Tuesday, November 18, 2014


Mirror X by Karri Thompson

November 17 – 21, 2014

Cassie Dannacher wakes up in a hospital over 1,000 years into the future after her space capsule is retrieved from space. She soon learns that 600 years prior to her arrival, the earth was struck by a plague, killing over half of the world’s population. Naïve and desperate, Cassie, who longs for home and is having trouble adjusting to the new, dictatorial 31st century government, is comforted by Michael Bennett, the 20-year old lead geneticist at the hospital where she was revived.

But why is Cassie in genetics’ hospital in the first place, and why do several of the people around her seem so familiar, including Travel Carson, the hot and edgy boy she is fated to meet? Soon she discovers there is a sinister answer to all of her questions – and that they want something from Cassie that only she can give.

Barnes & Noble: http://bit.ly/BnNMX
Kobo: http://bit.ly/MirrorXKobo


I received a copy in exchange for an honest review.

The first thing I liked about Mirror X is the very unique world the author created. Cassie, the heroine, who supposedly died in 2022 woke up a thousand and three years later in a very strange world. I told my friend while I was reading Mirror X that this futuristic world Ms. Thompson wrote is believable and not entirely impossible to happen. Specially now that there are a lot of threats to the human race- there's the MERS-Cov in the Middle East, EBOLA in Africa, and rumors about some bacterial infections that mutated and became antibiotic resistant. It's a very scary scenario but it could happen. Anyway, in 3025, people on Earth were left scarred by the plaque that killed half of its population, and it was up to Cassie to save the human race.

The second thing I liked about this book is the idea of cloning, I think it was pretty cool. One of the secondary characters was a clone of James Dean, LOL. I have to admit that I'm not a huge fan of the insta-attraction between Cassie and Michael. The romance was overplayed in this story which made Cassie look like a giggly teenager. There was a short-lived love triangle that I didn't enjoy either.

The middle part of the book was frustrating , especially when one of the biggest secret was revealed. It completely threw me off and I found myself contemplating whether or not I continue reading the book. However, I decided to finish it and it did pick up a little towards the last part of the book. 

Another thing I liked in the story is how the people seemed to treasure life and how they strive to look for ways in order to save the human race. Although some of their methods were somewhat unethical in our time, I think it's commendable that they are exhausting their efforts and resources to prevent extinction. 

Mirror X is the first book of The Van Winkle Project, there are questions still left unanswered, and mysteries yet to be unraveled. I think the series started well and the author is very inventive with the plot twists so, I'm sure there are a lot of things in store for us on the next book.

Rating: 3 Fairy Wings!


Growing up in San Diego, California, Karri Thompson spent much of her years at the beach, reading novels, tanning, and listening to music. At SDSU, she earned a BA in English, MA in education, and her teaching credential. As a wife, mother, and high-school English teacher, she began writing novels, giving all of the compelling plots and unique characters in her head a home. Victorian literature rocks her socks, and when she’s not writing, jogging, going to concerts, or watching her son play football, she’s reading Dickens.

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