organizers. :)

Now for the review...


What do I say to a perfectly good second chance book?

Is it good? HELL YEAH!

Does it have a good plot? Yes!

Are the characters unique? TRIPLE CHECK!

I guess I should start with the story. It all revolves around Pandora and her biggest heartbreak named Mackenna. They were all that before. In love, full of hopes and dreams... even though their relationship was a big secret, they were ALL THAT. However, life happened and it stood against them.

Now Pandora is thrown into Kenna's life again and everything just goes into tomatoes.. err.. I mean chaos! ^_^ A beautiful chaos that is.

Pandora is a kind of girl that will frustrate you, entice you, amaze you with her resilience, but will also make some women relate to her in so many levels. She hasn't let anyone near her heart since Mackenna. She learned how to close off and how to guard her heart. She's now ice. Cold as ice... We'll see how Mckenna breaks through. :)

Mackenna on the other hand, is as expected, the rock god material. He's badass with that voice and guitar, but is all soft when it comes to Pandora. He's all about her. I think women would love him because he's very vocal about how he feels. He's good now, but he didn't have the greatest past, so he's determined to be "good enough". When Pandora comes back into his life, he sets out to show just how good he could be. To me though, he's more than enough.

This book details their journey back together... with cameras and all that rock!

If you ask me "Just how hot is this book?" I'd say that IT'S SO HOT... Like 8,5 / 10. The hotness factor is just a plus though. The emotions that this book could evoke from a reader is just more than I expected. It's not a hearts and flowers book but, it is very sweet. There's also a big secret looming in between them... Read the book and find out just how big!

This book doesn't end on a cliff hanger note, but could definitely have a sequel. I'd have to ask the author about it. Hmmm...

So there. If you liked KATY EVANS' previous book... YOU'D DEFINITELY LOVE THIS.
If you haven't tried any of her books... THIS IS YOUR CHANCE! :)

All in all, this book is an awesome take on second chances. It has just the right amount of drama and romance. The author did good! Hats off to you, Miss Evans! You did it again! ^_^

5 fairy wings!

About the Author

Katy Evans grew up with books and book-boyfriends until she found a real sexy boyfriend to love. They married and are now hard at work on their own happily ever after. Katy loves her family and friends, and she also loves reading, walking, baking, and being consumed by her characters until she reaches “The End.” Which is, hopefully, only the beginning…

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