Friday, November 7, 2014

❥❥❥ BOOK BLITZ: Swept Away by J. Haymore + GIVEAWAY ❥❥❥

Swept Away by J. Haymore 
Publication date: October 20th 2014
Genres: New Adult, Romance, Suspense


He is everywhere. He surrounds me, permeates the air, wends his way under my skin. I can’t escape his strength, his intensity, his presence.

I’m trapped.

There’s nowhere to run.

Nowhere to hide.

But even if I could escape…would I be strong enough to leave?

I needed something—something big—to get myself out of the rut I’d fallen into after the car accident that killed my sister. This sailing trip was meant only to mark a new chapter in my life. Until Ethan Williams stepped on board.

Ethan radiated confidence. His darkly handsome good looks and ocean-blue eyes mesmerized me. But it was the way he looked at me that drew me in. He wasn’t looking at my past or at my scars, but the real me behind all that baggage I was trying so hard to leave behind.

But Ethan had secrets—dark, dangerous secrets. I was trapped in the middle of the ocean in a tangle of lies, sex, and violence. The problem was, I was happy to be trapped forever…if it meant I could have him.

Warning: Swept Away is a 4-part serial. This story is messy and twisted and very, very sexy. It is not for people under 18.



Ethan looks away from me and out over the water. He doesn’t ask me where Emily and I lived after our parents died—that’s usually the next question people ask. But I’m learning quickly that Ethan is different from most people.

We both stare at the ocean for a minute. Finally, he says in a voice so low I have to strain to hear it: “You asked me how I was tempted here. The truth is, doing this…crossing this ocean…it’s something I need to do.”

I nod but gaze at him questioningly, wondering what he means by that. His expression has closed and turned remote, and he doesn’t meet my eyes. There’s definitely a lot more behind that statement than he’s letting on. I open my mouth to ask him, but the shuttered look on his face makes me close it again. Shyness ultimately prevents me from prying further.

We sit in silence, gazing out over the open ocean. I struggle against this craving, this pull to move closer to him. I haven’t felt this drawn to someone since…well, ever.

Every single one of my senses is attuned to him. The nerves on my skin buzz with awareness. My every breath is full of him. His body is solid next to mine, and his heat washes over me. I remember the way his fingers pressed against my lower back yesterday, and I hold my muscles tight to keep from leaning toward him.

Taking a strand of my hair that the rising breeze has made flutter over my cheek, he pushes it aside and tucks it behind my ear. I shudder as his fingers brush over the shell of my ear, then I turn to him.

The softness of his expression fades and warms until there’s undeniable heat in his blue eyes. Scorching heat that burns in places inside me I never knew could feel so hot.

I gaze at him, spellbound, trying to figure him out, trying to glean some understanding from his body language. He keeps giving me these clues that he finds me attractive, but no one ever sees me that way, much less guys as insanely appealing as Ethan, so my mind tries to deny the possibility. My brain frantically scrambles, thinking of other reasons a man might look at me like he wants to devour me whole—but it comes up with nothing.

Unbidden, my gaze moves from his eyes to his lips. They’re slightly parted. His lips are so plump, so kissable.

I want to kiss him. I want him to kiss me. Desperately. My tongue flicks out and swipes over my top lip. His gaze flickers to my mouth.


I can’t tell if it’s a question or a statement, but I answer him.

“Yes.” The word doesn’t sound like it came out of me—it emerges low and sultry, full of longing and heat.

He flattens his hand on the deck behind me, bracing himself, his arm a solid length of muscle along my back. My lips part, releasing a sigh of anticipation.

And then he leans down to kiss me.


1.  What would you say are the defining characteristic of your novels?

All my novels have a touch of intrigue and suspense, and usually there’s a twist people don’t expect. I haven’t been able to pinpoint exactly why, but a lot of reviewers call my books “different”—in a good way, I hope!

I also always have protective heroes. There’s just something about a hero that will do anything to protect his heroine that gets me every single time.

2.  What traits are most important in a romance heroine?

Inner strength, intelligence, and a strong spirit.

3.  What are the 5 best things about being a writer?

(5) Working in PJs
(4) Making my own hours
(3) Being able to travel to amazing places in the name of research
(2) The feeling of writing “the end”
(1) Being able to escape into my characters’ worlds for hours at a time

4.  If you were a heroine in a book, your character would be (a) the girl next door
(b)the damsel in distress
(c) kick-butt take charge heroine
(d)the aloof ice queen

I’d like to be them all! But I’d probably be (a) the girl next door...boring, I know!

5.  How do you conquer writer’s block?

I just write through it. I think to myself, “You’re writing crap. It makes no sense. It’s horrible. But you’re writing it, and you’re not going to stop.” Invariably, I read it later on and always find there’s something I can work with.

6. Where can readers get in touch with you?
Twitter: @jenniferhaymore


USA Today bestselling author Jennifer Haymore is the author of sexy historical and contemporary romance.

You can find Jennifer in Southern California trying to talk her husband into yet another trip to England, helping her three children with homework while brainstorming a new five-minute dinner menu, or crouched in a corner of the local bookstore writing her next novel.

Author links:


Blitz-wide giveaway (INTL)

A copy of Swept Away #1 (eBook or Print - winner's choice)
An early copy of Swept Away 1-4 (complete series)
20$ Amazon gift card