Friday, November 14, 2014


Amanda Maxlyn is excited to share the release of "What's Left of Us", the heartwarming conclusion to What's Left of Me. Make sure to check out the teasers, pick up your copy and enter the $100 Kate Spade Gift Card GIVEAWAY below!

For more fun & giveaways, come join our Facebook Release Party & Blog Tour Event ~ Friday, November 14th

Book Title: What’s Left of Us
Author: Amanda Maxlyn

The heartwarming conclusion to What's Left of Me.

Love found me three years ago.

I’m cancer free, happily married to the love of my life, and working toward my dream career.

Our life is complete. Perfect, really.

Or is it?

I’ve always wanted a family of my own, but never dreamed I could have one. Now Parker’s ready to make my dream our reality.

But sometimes our dreams are haunted by our deepest fears. Fears of failure, having a child, and in our case … death. How do I help the person I love get over his fear when I’m still trying to overcome that same fear myself?

Together we must learn What’s Left of Us.


An ARC was generously provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.

OMG grab the tissues and prepare for a rollercoaster emotional ride!

I loved What's Left Of Me. It is so heart and gut-wrenching that when I saw that an ARC of What's Left Of Us is being offered, I couldn't help but sign up. I loved Amanda Maxlyn's words. She holds no punches, tears you up and will leave you gasping for more!

What's Left Of Us is the continuation of What's Left Of Me. You need to read book 1 before delving into this book to be able to understand what's happening here.  

Aundrea McCall is a cancer survivor. If you've read book 1, you'll know what she had gone through, her difficult years battling with cancer. The God above must be have pitied her because in the middle of all this, Parker Cade Jackson came into her life and became her rock. After years of being together, they're now married and Aundrea is about to graduate from college. She's now living a life that seems unreachable when she was still sick.

But even though Aundrea has all the things she dreamed of, her fear still lurks and she can't seem to shake it off. Her tenacity was tested when Parker asked her of one thing that will make their family whole. Parker also has some fears of his own. Together, they embarked on a journey of moving on with their life, living and hoping for the best, taking a grip and making the most of what they have, being strong together and facing drawbacks.

I love that we get to hear Parker's voice in this book. The hot vet is the perfect guy for Aundrea. He's her rock, the one who makes her strong when she becomes weak and reduces her terrors and gives her hope. They are the perfect soulmate. And their love for one another is manifested in each lines, and verses that Amanda so expertly weaved.

This is truly a marvelous book, one that needs to be recommended to every book lover. I cannot wait for more of Amanda's future projects!


4 Fairy Wings

To Read the Prologue and First Chapter - CLICK HERE

Life works in mysterious ways.

Four years ago I became known as the girl with cancer.

I refuse to cry.

And I refuse to give in.

A relationship with a man is the last thing I’m looking for right now, but one night with Parker changes everything. He is persistent, and he knows what he wants. Me.

He doesn’t treat me like I’m fragile.

But he doesn’t know, and I’m not ready to tell him.

What if it changes everything?

Tragedy found me when I was seventeen.

Love found me when I was twenty-one.

My name is Aundrea McCall, and this is my journey.

I am the mother of two little boys, married to the love of my life, and living in one of the smallest towns in Minnesota. When I’m not chasing or cleaning up after my boys (yes, all three), I can be found writing or snuggled up with my kindle, a glass of wine, and spending time with my fictional friends and family.

I am first and foremost an avid reader! I love to read anything romance from paranormal, young/new adult, contemporary, and even yes, (wide eyes) erotic/BDSM.

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