Saturday, November 15, 2014

✲ IMPERFECTLY CRIMINAL BY MARY FRAME: A RockChick Fairy &Midnight Fairy Review Convo ✲

We're back! It's been a while since we had a review convo and we're finally back! Today, Rock Chick Fairy and I, the Midnight Fairy are going to share with you all the new released novel:

Imperfectly Criminal By Ms. Mary Frame


Freya Morgan thought it was a great idea to hire the bad boy on campus to beat up her douchebag ex-boyfriend after he cheated and treated her like crap. Fast forward a few months, and nothing she’s done has helped her get over the scars left behind by her ex. Not the paid beating, not the string of sucky dates, nothing. 

Dean Collins is in trouble, and it’s all Freya’s fault. After all, she started the trend of all the ladies on campus paying him to do their dirty work. But now, two of the boys he was hired to beat up are dead, and he’s the only connection.

When Freya agrees to help him find the real killer, she discovers that this bad boy isn’t so bad, after all. And getting involved with him means more than finding a killer, it means potentially losing her life…and her heart.


Let's get straight to the point, did you enjoy this book?

RockChickF: Of course yes!!!!

MidnightF: I absolutely did!

Tell us what you love about the book.

RockChickF: I love the cuteness of it all. *happysigh* The premise is adorable and the characters are both just sooooo MFEO (made for each other) haha! :) 

MidnightF: The humor! The first chapter made me laugh and I was hooked from then on.  I second RockChickF about the main characters, they are so perfect for each other!

What can you say about the main characters in this book?

RockChickF: Freya is patterned from modern women. I like how she thinks and I like her attitude. Her reaction to things, especially that big complication is so realistic. I think many readers would like her. On the other hand, Dean (ahem, Winchester? ;p) is a very likable guy. It's not just because he's hot and all that.. he's also very responsible and he's loyal. I like that. I also like that he has found his humor again when Freya came into the picture. I guess it's safe to say again that THEY ARE MFEO. hahahaha! I swear!!! 

MidnightF: Freya is funny and such a  refreshing character. I like how she makes humor in any situation she's in and her love for food. =) Dean is a sweet guy despite how people perceive perceive him. He is more than a guy who beats up people for money. Behind his bad-ass facade is a responsible and loving son and a brother. Dean and Freya balance each other, Freya brings the fun and laughter while Dean brings the feeling of security in their relationship. I just love them together!

Any thoughts about the story line and the writing style?

RockChickF: Um. None. I don't know about you, but I don't really go deep into the "writing style"... The story line though? PERFECT. So, none. I've got nothing to say. Haha!

MidnightF: I think it was beautifully written and I loved how Ms. Frame added some crime and suspense in the story. It was a perfect blend of sweet romance, humor and mystery. I'm excited to read more of Mary Frame's works. =)

Did Imperfectly Criminal meet your expectations?

RockChickF: SURPASSED. 120 %. 

MidnightF: YES! After reading the preview of Imperfectly Criminal from the last book, I knew I'm going to love Freya and Dean's story, and I was right! Imperfectly Criminal is an awesome read. 

What is your least favorite part in the book?

RockChickF: The "oh-man-he's-going-to-jail" scene. :( Who would like that? :(  

MidnightF: I second RockChickF, I didn't like that scene too, poor Dean. I also have to add the scene where Freya was drugged, that was scary!

Are you looking forward to read the next book?

RockChickF: YES. OF COURSE. 

MidnightF: Absolutely! I wanna know whose story it would be about... Ms. Frame if you are reading this, please give us a clue!

Your rating and why?

RockChickF: 5 Fairy Wings because this book made me smile lots. It's that book that you'd feel thankful for because it made your day. I recommend this to everyone who just want to have a good time reading. :) 

MidnightF: 5 Fairy Wings! Imperfectly Criminal is such a good read, it will make you laugh and fall in love with the characters. I highly recommend this book to those who love rom-com movies and sweet romance novels.



Mary Frame is a full time mother and wife with a full time job. She has no idea how she manages to write novels, except that it involves copious amounts of wine.

She doesn't enjoy writing about herself in third person, but she does enjoy reading, writing, dancing, and damaging the ear drums of her co-workers when she randomly decides to sing to them.

She lives in Reno, Nevada with her husband, two children and a border collie named Stella.


  1. Eeeeep!! You guys are so sweet! I am SO SO SO SO glad you liked the book (you have no idea, I read and re-read and edited it to death and I am so sick of it, I can't imagine anyone enjoying it lol :P)

    And to answer your question, I am currently working on a novella for Sam (Lucy's brother), and then I will probably write Liz's story. I feel like she needs a HEA!! ;)

    Love you guys!!! <3 <3 <3 This seriously made me grin like a lunatic and my husband thinks I've lost it lol!!

    1. Ohhh.. You are most welcome and the fairies love you back! ♡♡♡
      I have to be honest though. My answer to the question regarding the next book was altered. I originally typed that Liz needs to be redeemed big time if she's going to have her own book. You can do it!!! I honestly think that you're one of the fairy godmothers who grant our wishes for nice happy ever after books. And because of that... I believe that the next book would just be awesome! 😀

      ~Rock Chick Fairy

    2. Thanks for answering my question, I can't wait to read Sam's story! I'm also looking forward to read Liz' book, she's a very complex character and I'm very curious about her past. Thanks for dropping by our page, we love you too! =)

      -Midnight Fairy
